2025-02-25     2025-02-26     2025-02-27

same postalcodes must not be far away IT

number of errors=5
number of warnings=0

select a.countrycode, a.zip, a.placename,b.placename, a.estlonglat<->b.estlonglat, a.admincode1,a.admincode2 from zip_code a, zip_code b where a.countrycode=b.countrycode and a.zip=b.zip and a.estlonglat<->b.estlonglat>1 and a.placename


countrycode	zip	placename	placename	?column?	admincode1	admincode2	
IT	39030	Pichl	San Martino In Casies	1.0087885259348017	17	BZ	
IT	39030	Pichl	Prettau	1.05884751775797	17	BZ	
IT	39030	Pichl	Predoi	1.05884751775797	17	BZ	
IT	39030	Pichl	Sexten	1.0677925221868885	17	BZ	
IT	39030	Pichl	Sesto	1.0677925221868885	17	BZ