2025-02-18     2025-02-19     2025-02-20

populated places have timezone

number of errors=2
number of warnings=0

select countrycode,geonameid,name,featurecode from geoname where timezoneid is null and featureclass in ('P') and featurecode <>'PPLQ'

update tmp5 set timezoneid=geoname_timezone.timezoneid from geoname_timezone where geoname_timezone.countrycode=tmp5.countrycode and layer=2 and st_within(tmp5.geography::geometry,wkb_geometry) and tmp5.timezoneid is null;

countrycode	geonameid	name	featurecode	
CN	13192923	Shiba Shequ	PPL	
CN	13192925	Niandaochang	PPLL