2025-01-06     2025-01-07     2025-01-08

valid admincode1 for RW

number of errors=15
number of warnings=0

select countrycode,name,geonameid,admincode1,featureclass,featurecode,relevance from geoname where countrycode in ('RW') and not featureCode in ('ADM1H','ADM2H','ADM3H','ADM4H','ADM5H','ADMD') and admincode1 is not null and admincode1<>'00' and not exists (select 1 from geoname b where b.countrycode=geoname.countrycode and b.admincode1=geoname.admincode1 and b.featurecode='ADM1' and b.countrycode in ('RW')) order by countrycode,name

countrycode	name	geonameid	admincode1	featureclass	featurecode	relevance	
RW	Bihembe	201908	09	L	LCTY	5	
RW	Bwanya	202149	09	H	STM	3	
RW	Gikono	384501	09	H	STM	2	
RW	Isumo	201689	09	H	STM	2	
RW	Kavumu	384480	09	L	LCTY	5	
RW	Kigeli	384489	09	H	STMI	1	
RW	Kindama	384485	09	L	LCTY	5	
RW	Lake Kivu Serena Hotel	10115945	05	S	HTL	1	
RW	Mugera	384514	09	H	STM	1	
RW	Mulindi	201801	09	H	STM	1	
RW	Mulindi	201778	09	H	STM	2	
RW	Mumbizi	201799	09	H	STM	1	
RW	Nyungwe Forest National Park	9179535	03	L	RESN	5	
RW	Rwagitima	9179532	02	H	MRSH	1	
RW	Volcanoes National Park	7733276	10	L	PRK	5