number of errors=32
number of warnings=0
select countrycode,iso_3166_2,name,subdivisionid from countrysubdivision where countrysubdivtypeid is null and geonameslevel=1 and validtill is null order by countrycode
[{key=IO,number=8}, {key=US,number=6}, {key=CS,number=4}, {key=KN,number=2}, {key=NO,number=2}, {key=SJ,number=2}, {key=IQ,number=1}, {key=KR,number=1}, {key=MK,number=1}, {key=MM,number=1}, {key=RS,number=1}, {key=RU,number=1}, {key=SD,number=1}, {key=TM,number=1}] insert into countrysubdivtype(typeid,cc,type) values (nextval('countrysubdivtypeid'),'xx','xx'); update countrysubdivision set countrysubdivtypeid = xx where countrysubdivtypeid is null and countrycode='xx';
countrycode iso_3166_2 name subdivisionid CS VOJ Vojvodina null CS SER Serbia null CS KOS Kosovo null CS MON Montenegro null IO SI Salomon Islands null IO EA Eagle Islands null IO DG Diego Garcia null IO NI Nelsons Island null IO PB Peros Banhos null IO EG Egmont Islands null IO TB Three Brothers null IO DI Danger Island null IQ null Halabja 12218240 KN K Saint Kitts null KN N Nevis null KR 50 Sejong 8394437 MK null Skopje 11398357 MM 18 Nay Pyi Taw 8239588 NO 21 Svalbard null NO 22 Jan Mayen null RS null Serbia Centrale 785958 RU ZAB Zabaykal'skiy kray 7779061 SD GK West Kurdufan 408659 SJ 22 Jan Mayen 3041964 SJ 21 Svalbard 7521757 TM S Aşgabat 162182 US AS American Samoa null US UM U.S. Minor Outlying Islands null US GU Guam null US MP Northern Mariana Islands null US PR Puerto Rico null US VI Virgin Islands of the U.S. null