2025-02-25     2025-02-26     2025-02-27

valid admincode1,2 for PH

number of errors=262
number of warnings=0

select countrycode,name,geonameid,admincode1,admincode2,featureclass,featurecode,relevance from geoname where countrycode in ('PH') and not featureCode in ('ADM1H','ADM2H','ADM3H','ADM4H','ADM5H','ADMD') and not featurecode in ('STM') and admincode1 is not null and admincode1<>'00' and admincode2 is not null and not exists (select 1 from geoname b where b.countrycode=geoname.countrycode and b.admincode1=geoname.admincode1 and b.admincode2=geoname.admincode2 and b.featurecode='ADM2' and b.countrycode in ('PH')) order by relevance desc,admincode1,admincode2

countrycode	name	geonameid	admincode1	admincode2	featureclass	featurecode	relevance	
PH	Cotabato	1716771	14	B8	P	PPLA	17	
PH	Apo Range	1730320	11	C3	T	MTS	11	
PH	Iligan City	1711082	12	34	P	PPL	11	
PH	Port Area	1692872	NCR	D9	P	PPLX	9	
PH	Bagong Pagasa	1966336	40	F2	P	PPL	8	
PH	Mactan Island	1704245	07	D4	T	ISL	7	
PH	Lala	1707943	12	34	P	PPL	7	
PH	Del Monte	1689954	40	F2	P	PPL	7	
PH	University of the Philippines	7091308	40	F2	S	SCH	7	
PH	Little Santa Cruz Island	1705954	09	G7	T	ISL	6	
PH	Sacol Island	1691232	09	G7	T	ISL	6	
PH	Great Santa Cruz Island	1712676	09	G7	T	ISL	6	
PH	Corregidor Island	1716797	40	B6	T	ISL	6	
PH	Hinactacan	1711667	06	C9	P	PPL	5	
PH	Lake Lunay	1705076	08	E4	H	LK	5	
PH	Tictauan Island	1682333	09	G7	T	ISL	5	
PH	Agusan	1731820	10	B2	P	PPL	5	
PH	Digkilaan	1714964	12	34	P	PPL	5	
PH	Matandang Balara	1728425	40	F2	P	PPL	5	
PH	Mariana	7091134	40	F2	P	PPL	5	
PH	Panghulo	1695268	NCR	B4	P	PPL	5	
PH	Isla de Cocomo	1717291	NCR	D9	T	ISL	5	
PH	Engineer Island	1713870	NCR	D9	T	ISL	5	
PH	Malate	1702996	NCR	D9	P	PPLX	5	
PH	Novaliches Watershed Reservation	1906850	NCR	F2	L	RESV	5	
PH	Tanauar Plateau	1683334	03	E3	T	PLAT	4	
PH	Kawit Island	1717694	07	B7	T	ISL	4	
PH	Magellan Bay	1703887	07	D4	H	BAY	4	
PH	Kabalawan Islands	1709986	08	G1	T	ISLS	4	
PH	Basilan Strait	1726399	09	22	H	STRT	4	
PH	Tulnalutan Island	1680830	09	G7	T	ISL	4	
PH	Sinunug Island	1686156	09	G7	T	ISL	4	
PH	Silanga Island	1958361	10	G4	T	ISL	4	
PH	Silanga Point	1686524	10	G4	T	PT	4	
PH	Sapad	1687322	12	34	P	PPL	4	
PH	Buawan	1722730	12	34	P	PPL	4	
