2025-03-05     2025-03-06     2025-03-07

admincode1 for PPLA from geoname in countrysubdiv table

number of errors=2
number of warnings=0

select geonameid,ansiname,countrycode,admincode1 from geoname where featurecode='PPLA' and not exists (select 1 from countrysubdivision where geoname.countrycode=countrysubdivision.countrycode and admincode1=geonamesadmcode) and admincode1<>'00' order by countrycode,admincode1

Number of countries=2;
[{key=EH,number=1}, {key=IL,number=1}]

geonameid	ansiname	countrycode	admincode1	
2463447	Dakhla	EH	CE	
8199394	Ariel	IL	WE