number of errors=9
number of warnings=0
select geonameid,countrycode,admincode1,admincode2,ansiname from geoname where featurecode = 'ADM2' and admincode1 is not null and admincode1 <>'00' and admincode2 is not null and countrycode || admincode1 || admincode2 not in (select countrycode || admincode1 || admincode2 from geoname where featurecode in ('PPLC','PPLA','PPLA2') and countrycode is not null and admincode1 is not null and admincode1 <>'00' and admincode2 is not null) and countrycode='GB' order by countrycode,admincode1,admincode2
geonameid countrycode admincode1 admincode2 ansiname 2641235 GB ENG J6 Northumberland 2641169 GB ENG J9 Nottinghamshire 2636512 GB ENG N7 Surrey 13192429 GB ENG NNH North Northamptonshire 7290535 GB ENG Z6 Central Bedfordshire 7290536 GB ENG Z7 Cheshire East 2638384 GB ENG Z9 Isles of Scilly 2657830 GB SCT T6 Aberdeenshire 3333244 GB WLS Y4 Monmouthshire