PH	Salvador	1690684	12	34	P	PPL	4	
PH	Rogongon	1691561	12	34	P	PPL	4	
PH	Santa Mesa Heights	7607848	40	F2	P	PPL	4	
PH	Krus Na Ligas	1716684	40	F2	P	PPL	4	
PH	Ermitaño	1713827	40	F2	P	PPL	4	
PH	Saint Ignacius	7091165	40	F2	P	PPL	4	
PH	Miriam College	7091307	40	F2	S	SCHC	4	
PH	Sampaloc	1690577	40	F2	P	PPLX	4	
PH	Diliman	1714866	40	F2	P	PPL	4	
PH	Greater Lagro	1966341	40	F2	P	PPL	4	
PH	San Juan	1689221	40	F2	P	PPL	4	
PH	Libis	7091167	40	F2	P	PPL	4	
PH	Rock Point	1691575	40	F2	T	PT	4	
PH	Obrero	1726567	40	F2	P	PPL	4	
PH	Balut Island	1727704	NCR	B4	T	ISL	4	
PH	Manila North Harbor	1701659	NCR	D9	H	HBR	4	
PH	Estero de Ganado	1713281	NCR	D9	T	DPR	4	
PH	Provisor Island	1692742	NCR	D9	T	ISL	4	
PH	Convalencia Island	1716898	NCR	D9	T	ISL	4	
PH	Guecet Point	1712588	01	B9	T	PT	3	
PH	Saoangan	1687353	01	B9	P	PPL	3	
PH	Mancha Blanca	1702000	03	E3	T	CLF	3	
PH	Santa Rita Valley	1687916	03	E3	T	VAL	3	
PH	Kalaklan Ridge	1709724	03	E3	T	RDGE	3	
PH	Magdalen Bluff	1703908	03	E3	T	CLF	3	
PH	Maritan Point	1700870	03	E3	T	PT	3	
PH	Catubeg Reef	1717795	05	D5	H	RF	3	
PH	Lava Island	1707038	07	B7	T	ISL	3	
PH	Laua Island	1936370	07	D4	T	ISL	3	
PH	Alegria	1731559	08	E4	P	PPL	3	
PH	Bantod Point	1726987	08	E4	T	PT	3	
PH	Delta of Bao River	1726868	08	E4	T	DLTA	3	
PH	Magsumbul Daco Island	1703747	08	G1	T	ISL	3	
PH	Dio Islet	1714710	08	G1	T	ISL	3	
PH	Bagasumbut Islands	1729154	08	G1	T	ISLS	3	
PH	Burayan	1722478	08	G1	P	PPL	3	
PH	Magsumbul Diutay Island	1703746	08	G1	T	ISL	3	
PH	Bagacay Island	1729257	08	G1	T	ISL	3	
PH	Bucay Island	1723563	08	G1	T	ISL	3	
PH	Redondo Island	1691788	08	G1	T	ISL	3	
PH	Lazaretto Island	1706926	08	G1	T	ISL	3	
PH	Bacalan Island	1729687	08	G1	T	ISL	3	
PH	Balaniug	1728474	09	E7	P	PPL	3	
PH	Cocob	1717296	09	G7	P	PPL	3	
PH	Balabac Island	1728673	09	G7	T	ISL	3	
PH	Little Malanipa Island	1705957	09	G7	T	ISL	3	
PH	Tumalutab	1680784	09	G7	P	PPL	3	
PH	Santa Cruz Bank	1688213	09	G7	U	BKSU	3	
PH	Vilanvilan	1679960	09	G7	P	PPL	3	
PH	Sinunug	1686131	09	G7	P	PPL	3	
PH	Malanipa Island	1703086	09	G7	T	ISL	3	
PH	Luuk	1704879	09	G7	P	PPL	3	
PH	Pangapuyan Island	1695373	09	G7	T	ISL	3	
PH	Mariqui Point	1700884	09	G7	T	PT	3	
PH	Balabac	1728676	09	G7	P	PPL	3	
PH	Tetuan	1682465	09	G7	P	PPL	3	
PH	Puntod Island	6569645	10	B2	T	ISL	3	
