2025-03-05     2025-03-06     2025-03-07

adm3 without ppla3

number of errors=16
number of warnings=0

select geonameid,countrycode,admincode1,admincode2,admincode3,ansiname from geoname where featurecode = 'ADM3' and not exists (select 1 from geoname ppla3 where featurecode in ('PPLC','PPLA','PPLA2','PPLA3') and GEONAME.countryCode=ppla3.countryCode and GEONAME.admincode1=ppla3.admincode1 and GEONAME.admincode2=ppla3.admincode2 and GEONAME.admincode3=ppla3.admincode3) and countrycode='NL' order by countrycode,admincode1,admincode2,admincode3

geonameid	countrycode	admincode1	admincode2	admincode3	ansiname	
11525046	NL	07	0363	A	Centrum	
11525047	NL	07	0363	B	Westpoort	
11525048	NL	07	0363	E	West	
11525049	NL	07	0363	F	Nieuw-West	
11525050	NL	07	0363	K	Zuid	
11525051	NL	07	0363	M	Oost	
11525045	NL	07	0363	N	Noord	
11525052	NL	07	0363	T	Zuidoost	
11525037	NL	11	0518	1	Loosduinen	
11525038	NL	11	0518	2	Escamp	
11525039	NL	11	0518	3	Segbroek	
11525040	NL	11	0518	4	Scheveningen	
11525041	NL	11	0518	5	Centrum	
11525042	NL	11	0518	6	Laak	
11525043	NL	11	0518	7	Haagse Hout	
11525044	NL	11	0518	8	Leidschenveen-Ypenburg