2025-01-30     2025-01-31     2025-02-01

elevation about 3 times as high as dem, metre feet confusion or wrong location

number of errors=0
number of warnings=0

select geonameid,featurecode,name,countrycode,altitude,gtopo30,srtm3,astergdem from geoname where altitude/astergdem=3 and altitude>100 and astergdem>0 and relevance >6 and featureclass='T' and featurecode not in ('ISL','ISLS') and not exists (select 1 from qa_exceptions where qa_exceptions.geonameid=geoname.geonameid and qa_exceptions.key='chkElevationFeetConfused') order by relevance desc

geonameid	featurecode	name	countrycode	altitude	gtopo30	srtm3	astergdem