PH	Cugman	1708494	10	B2	P	PPL	3	
PH	Dimalo-oc	1714845	10	G4	P	PPL	3	
PH	Dalahuan	1716099	11	70	P	PPL	3	
PH	Mara	1978413	11	70	P	PPL	3	
PH	Ladol	1978412	11	70	P	PPL	3	
PH	Tocawal	1681646	11	70	P	PPL	3	
PH	Lumit	1705135	11	70	P	PPL	3	
PH	Lipadas Point	1979697	11	C3	T	PT	3	
PH	Dumuy Point	1714097	11	C3	T	PT	3	
PH	Dumalag Island	1714188	11	C3	T	ISL	3	
PH	Panuntungan	1694889	11	C3	P	PPL	3	
PH	Dato Abedin	1715401	12	C6	P	PPL	3	
PH	Sarangani Valley	1687180	12	C6	T	VAL	3	
PH	San Bartolome	1690264	40	F2	P	PPL	3	
PH	Barilan	1726672	40	F2	P	PPL	3	
PH	Mangga	7091139	40	F2	P	PPL	3	
PH	Claro	7091141	40	F2	P	PPL	3	
PH	Bagumbuhay	7091145	40	F2	P	PPL	3	
PH	Doña Aurora	7091095	40	F2	P	PPL	3	
PH	Tatalon	7091131	40	F2	P	PPL	3	
PH	San Roque	7091243	40	F2	P	PPL	3	
PH	Kanluran	7091121	40	F2	P	PPL	3	
PH	Don Manuel	7091096	40	F2	P	PPL	3	
PH	Laging Handa	7091090	40	F2	P	PPL	3	
PH	Sacred Heart	7091091	40	F2	P	PPL	3	
PH	Ramon Magsaysay	7091092	40	F2	P	PPL	3	
PH	Malamig	1703141	40	F2	P	PPL	3	
PH	U.P. Village	7091309	40	F2	P	PPL	3	
PH	Lourdes	7091132	40	F2	P	PPL	3	
PH	Doña Imelda	7091110	40	F2	P	PPL	3	
PH	Valencia	7091119	40	F2	P	PPL	3	
PH	New Era	7091156	40	F2	P	PPL	3	
PH	Gulod	1966319	40	F2	P	PPL	3	
PH	Mahabang-gubat	1703649	40	F2	P	PPL	3	
PH	Sauyo	1966335	40	F2	P	PPL	3	
PH	Bahay Toro	1728826	40	F2	P	PPL	3	
PH	Paligsahan	7091130	40	F2	P	PPL	3	
PH	Alicia	7091093	40	F2	P	PPL	3	
PH	Doña Josefa	7091094	40	F2	P	PPL	3	
PH	Damayang Lagi	7091133	40	F2	P	PPL	3	
PH	Talipapa	1683906	40	F2	P	PPL	3	
PH	Sangandaan	7090979	40	F2	P	PPL	3	
PH	Tagumpay	7091140	40	F2	P	PPL	3	
PH	Santo Domingo	1687729	40	F2	P	PPL	3	
PH	Santa Lucia	1966340	40	F2	P	PPL	3	
PH	Once	1697114	40	F2	P	PPL	3	
PH	West Kamias	7091135	40	F2	P	PPL	3	
PH	Binuksuk	1966343	40	F2	P	PPL	3	
PH	East Kamias	7091136	40	F2	P	PPL	3	
PH	San Isidro	1689675	40	F2	P	PPL	3	
PH	Sapang Camias	1687285	40	F2	P	PPL	3	
PH	La Loma	1707877	40	F2	P	PPL	3	
PH	Quirino	7091137	40	F2	P	PPL	3	
PH	Silangan	7091138	40	F2	P	PPL	3	
PH	Tandang Sora	1906816	40	F2	P	PPL	3	
PH	Villa Maria Clara	7091161	40	F2	P	PPL	3	
PH	White Plains	7091166	40	F2	P	PPL	3	
PH	Santo Niño	7091193	40	F2	P	PPL	3	
PH	San Antonio	1690327	40	F2	P	PPL	3	
PH	Banlat	1727137	40	F2	P	PPL	3	
PH	Santo Cristo	7091073	40	F2	P	PPL	3	
