2025-01-20     2025-01-21     2025-01-22

Population sum of ADM4 less than ADM3 population

number of errors=12
number of warnings=16

>1% diff = error, <1% diff = warning

cc	adm1	adm2	adm3	geonameid	adm3pop	adm4pop	name	pct
AT	06	601	60101	7871499	283869	294236	Graz	3%
BE	BRU	BRU	21	2800865	1191604	1208542	Arrondissement Brussel-Hoofdstad	1%
BE	VLG	VAN	11	2803137	1039943	1051301	Arrondissement of Antwerp	1%
BE	VLG	VAN	12	2791536	340410	344818	Arrondissement of Mechelen	1%
BE	VLG	VAN	13	2785140	455677	461867	Arrondissement Turnhout	1%
BE	VLG	VBR	24	2792481	502602	508734	Arrondissement of Leuven	1%
BE	VLG	VLI	71	2796488	77651	418496	Arrondissement of Hasselt	438%
BE	VLG	VLI	72	2791963	239842	251589	Arrondissement of Maaseik	4%
BE	VLG	VOV	41	2803447	286741	291229	Arrondissement of Aalst	1%
BE	VLG	VOV	44	2797655	553961	560522	Arrondissement of Ghent	1%
BE	VLG	VWV	34	2794054	287823	290706	Arrondissement of Kortrijk	1%
BE	VLG	VWV	36	2787888	150742	153315	Arrondissement of Roeselare	1%
BE	WAL	WBR	25	2790100	399123	403599	Arrondissement of Nivelles	1%
BE	WAL	WLG	64	2784065	80181	81389	Arrondissement of Waremme	1%
BE	WAL	WLX	81	2803072	29733	62623	Arrondissement d'Arlon	110%
BE	WAL	WLX	82	2802582	47844	48413	Arrondissement of Bastogne	1%
FR	11	77	775	6457363	429339	450954	Arrondissement of Torcy	5%
FR	28	61	613	2991703	85709	88162	Arrondissement of Mortagne-au-Perche	2%
FR	44	08	083	2975347	56476	57996	Arrondissement of Sedan	2%
FR	44	54	543	2990998	420120	428851	Arrondissement of Nancy	2%
FR	44	88	882	2990681	64681	72987	Arrondissement of Neufchâteau	12%
FR	44	88	883	2980826	90646	105426	Arrondissement of Saint-Dié-des-Vosges	16%
FR	52	72	722	2996290	150238	152556	Arrondissement of Mamers	1%
FR	52	85	852	3006766	291623	296101	Arrondissement of La Roche-sur-Yon	1%
FR	75	19	192	2971481	70741	71557	Arrondissement of Tulle	1%
FR	84	03	033	2969391	124896	152511	Vichy	22%
FR	84	74	744	2972741	145809	147385	Arrondissement of Thonon-les-Bains	1%
FR	93	84	843	3028541	215881	221442	Arrondissement of Carpentras	2%