2025-02-25     2025-02-26     2025-02-27

adm2 without ppla2

number of errors=46
number of warnings=0

select geonameid,countrycode,admincode1,admincode2,ansiname from geoname where featurecode = 'ADM2' and admincode1 is not null and admincode1 <>'00' and admincode2 is not null and countrycode || admincode1 || admincode2 not in (select countrycode || admincode1 || admincode2 from geoname where featurecode in ('PPLC','PPLA','PPLA2') and countrycode is not null and admincode1 is not null and admincode1 <>'00' and admincode2 is not null) and countrycode='NZ' order by countrycode,admincode1,admincode2

geonameid	countrycode	admincode1	admincode2	ansiname	
7910073	NZ	E8	022	Western Bay of Plenty District	
2188943	NZ	E8	026	Kawerau District	
7910046	NZ	E9	054	Kaikoura District	
7910044	NZ	E9	058	Hurunui District	
7910060	NZ	E9	062	Selwyn District	
2193772	NZ	E9	063	Ashburton District	
2181134	NZ	E9	064	Timaru District	
7910050	NZ	E9	065	Mackenzie District	
2180177	NZ	E9	066	Waimate District	
11694798	NZ	E9	068	Waitaki District	
2179921	NZ	F2	029	Wairoa District	
2190223	NZ	F2	030	Hastings District	
7910034	NZ	F2	032	Central Hawke's Bay District	
7910059	NZ	F3	036	Ruapehu District	
7910071	NZ	F3	037	Whanganui District	
2183713	NZ	F3	038	Rangitikei District	
7910051	NZ	F3	039	Manawatu District	
11694796	NZ	F3	041	Tararua District	
7910043	NZ	F3	042	Horowhenua District	
7910039	NZ	F6	001	Far North District	
7910047	NZ	F6	003	Kaipara District	
7910035	NZ	F7	069	Central Otago District	
7910058	NZ	F7	070	Queenstown-Lakes District	
7910037	NZ	F7	072	Clutha District	
7910061	NZ	F8	073	Southland District	
2190612	NZ	F8	074	Gore District	
2182236	NZ	F9	034	Stratford District	
7910062	NZ	F9	035	South Taranaki District	
2181244	NZ	G1	011	Thames-Coromandel District	
7910042	NZ	G1	012	Hauraki District	
7910068	NZ	G1	013	Waikato District	
7910053	NZ	G1	015	Matamata-Piako District	
7910070	NZ	G1	017	Waipa District	
2185244	NZ	G1	018	Otorohanga District	
7910063	NZ	G1	019	South Waikato District	
2179779	NZ	G1	020	Waitomo District	
2181743	NZ	G1	021	Taupo District	
7910048	NZ	G2	043	Kapiti Coast District	
7910057	NZ	G2	044	Porirua City	
7910067	NZ	G2	045	Upper Hutt City	
7910049	NZ	G2	046	Lower Hutt City	
2187238	NZ	G2	048	Masterton District	
2192570	NZ	G2	049	Carterton District	
7910064	NZ	G2	050	South Wairarapa District	
7910033	NZ	G3	055	Buller District	
2179466	NZ	G3	057	Westland District