2025-02-26     2025-02-27     2025-02-28

valid admincode1,2 for AT

number of errors=37
number of warnings=0

select countrycode,name,geonameid,admincode1,admincode2,featureclass,featurecode,relevance from geoname where countrycode in ('AT') and not featureCode in ('ADM1H','ADM2H','ADM3H','ADM4H','ADM5H','ADMD') and not featurecode in ('STM') and admincode1 is not null and admincode1<>'00' and admincode2 is not null and not exists (select 1 from geoname b where b.countrycode=geoname.countrycode and b.admincode1=geoname.admincode1 and b.admincode2=geoname.admincode2 and b.featurecode='ADM2' and b.countrycode in ('AT')) order by relevance desc,admincode1,admincode2

countrycode	name	geonameid	admincode1	admincode2	featureclass	featurecode	relevance	
AT	Wörner	2806130	02	091	T	MT	6	
AT	Wetterwandeck	2809948	02	091	T	MT	6	
AT	Schänzlekopf	2840431	02	097	T	MT	6	
AT	Rauhhorn	2849946	02	097	T	MT	6	
AT	Rauheck	2850003	02	097	T	MT	6	
AT	Obere Gottesackerwände	2860999	02	097	T	MT	6	
AT	Leiterhorn	2917997	02	091	T	MT	5	
AT	Untere Wettersteinspitze	2819597	02	091	T	MT	5	
AT	Planberg	2947950	02	091	T	MT	5	
AT	Kotbach Spitze	2902903	02	091	T	PK	5	
AT	Lerchfleckspitze	2878509	02	091	T	MT	5	
AT	Lerchkogel	2878508	02	091	T	MT	5	
AT	Alplhorn	2958192	02	091	T	PK	5	
AT	Bäralpel Kopf	2952529	02	091	T	PK	5	
AT	Dosso Gais	3176409	06	UD	T	MT	5	
AT	Passo Giramondo	2773142	06	UD	T	PASS	5	
AT	Großer Pal	3171604	06	UD	T	MT	5	
AT	Giogo Veranis	3164568	06	UD	T	PASS	5	
AT	Großes Palfelhorn	2915710	02	091	T	PK	4	
AT	Vordere Schlichtenkarspitze	2816311	02	091	T	PK	4	
AT	Niederbrunnsulzen Kogel	2917401	02	091	T	MT	4	
AT	Steinkarl Spitze	2827882	02	091	T	PK	4	
AT	Burgberg	2941428	02	091	T	MT	4	
AT	Nesselberg	2866436	02	091	T	MT	4	
AT	Reinhardsberg	2848794	02	091	T	MT	4	
AT	Hammerspitzen	2835632	02	097	T	PK	4	
AT	Schwarzenberg	2834992	02	097	T	MT	4	
AT	Fiderepaß	2926920	02	097	T	PASS	4	
AT	Wiedhag	2809564	02	097	T	MT	4	
AT	Muttlerkopf	2867307	02	097	T	MT	4	
AT	B’schießer	2942966	02	097	T	MT	4	
AT	Kronalpe	3178032	06	UD	T	MT	4	
AT	Passo Pecol di Ciaula	3171349	06	UD	T	PASS	4	
AT	Scheibelberg	2840041	02	091	T	MT	3	
AT	Persilkopf	2854806	02	091	T	PK	3	
AT	Drei Jäger	2935154	02	091	T	PK	3	
AT	Lechler Kanz	2879777	02	097	T	MT	3