2025-03-04     2025-03-05     2025-03-06

each ADM3 should be within shape

number of errors=3
number of warnings=0

select countrycode,geoname.geonameid,name from geoname,geoname_bbox where not exists (select 1 from geoname_bbox where geoname.geonameid=geoname_bbox.geonameid and (st_within(geography::geometry,wkb_geometry) or wkb_geometry is null)) and geoname.geonameid=geoname_bbox.geonameid and geoname.featurecode='ADM3'

[{key=IN,number=2}, {key=KR,number=1}]
fix with st_centroid or ST_PointOnSurface

countrycode	geonameid	name	
KR	8691955	Sinin-dong	
IN	12684936	Tarak Lengdi Cicle	
IN	12685116	Vatva