QA Checks Overview - ckgGrpName

1chkCountryNameBestNotAmbiguous_fr0Success==check country name not ambiguous (short/preferred flags set)
2chkCountryNameBestNotAmbiguous_en0Success==check country name not ambiguous (short/preferred flags set)
3chkCountryNameBestNotAmbiguous_it0Success==check country name not ambiguous (short/preferred flags set)
4chkCountryNameBestNotAmbiguous_es0Success==check country name not ambiguous (short/preferred flags set)
5chkCountryNameBestNotAmbiguous_de0Success==check country name not ambiguous (short/preferred flags set)
6chkCountryName0Success==check country name (resource bundle with best name from alternate name table)
7chkMostRelevantBestNotAmbiguous_fr0Success==fr: name not ambiguous (short/preferred flags set) for top 2000 most relevant entries <>PCL%
8chkMostRelevantBestNotAmbiguous_en78Failure==en: name not ambiguous (short/preferred flags set) for top 2000 most relevant entries <>PCL%
9chkMostRelevantBestNotAmbiguous_de65Failure==de: name not ambiguous (short/preferred flags set) for top 2000 most relevant entries <>PCL%
10chkNameInternational0Success==the main name is English or International (close to ascii)
11chkNameAsciiNotNull75Failure==the main name is English or International (close to ascii)
12chkNameWrongEncoding0Success==the main name shall have correct encoding
13chkNameNoSingleDoubleQuote0Success==the main name shall not have a single double quote
14chkAltNameDuplicate0Success= [1]don't have duplicates for alternate names, fix with AlternateNamesRemoveDuplicates
15chkNameNoFullScreen0Success==no name 'Full-screen' after copy-paste
16chkNameNoTrailingBlank0Success==names should not have trailing blanks.
17chkNameNoRightSingleQuotationMark0Success==names should not have right single quotation marks. replace with apostrophe.
18chkNameNoFullWidthHypen0Success==names should not have full width hyphen. replace with minus.
19chkAdmNameDuplicate0Success==adm names must not be ambiguous (from property files)
20chkAdm2NameDuplicate0Success==adm2 names must not be ambiguous (from property files)
21chkAdmNameShort45Failure==the default English admin name for display (isShort flag) should not be larger than n chars
22chkAdmNameShortInclType823Failure==the default English admin name for display (isShort flag) should not include the type of division
23chkAdm1NameInLocalLanguage3365Failure==adm1 names in all local languages
24chkAdmNameEncodingObsoleteFips0Success==obsolete admin names must use proper encoding
25chkAltNamesJapan0Success==alternate name in Japanese for relevant Japanese features
26chkAltNamesZH0Success==alternate name in Chinese are not using ascii chars
27chkAltNamesAR0Success==alternate name in Arabic are not using ascii chars
28chkAltNamesFA0Success==alternate name in Farsi are not using ascii chars
29chkAltNamesLinks0Success==alternate names are links but don't have the link pseudo language code