2025-02-28     2025-03-01     2025-03-02

each ADM2H is within current ADM2 shape

number of errors=14
number of warnings=0

select countrycode,featurecode,geonameid from geoname where featurecode='ADM2H' and not exists (select 1 from geoname_shape where geoname.countrycode=geoname_shape.countrycode and level=3 and st_within(geography::geometry,wkb_geometry)) and exists (select 1 from geoname_shape where level=3 and geoname_shape.countrycode=geoname.countrycode) and countrycode not in ('DE','RU') and geoname.geonameid not in (445405) order by 1

countrycode	featurecode	geonameid	
UA	ADM2H	696872	
UA	ADM2H	8520167	
UA	ADM2H	697796	
UA	ADM2H	703266	
UA	ADM2H	687055	
UA	ADM2H	694120	
UA	ADM2H	710276	
UA	ADM2H	8693025	
UA	ADM2H	709051	
UA	ADM2H	701078	
UA	ADM2H	700708	
UA	ADM2H	9644998	
UA	ADM2H	703234	
US	ADM2H	4140987