QA Checks Overview - chkGrpSea

1chkBBoxOceanExists9Failure==oceans have bbox
2chkBBoxSeaWithin0Success==each sea lat/lng should be within its bounding box
3chkSeaGeoNameId5Failure==sea shapes are linked to geoNameId
4chkSeaFeatureclassH0Success==sea shapes are linked to featureclass H
5chkSeaDeletedGeoNamesId0Success==sea shapes are linked to deleted geoname feature
6chkSeaWP3Failure==sea shapes linked to geoNameId have wikipedia link
7chkSeaShape0Success==seas have shape
8chkOceanShape9Failure==oceans have shape
9chkOceanWP8Failure==oceans have wikipedia link
10chkOceanEqGeonameShape3Failure==oceans shapes == geoname.shape
11chkOceanShapeValid0Success==ocean geometry is valid
12chkOceanShapePoints0Success==ocean geography is not too large / needs to be simplifyed for performance