number of errors=4
number of warnings=0
select geonameid,ansiname,countrycode,admincode1 from geoname where featurecode='ADM1' and not exists (select 1 from countrysubdivision where geoname.countrycode=countrysubdivision.countrycode and admincode1=geonamesadmcode and admlevel>0) and admincode1<>'00' and countrycode<>admincode1 order by countrycode,admincode1
Number of countries=2; [{key=SC,number=3}, {key=IL,number=1}]
geonameid ansiname countrycode admincode1 11821181 Judea and Samaria Area IL WE 11876017 Outer Islands SC 11876017 12200079 Ile Perseverance I SC 12200079 12200080 Ile Perseverance II SC 12200080