2025-03-04     2025-03-05     2025-03-06

each ADM3H is within current ADM3 shape

number of errors=16
number of warnings=0

select countrycode,featurecode,geonameid from geoname where featurecode='ADM3H' and not exists (select 1 from geoname_shape where geoname.countrycode=geoname_shape.countrycode and level=4 and st_within(geography::geometry,wkb_geometry)) and exists (select 1 from geoname_shape where level=4 and geoname_shape.countrycode=geoname.countrycode) and countrycode not in ('JP','US') and geonameid not in (11594681) order by 1

countrycode	featurecode	geonameid	
EE	ADM3H	11862585	
EE	ADM3H	11862583	
EE	ADM3H	11862588	
EE	ADM3H	11862584	
EE	ADM3H	11862590	
EE	ADM3H	11862589	
EE	ADM3H	11862587	
EE	ADM3H	11862586	
GB	ADM3H	2639033	
GB	ADM3H	2644975	
GB	ADM3H	2645285	
GB	ADM3H	2656700	
ID	ADM3H	7030346	
KR	ADM3H	9983613	
KR	ADM3H	9887712	
NP	ADM3H	1283517