2025-03-05     2025-03-06     2025-03-07

duplicates for cities15000

number of errors=2
number of warnings=0

select a.countrycode,a.geonameid,b.geonameid,a.name,a.admincode1,b.admincode1 from geoname a, geoname b where a.geonameid <> b.geonameid and a.featureclass='P' and b.featureclass='P' and lower(a.name)=lower(b.name) and a.longlat<->b.longlat<0.25 and a.iscities15000 and b.iscities15000 and a.admincode1=b.admincode1

countrycode	geonameid	geonameid	name	admincode1	admincode1	
CN	8417604	1815878	Longxing	33	33	
CN	1815878	8417604	Longxing	33	33