QA Checks Overview - ckgGrpPopulation

1chkCountryInfoPopulation0Success==country population db vs info file
2chkPopulationCountrySum17 (11w)Failure==Population sum of ppls not larger than country population
3chkPopulationCountrySumAdm19 (35w)Failure==Population sum of ADM1 less than country population
4chkPopulationAdm1SumAdm2207 (37w)Failure= [206]Population sum of ADM2 less than ADM1 population
5chkPopulationAdm2SumAdm3997 (132w)Failure==Population sum of ADM3 less than ADM2 population
6chkPopulationAdm3SumAdm411 (15w)Failure==Population sum of ADM4 less than ADM3 population
7chkPopulationAdm1Sum720Failure==Population sum for all PPL in ADM1 should be less than ADM1 population
8chkPopulationPplPplx579Failure==Population of all PPLX for a PPL should not be more than the PPL population
9chkPopulationCapital0Success==capitals without population
10chkPopulationPPLA76Failure==PPLA without population
11chkPopulationPPLACCA0Success==PPLA without population
12chkPopulationMissingWP449Failure==cities with wikipedia articles are missing population
13chkPopulationRegion0Success==region with population as sum of countries
14chkPopulationRegionE0Success==region with population as sum of countries
15chkPopulationADM10Success==ADM1 without population
16chkWikipediaPopulation0Success==population of geonames and wikipedia should be in same dimension