2025-02-26     2025-02-27     2025-02-28

regions of countries have continent as parent, if all cc are on the same continent

number of errors=0
number of warnings=0

select geonameid,name,featurecode from geoname where geonameid in (select geonameid from (select distinct p.geonameid,p.name,p.featurecode,continent from geoname c, geoname p,geoname_hierarchy, country where c.featurecode='PCLI' and p.featurecode in ('RGN','ISLS','MTS') and c.geonameid=childid and p.geonameid=parentid and c.countrycode=iso) s group by geonameid having count(*)=1) and not exists (select 1 from geoname_hierarchy where childid=geonameid) and geonameid not in (12954643)

geonameid	name	featurecode