2025-03-03     2025-03-04     2025-03-05


number of errors=20
number of warnings=0

select * from duplicates order by countrycode

countrycode	geonameid	name	id2	name2	
AM	10646424	Astvatsatsin Surb	10646485	Hovhannes Surb	
AM	10643615	Hovhannes Surb	10643623	Step’anos Surb	
AM	10526148	Astvatsatsin Surb	10526177	Karapet Surb	
CY	16034	Panagía	16087	Archángelos	
ES	10343476	Parroquia De Nuestra Señora Del Socorro	10343478	Santuary of Our Lady of the Hermits	
ES	2511383	Iglesia de San Francisco	2519314	Iglesia de la Concepción	
GB	19126	Agía Theodóra	19127	Panagía tis Trachiás	
GR	10247606	Ágioi Anárgyroi	10247608	Agía Sofía	
GR	444880	Panagía	8436723	Aghia Paraskevi	
IT	10626946	Cattedrale Di S. Stefano	10626947	Duomo Santa Maria Maggiore	
KE	193020	Kegonge	193653	Karungu	
KE	8465437	Messiah Gospel Center	8465438	Apostolic Church of Christ	
KI	7577046	Our Lady of the Rosary Catholic Church	7577047	Oldest and Tallest Kiribati Church	
KR	6942607	Church In Seoul - meeting hall	6942609	Church in Seoul	
KR	6942608	Church in Seoul - Itaewon	6942609	Church in Seoul	
KR	6942607	Church In Seoul - meeting hall	6942608	Church in Seoul - Itaewon	
NO	3133893	Tromsdalen	9967318	Arctic Cathedral	
NO	3144349	Nord-Frøya	8532534	Sletta krk.	
NO	8532430	Masi	8532466	Lappoluobbal	
SE	8131351	Sankta Gertruds Kapell	8131387	Hoppets Kapell