2025-02-24     2025-02-25     2025-02-26

each adm should be within bounding box of parent ADM4

number of errors=5
number of warnings=0

select l.geonameid,l.countrycode,l.name,l.featurecode,p.geonameid,p.name,p.featurecode from geoname l,geoname p, geoname_bbox b where l.featurecode in ('ADM4','ADM5') and p.featurecode='ADM4' and l.countrycode=p.countrycode and l.admincode1=p.admincode1 and l.admincode2=p.admincode2 and l.admincode3=p.admincode3 and l.admincode4=p.admincode4 and p.geonameid=b.geonameid and (south>l.longlat[1] or l.longlat[1]>north or (westeast)) or (west>east and ((l.longlat[0]<0 and l.longlat[0]>west) or (l.longlat[0]>0 and l.longlat[0]


geonameid	countrycode	name	featurecode	geonameid	name	featurecode	
11048426	UG	Katira	ADM5	8657579	Mugiti	ADM4	
11152659	UG	Kabonero	ADM5	8657571	Kibiito	ADM4	
11072844	UG	Acegeretolim	ADM5	8658585	Lorengedwat	ADM4	
11496165	UG	Eastern Ward	ADM5	8658529	Kambuga Town Council	ADM4	
11238421	UG	Bwondha	ADM5	8658141	Kityerera	ADM4