2025-02-25     2025-02-26     2025-02-27

adm2 without ppla2

number of errors=44
number of warnings=0

select geonameid,countrycode,admincode1,admincode2,ansiname from geoname where featurecode = 'ADM2' and admincode1 is not null and admincode1 <>'00' and admincode2 is not null and countrycode || admincode1 || admincode2 not in (select countrycode || admincode1 || admincode2 from geoname where featurecode in ('PPLC','PPLA','PPLA2') and countrycode is not null and admincode1 is not null and admincode1 <>'00' and admincode2 is not null) and countrycode='CH' order by countrycode,admincode1,admincode2

geonameid	countrycode	admincode1	admincode2	ansiname	
6458830	CH	AR	1502	Bezirk Mittelland	
6458863	CH	AR	1503	Bezirk Vorderland	
8260140	CH	BE	241	Bernese Jura	
8260137	CH	BE	243	Seeland District	
8260141	CH	BE	244	Oberaargau	
8260134	CH	BE	248	Obersimmental-Saanen District	
8260135	CH	BE	249	Frutigen-Niedersimmental District	
6458754	CH	FR	1001	Broye District	
2660598	CH	FR	1002	Glane District	
6458796	CH	FR	1003	Gruyere District	
6458820	CH	FR	1005	See District	
6458862	CH	FR	1007	Veveyse District	
11611656	CH	GR	1842	Region Bernina	
11611650	CH	GR	1843	Region Engiadina Bassa / Val Muestair	
11611658	CH	GR	1846	Region Maloja	
11611657	CH	GR	1847	Region Moesa	
11611654	CH	GR	1849	Region Praettigau / Davos	
11611648	CH	GR	1850	Region Surselva	
6458790	CH	JU	2602	Franches-Montagnes District	
8718162	CH	LU	312	Lucerne-Land District	
6458825	CH	NE	2401	Boudry District	
6458835	CH	NE	2406	Val-de-Travers District	
6458838	CH	SG	1722	Wahlkreis Rorschach	
7285000	CH	SG	1723	Wahlkreis Rheintal	
6458880	CH	SG	1724	Wahlkreis Werdenberg	
7285010	CH	SG	1726	Wahlkreis See-Gaster	
6458840	CH	SG	1728	Wahlkreis Wil	
6458794	CH	SH	1405	Bezirk Stein	
6458836	CH	SH	1406	Bezirk Unterklettgau	
6458742	CH	SO	1101	Bezirk Gaeu	
6458869	CH	SO	1102	Bezirk Thal	
6458841	CH	SO	1103	Bezirk Bucheggberg	
6458904	CH	SO	1104	Bezirk Dorneck	
6458874	CH	SO	1105	Bezirk Goesgen	
6458885	CH	SO	1106	Bezirk Wasseramt	
6458829	CH	SO	1107	Bezirk Lebern	
2658380	CH	SO	1110	Bezirk Thierstein	
6458810	CH	SZ	502	Bezirk Gersau	
6458848	CH	SZ	503	Bezirk Hoefe	
6458756	CH	TI	2107	Riviera District	
6458768	CH	VS	2303	Entremont District	
6458766	CH	VS	2304	Goms District	
6458872	CH	VS	2305	Herens District	
6458760	CH	ZH	111	Bezirk Dietikon