number of errors=0
number of warnings=0
select countrycode,iso_3166_2,name,fips,capital,geonameslevel,subdivisionid,validfrom,validtill from countrysubdivision where exists (select 1 from (select countrycode,iso_3166_2 from countrysubdivision where iso_3166_2 is not null and validtill is null and geonameslevel>0 group by 1,2 having count(*)>1) t where t.countrycode=countrysubdivision.countrycode and t.iso_3166_2=countrysubdivision.iso_3166_2) order by countrycode,iso_3166_2
countrycode iso_3166_2 name fips capital geonameslevel subdivisionid validfrom validtill