number of errors=8
number of warnings=0
select geoname.geonameid,,,coalesce(isofficialname,false) from geoname,alternatename where geoname.geonameid not in (6299466,3578420,4368301,5568159,6297031,8521751,3451668,6299875,4907959) and geoname.geonameid=alternatename.geonameid and alternatename.namelocale='iata' and alternatename.geonameid in (select geonameid from alternatename where namelocale='iata' and not coalesce(isformername,false) and not coalesce(iscolloquial,false) group by geonameid,coalesce(isofficialname,false) having count(*)>1)
6299466 Basel/Mulhouse has iata airport codes BSL and MLH 3578420 L'Esperance Airport has iata SFG/CCE St Marys has two codes LTW and XSM Montague Airport (California) has two codes ROF and RKC Prince Said Ibrahim International Airport has two codes HAH and YVA? Tres Cruces Bus Station has two codes TCV and VDT? Resendes has two codes QRZ and RES
geonameid name name coalesce 2974733 Sète XSY f 2974733 Sète SZT f 361055 Ismailia QIV f 361055 Ismailia RDL f 1279715 Rikaze RKZ f 1279715 Rikaze DDR f 740483 Rize QRI f 740483 Rize RZV f