2025-02-24     2025-02-25     2025-02-26

the lat/lng for countries should not be within geoname-shape of other country (for bbox there is an other check).

number of errors=0
number of warnings=0

select geoname.name,geoname.geonameid,geoname.countrycode, 'http://map.immofacts.ch/servlet/geonames?srv=781&lat=' || GEONAME.longlat[1] || '&lng=' || GEONAME.longlat[0] as shape from geoname left outer join geoname_shape on level=1 and st_within(st_GeomFromText('Point(' || longlat[0] || ' ' || longlat[1] || ')',4326),wkb_geometry) where featurecode='PCLI' and geoname.countrycode<>geoname_shape.countrycode order by geoname.countrycode

name	geonameid	countrycode	shape