PH	Santa Monica	1687986	40	F2	P	PPL	3	
PH	Murphy	1699046	40	F2	P	PPLX	3	
PH	Project 6	7091074	40	F2	P	PPL	3	
PH	Manresa	7091078	40	F2	P	PPL	3	
PH	Sienna	7091089	40	F2	P	PPL	3	
PH	Talampas	1684069	40	F2	P	PPL	3	
PH	Baesa	1729339	40	F2	P	PPL	3	
PH	Pinaglabanan	1693678	40	F2	P	PPL	3	
PH	Mapuntod	1701225	40	F2	P	PPL	3	
PH	Bayanihan	7091163	40	F2	P	PPL	3	
PH	Manila Heights Subdivision	1701662	40	F2	P	PPLX	3	
PH	Malitlit	1702617	40	F2	P	PPL	3	
PH	Masagana	7091160	40	F2	P	PPL	3	
PH	San Jose	1689464	40	F2	P	PPL	3	
PH	San Vicente	7091154	40	F2	P	PPL	3	
PH	Immaculate Concepcion	7091124	40	F2	P	PPL	3	
PH	Milagrosa	7091159	40	F2	P	PPL	3	
PH	Malaya	7091152	40	F2	P	PPL	3	
PH	Teachers Village	7091149	40	F2	P	PPL	3	
PH	Grace Park	1712699	40	F2	P	PPL	3	
PH	Sikatuna	7091148	40	F2	P	PPL	3	
PH	San Martin De Porres	7091122	40	F2	P	PPL	3	
PH	Duyan Duyan	7091143	40	F2	P	PPL	3	
PH	Zobel	7091158	40	F2	P	PPL	3	
PH	Roxas	7091129	40	F2	P	PPL	3	
PH	Soccorro	7091123	40	F2	P	PPL	3	
PH	Bagbag	1729137	40	F2	P	PPL	3	
PH	Galas	1713361	40	F2	P	PPL	3	
PH	Kalusugan	7091128	40	F2	P	PPL	3	
PH	Fugosa	7607849	40	F2	P	PPL	3	
PH	Kristong Hari	7091127	40	F2	P	PPL	3	
PH	E. Rodriguez	7091125	40	F2	P	PPL	3	
PH	Maytubig	1699927	NCR	D9	P	PPL	3	
PH	Vitas Mouth	1679771	NCR	D9	H	STMM	3	
PH	Vitas Estero	1679772	NCR	D9	H	CHNM	3	
PH	Susana Height	1966083	NCR	D9	P	PPL	3	
PH	Estero de Magdalena	1703909	NCR	D9	H	CHNM	3	
PH	Estero de Concordia	1716971	NCR	D9	H	CHNM	3	
PH	Estero Marala	1701128	NCR	D9	H	ESTY	3	
PH	Engineer Point	1713869	NCR	D9	T	PT	3	
PH	Estero de Tripa de Gallena	1681308	NCR	D9	H	ESTY	3	
PH	Port Olongapo	1697174	03	E3	H	ANCH	2	
PH	Poliqui Bay	1693116	05	D5	H	BAY	2	
PH	Calaptan Sapa	1720526	06	F8	H	STMI	2	
PH	Maluso Bay	1702424	09	22	H	BAY	2	
PH	Bagong Lipunan ng Camp Crame	1719614	40	F2	S	PP	2	
PH	Golden Cronica Publishing	7090984	40	F2	P	PPLS	2	
PH	Manila South Harbor	1701656	NCR	D9	H	HBR	2	
PH	South Port District	1685707	NCR	D9	P	PPLX	2	
PH	Tambac River	1683648	01	B9	H	STMD	1	
PH	Port of Dagupan	1716191	01	B9	H	ANCH	1	
PH	Sixteen-foot Shoal	1685981	03	E3	H	SHOL	1	
PH	Alava Wharf	1903703	03	E3	S	WHRF	1	
PH	Osir Basin	1903700	03	E3	H	ANCH	1	
PH	Rivera Wharf	1903701	03	E3	S	WHRF	1	
PH	Ilanin Bay	1711132	03	E3	H	BAY	1	
