2025-02-06     2025-02-07     2025-02-08

valid admincode1,2 for TZ

number of errors=20
number of warnings=0

select countrycode,name,geonameid,admincode1,admincode2,featureclass,featurecode,relevance from geoname where countrycode in ('TZ') and not featureCode in ('ADM1H','ADM2H','ADM3H','ADM4H','ADM5H','ADMD') and not featurecode in ('STM') and admincode1 is not null and admincode1<>'00' and admincode2 is not null and not exists (select 1 from geoname b where b.countrycode=geoname.countrycode and b.admincode1=geoname.admincode1 and b.admincode2=geoname.admincode2 and b.featurecode='ADM2' and b.countrycode in ('TZ')) order by relevance desc,admincode1,admincode2

countrycode	name	geonameid	admincode1	admincode2	featureclass	featurecode	relevance	
TZ	Ruaha National Park	150540	04	159070	L	PRK	8	
TZ	Selous Game Reserve	150131	07	155918	L	RESW	8	
TZ	Kitulo Plateau National Park	150411	09	150412	L	RESF	8	
TZ	Bongoyo Island	161069	23	157253	T	ISL	6	
TZ	Kigongwe Forest Reserve	157705	03	160193	L	RESF	5	
TZ	Selous Game Reserve	8199018	07	155918	L	RES	5	
TZ	Mapogoro	154799	09	154379	L	AREA	5	
TZ	Mapogoro	154800	09	7647511	L	AREA	5	
TZ	Mbogo Forest Reserve	154343	10	8659171	L	RESF	5	
TZ	Turiani	9398542	10	8659171	L	LCTY	5	
TZ	Nandembo	877613	11	9072685	L	LCTY	5	
TZ	Amani Nature Reserve Office	10860736	18	152629	L	RESN	5	
TZ	Turiani	149382	18	159673	L	LCTY	5	
TZ	Bongoyo	9401497	23	157253	L	LCTY	5	
TZ	Bongoyo Island Marine Reserve	9401444	23	157253	L	RESN	5	
TZ	Ruaha	9402965	04	159070	P	PPL	3	
TZ	Nandembo	151945	11	9072685	P	PPL	3	
TZ	Ras Nyamaku	151192	18	149601	T	PT	3	
TZ	Mapogoro	154795	30	878221	P	PPL	3	
TZ	Dar es Salaam Harbour	160261	23	149542	H	HBR	1