number of errors=14
number of warnings=0
select countrycode,name,geonameid,population,admincode1,featurecode,relevance from geoname where isCities5000 and featurecode<>'PPLC'and (admincode1 is null or admincode1='00' or not exists (select 1 from geoname b where b.countrycode=geoname.countrycode and b.admincode1=geoname.admincode1 and b.featurecode='ADM1'))and i18nname like '' and countrycode in (select distinct countrycode from geoname where featurecode='ADM1' and admincode1<>'00') and geonameid not in (443093,1819609,12747063,12747064) order by relevance desc
countrycode name geonameid population admincode1 featurecode relevance MA Errachidia 7280528 100870 08 PPLA3 14 MA Ouarzazate 2540850 77603 08 PPLA2 12 MA Arfoud 2549356 31971 08 PPL 9 MA Reçani 2538027 20469 08 PPL 8 MA Zagora 2526452 43752 08 PPLA3 8 MA Tinghir 2527915 45911 08 PPLA2 8 MA Kelaat Mgouna 2549981 18515 08 PPL 8 MA Boudenib 2555009 12419 08 PPL 8 MA Jorf 2544968 13433 08 PPLA3 7 MA Mhamid 2565267 10000 08 PPL 7 MA Tounfit 2526710 8920 08 PPL 7 MA Gourrama 2548601 6129 08 PPL 7 MA Tinajdad 2527925 9764 08 PPL 7 MA Alnif 2558398 5162 08 PPLA3 6