QA Checks Overview - ckgGrpAirpIcao

1chkWeatherToponym515Failure==all weatherstations are also as toponyms
2chkWeatherStation187Failure==all icao toponyms are also weatherstations
3chkWeatherStationDistancetoToponym49Failure==distance between toponym (airport) and weatherstation with same icao should not be too large
4chkWeatherObservation384Failure [382] [378]all weather observations have an entry as weatherstation (icao)
5chkAirportCodesDuplicate0Success==don't have duplicates for icao/iata airport codes
6chkAirportCodesHDuplicate0Success==don't have duplicates for icao/iata airport codes
7chkAirportCountryCode0Success==airports should have a country code
8chkAirportIcaoCountryPrefix77Failure==checking icao country prefix
9chkAirportIcaoWP0 (999w)Warning==airports linked with wp have icao code
10chkAirportIataWP0 (999w)Warning==airports linked with wp have iata code
11chkAirportIataMissingExistsInWP221Failure==airports that have iata code in wikipedia should also have iata code in geonames
12chkAirportMissingWP9 (262w)Failure==airports with iata and icao code in wikipedia are not linked with geoname
13chkAirportMissingWPTitle1 (451w)Failure==airports with 'airport' in title in wikipedia are not linked with geoname
14chkIataCode237Failure==iata codes for metar stations are same for toponyms
15chkIataCodeFormat0Success==iata code format
16chkIcaoCodeFormat0Success==icao code format
17chkIataCodeNotForHotels0Success==hotels shall not have iata codes
18chkIataCodePerFeature8Failure==a GeoNames feature must not have more than one (not historic) iata code
19chkIcaoCodePerFeature0Success==a GeoNames feature must not have more than one (not historic) icao code
20chkIataCityCode15 (44w)Failure==check distance from airports to cities with same iata code
21chkAirportServedCity83Failure==check countrycode and distance of served city