number of errors=3
number of warnings=0
select b.geonameid,st_npoints(maxgeometry),st_perimeter(maxgeometry)/ st_npoints(maxgeometry) as q,st_area(maxgeometry),g.countrycode,g.featurecode from geoname_bbox b,geoname g where b.geonameid=g.geonameid and b.featurecode like 'PCL%' and b.featurecode<>'PCLH' and st_perimeter(maxgeometry)/ st_npoints(maxgeometry)>0.003 and countrycode not in ('BV','KE','NU','SZ') order by 3 desc;
update country boundaries from better source as usgs
geonameid st_npoints q st_area countrycode featurecode 102358 24258 0.004850722901872047 171.34968353664797 SA PCLI 357994 19632 0.003507221267476359 89.23791231296539 EG PCLI 2434508 18565 0.00318493414059601 107.12642027362874 TD PCLI