Test | CC | Errors | Result | Trend | TrendPD | Description | |
1 | chkPPLWithAdminCode1WP | 0 | Success | = | = | relevant P with Wikipedia link have valid admincode1 | |
2 | chkCities5000WithAdminCode1WP | 0 | Success | = | = | cities5000 with Wikipedia link have valid admincode1 | |
3 | chkCities1000WithAdminCode1WP | 0 | Success | = | = | cities1000 with Wikipedia link have valid admincode1 | |
4 | chkFeatureWithAdminCode1WP | 0 | Success | = | = | relevant features with Wikipedia link have valid admincode1 | |
5 | chkAdm2WithAdmin1CodeWP | 0 | Success | = | = | adm2 with admin1codes and wp links | |
6 | chkAdm3WithAdmin1CodeWP | 0 | Success | = | = | adm3 with admin1codes and wp links | |
7 | chkShpIslandWP | 155 (844w) | Failure | = | = | each island with high wp rank has a shape. | |
8 | chkShpIslandLargeAreaWP | 9 (44w) | Failure | = | = | shape for large islands should have wikipedia entry | |
9 | chkPopulationMissingWP | 449 | Failure | = | = | cities with wikipedia articles are missing population | |
10 | chkAirportIataWP | 0 (999w) | Warning | = | = | airports linked with wp have iata code | |
11 | chkAirportIataMissingExistsInWP | 221 | Failure | = | = | airports that have iata code in wikipedia should also have iata code in geonames | |
12 | chkAirportMissingWP | 9 (262w) | Failure | = | = | airports with iata and icao code in wikipedia are not linked with geoname | |
13 | chkAirportMissingWPTitle | 1 (451w) | Failure | = | = | airports with 'airport' in title in wikipedia are not linked with geoname | |
14 | chkPlausibilityWP | 248 | Failure | = | = | relevant features should be plausible | |
15 | chkElevationMissingWP | 64 (580w) | Failure | = | = | mountains with wikipedia articles are missing elevation | |
16 | chkElevationMissingWPRel | 0 (79w) | Warning | = | = | mountains with wikipedia articles are missing elevation, sorted by wikipedia rank | |
17 | chkMountainMissingWP | 0 | Success | = | = | mountains in wikipedia not linked to geoname | |
18 | chkIslandMissingWP | 0 | Success | = | = | islands in wikipedia not linked to geoname | |
19 | chkSeaWP | 3 | Failure | = | = | sea shapes linked to geoNameId have wikipedia link | |
20 | chkOceanWP | 8 | Failure | = | = | oceans have wikipedia link | |
21 | chkWikipediaCountries | 0 | Success | = | = | each country has a link to the corresponding wikipedia article | |
22 | chkWikipediaCapitals | 0 | Success | = | = | each capital has a link to the corresponding wikipedia article (except MP,TK,TV) | |
23 | chkWikipediaAdm1CCA | 0 | Success | = | = | each adm1 has a link to the corresponding wikipedia article | |
24 | chkWikipediaAdm1 | 2 | Failure | = | = | each adm1 has a link to the corresponding wikipedia article | |
25 | chkWikipediaAdm2Subdiv | 1 | Failure | = | = | each adm2 with a link in countrysubdivision has a link to the corresponding wikipedia article | |
26 | chkWikipediaAdm2 | 131 | Failure | = | = | each adm2 has a link to the corresponding wikipedia article, SELECTED COUNTRIES ONLY | |
27 | chkWikipediaAdm1Uq | 0 | Success | = | = | each wikipedia article should be linked to only one ADM1 | |
28 | chkWikipediaAdm2Uq | 0 | Success | = | = | each wikipedia article should be linked to only one ADM2 | |
29 | chkWikipediaAdm3Uq | 387 | Failure | = | = | each wikipedia article should be linked to only one ADM3 | |
30 | chkWikipediaAdm4Uq | 0 | Success | = | = | each wikipedia article should be linked to only one ADM4 | |
31 | chkWikipediaAdm5Uq | 0 | Success | = | = | each wikipedia article should be linked to only one ADM5 | |
32 | chkWikipediaTop10k | 1348 | Failure | = | = | each toponym from the top 10000 most relevant has a link to the corresponding wikipedia article | |
33 | chkWikipediaPopulation | 0 | Success | = | = | population of geonames and wikipedia should be in same dimension | |
34 | chkWikipediaUq | 60381 | Failure | = | = | each wikipedia article should be linked to only one toponym | |
35 | chkWikipediaFeatureClassUq | 5954 | Failure | = | = | each wikipedia article should be linked to only one non adm toponym of same featureclass | |
36 | chkWikipediaURLEncoded | 0 | Success | = | = | links should be URL Encoded | |
37 | chkWikipediaURLNoEllipsis | 0 | Success | = | = | links should not end with ... | |
38 | chkPostalCodeWPDistance_AU | AU | 4 | Failure | = | = | distance between postal code centroid and wikipedia article |
39 | chkPostalCodeWPDistance_ES | ES | 5 | Failure | = | = | distance between postal code centroid and wikipedia article |
40 | chkPostalCodeWPDistance_FR | FR | 3 | Failure | = | = | distance between postal code centroid and wikipedia article |
41 | chkPostalCodeWPDistance_IN | IN | 65 | Failure | = | = | distance between postal code centroid and wikipedia article |
42 | chkPostalCodeWPDistance_IT | IT | 3 | Failure | = | = | distance between postal code centroid and wikipedia article |
43 | chkPostalCodeWPDistance_MX | MX | 9 | Failure | = | = | distance between postal code centroid and wikipedia article |
44 | chkPostalCodeWPDistance_US | US | 3 | Failure | = | = | distance between postal code centroid and wikipedia article |
45 | chkPostalCodeWPDistance_ZA | ZA | 6 | Failure | = | = | distance between postal code centroid and wikipedia article |
46 | chkPostalCodeWPDistance | 35 | Failure | = | = | distance between postal code centroid and wikipedia article |