PH	Caiman Shoal	1720853	03	E3	H	SHOL	1	
PH	Poliqui Reef	1693115	05	D5	H	RF	1	
PH	Iloilo Harbor	1711001	06	C9	H	HBR	1	
PH	Campanario Shoal	1719638	07	B7	H	SHOL	1	
PH	Cebu Harbor	1717505	07	B7	H	HBR	1	
PH	Lipata Bank	1706063	07	B7	H	BNK	1	
PH	Lauis Ledge	1707070	07	B7	H	RF	1	
PH	Lazarino Shoal	1706925	07	B7	H	SHOL	1	
PH	Port Bello	1725603	08	E4	H	ANCH	1	
PH	Cancabato Bay	1719361	08	G1	H	BAY	1	
PH	Tacloban Harbor	1684710	08	G1	H	HBR	1	
PH	Anibong Bay	1730680	08	G1	H	BAY	1	
PH	Tictauan Channel	1682334	09	G7	H	CHNM	1	
PH	Zamboanga Harbor	1679427	09	G7	H	HBR	1	
PH	Masinloc Anchorage	1700662	09	G7	H	ANCH	1	
PH	President Shoal	1692779	09	G7	H	SHOL	1	
PH	Tictauan Shoal	1682332	09	G7	H	SHOL	1	
PH	Caldera Bay	1720384	09	G7	H	BAY	1	
PH	Mimping Passage	1957321	09	G7	H	CHNM	1	
PH	Great Sand Bank	1712677	09	G7	H	BNK	1	
PH	Landac	1957319	09	G7	H	RFC	1	
PH	Cagayan Anchorage	1721085	10	B2	H	ANCH	1	
PH	Kaniangan Creek	6676057	10	G4	H	CRKT	1	
PH	Maloro Cove	1702511	10	G4	H	COVE	1	
PH	Dimalooc Cove	1714844	10	G4	H	COVE	1	
PH	Talomo Bay	1683777	11	C3	H	BAY	1	
PH	Daliao Reefs	1716017	11	C3	H	RF	1	
PH	Makar Cove	1703422	12	C6	H	COVE	1	
PH	Banwalan Cove	1726908	12	C6	H	COVE	1	
PH	Payatas Landfill	7091064	40	F2	S	LNDF	1	
PH	Estero Sunog Apog	1685257	40	F2	H	CHNM	1	
PH	BF Homes Subdivision	7090981	40	F2	S	HSE	1	
PH	Filinvest Homes	1906874	40	F2	S	HSE	1	
PH	Ateneo University	7091306	40	F2	S	SCHC	1	
PH	La Mesa Dam	1966337	40	F2	S	DAM	1	
PH	Estero de Tanque	1683051	NCR	B4	H	CHNM	1	
PH	Manila Harbor	1701663	NCR	B4	H	HBR	1	
PH	Manila Canal	1701665	NCR	B4	H	CNL	1	
PH	Dagatdagatan Lagoon	1716244	NCR	B4	H	LGN	1	
PH	Estero de la Reina	1691771	NCR	D9	H	CHNM	1	
PH	Estero Aviles	1729917	NCR	D9	H	CHNM	1	
PH	Estero de Binondo	1724935	NCR	D9	H	CHNM	1	
PH	Estero de San Lazaro	1689176	NCR	D9	H	CHNM	1	
PH	Inner Basin	1710684	NCR	D9	H	ANCH	1	
PH	Estero de San Miguel	1688935	NCR	D9	H	CHNM	1	
PH	Estero de Quiapo	1692183	NCR	D9	H	CHNM	1	
PH	Traders Hotel - Manila	6472226	NCR	D9	S	HTL	1	
PH	Estero de San Sebastian	1688431	NCR	D9	H	CHNM	1	
PH	Estero de Paco	1696816	NCR	D9	H	CHNM	1	
PH	Estero de Pandacan	1695584	NCR	D9	H	CNL	1	
PH	Estero de Valencia	1680104	NCR	D9	H	CHNM	1	
PH	Hotel Philippine Plaza	6488832	NCR	E9	S	HTL	1