Test | CC | Errors | Result | Trend | TrendPD | Description | |
1 | chkBBoxContinentExists | 0 | Success | = | = | each continent has a bounding box | |
2 | chkBBoxCountryExists | 0 | Success | = | = | each country has a bounding box | |
3 | chkBBoxIslandExists | 0 (619w) | Warning | = | = | relevant islands have bbox | |
4 | chkBBoxOceanExists | 9 | Failure | = | = | oceans have bbox | |
5 | chkBBoxCountryWithin | 0 | Success | = | = | each country lat/lng should be within its bounding box | |
6 | chkBBoxADMWithin1 | 0 | Success | = | = | each adm1 lat/lng should be within its bounding box | |
7 | chkBBoxADMWithin2 | 0 | Success | = | = | each adm2 lat/lng should be within its bounding box | |
8 | chkBBoxADMWithin3 | 3 | Failure | = | = | each adm3 lat/lng should be within its bounding box | |
9 | chkBBoxADMWithin4 | 0 | Success | = | = | each adm4 lat/lng should be within its bounding box | |
10 | chkBBoxADMWithin5 | 0 | Success | = | = | each adm5 lat/lng should be within its bounding box | |
11 | chkBBoxADMHierarchyWithin1 | 432 | Failure | = | = | each adm should be within bounding box of parent ADM1 | |
12 | chkBBoxADMHierarchyWithin2 | 174 | Failure | = | = | each adm should be within bounding box of parent ADM2 | |
13 | chkBBoxADMHierarchyWithin3 | 12 | Failure | = | = | each adm should be within bounding box of parent ADM3 | |
14 | chkBBoxADMHierarchyWithin4 | 5 | Failure | = | = | each adm should be within bounding box of parent ADM4 | |
15 | chkBBoxADMHierarchyWithin5 | 0 | Success | = | = | each adm should be within bounding box of parent ADM5 | |
16 | chkBBoxPopulationDensity | 0 | Success | = | = | population density of bbox < threshold, to find bboxes which are far too large. | |
17 | chkBBoxSeaWithin | 0 | Success | = | = | each sea lat/lng should be within its bounding box | |
18 | chkBBoxIslandWithin | 10 | Failure | = | = | each island lat/lng should be within its bounding box | |
19 | chkPostalCodeWithinAdm1 | 5470 | Failure | = | = | postal codes within their admin codes1 bbox | |
20 | chkPostalCodeWithinAdm2 | 17318 | Failure | = | = | postal codes within their admin codes2 bbox | |
21 | chkPostalCodeWithinAdm3 | 19584 | Failure | = | = | postal codes within their admin codes3 bbox | |
22 | chkPostalCodeWithinShapeAdm1 | 13 | Failure | = | = | postal codes within their admin codes1 shape |