2025-03-05     2025-03-06     2025-03-07

distance between toponym (airport) and weatherstation with same icao should not be too large

number of errors=49
number of warnings=0

select dmp_airport.geonameid,dmp_airport.name as airportname,weatherstation.name as weathername,dmp_airport.iata,dmp_airport.icao,weatherstation.longlat<->dmp_airport.longlat as dist,numberofobservations from weatherstation,dmp_airport where weatherstation.icao=dmp_airport.icao and weatherstation.longlat<->dmp_airport.longlat>1 order by 6 desc

geonameid	airportname	weathername	iata	icao	dist	numberofobservations	
6354931	Matei Airport	MATEI/TAVEUNI IS	TVU	NFNM	359.74350043753003	null	
6299982	Chatham Island	Chatham Island	CHT	NZCI	353.0239164268266	null	
8849441	Lakes Entrance Airfield	Great Lakes Airport	null	YGRL	250.42055389875318	null	
8533074	Yirol Airport	Likiep Airfield	null	HSYL	138.83206704635893	null	
8096314	Malta Airport	MALTA ACC	MLK	LMMM	123.06432586069276	null	
11398250	Kang Airport	Kang Airport	null	FBKG	121.9793236176386	null	
8260771	Parapat Sibisa Airport	Sibisa Airport	SIW	WIMP	39.983944807815035	null	
8629663	Kitsissuarsuit Heliport	Cape Tobin Automated Reporting Station 	QJE	BGKT	31.195617486987747	null	
12402419	Planalto Serrano Regional Airport	Carutapera Airport	EEA	SNCP	26.731935442318772	null	
8533116	Cooma-Polo Flat Airport	Forrest Airport	null	YPFT	21.750559773423195	null	
8629675	Attu Heliport	Aputiteeq	QGQ	BGAT	21.356737632988853	null	
8533159	Stratford Municipal Airport	Sable Island Airport 	null	CYSA	20.940379094219168	null	
8555584	Murrin Murrin Airport	Mildura Airport	WUI	YMMI	20.91864369913169	null	
7668145	Pembroke Airport	Pembroke Airport	YTA	CYTA	16.914533171541237	null	
1021087	Barberton Airport	BREDASDORP	null	FABR	14.053868307951928	null	
12541722	Felipe Carrillo Puerto International Airport	Tulancingo 	TQO	MMTL	10.704084660648107	null	
8531867	U.S. Naval Air Station Cubi Poin	General Santos International Airport	null	RPMB	10.005135157610264	null	
8299403	Sangia Nibandera Airport	Blimbingsari Airport	KXB	WAWP	8.206211764406492	null	
6296758	Oseberg	Oseberg 	null	ENOA	7.708040534979613	31293	
6296907	Middelburg	Middelburg	null	FAMB	7.279941402315307	null	
7730328	General Santos International Airport	Romblon	GES	RPMR	7.109538249177093	null	
8555607	Joaquín de Agüero Airport	SANTA LUCIA	null	MUSL	7.042467579955357	null	
1685219	Surigao Airport	Sangley Point	SUG	RPMS	6.579772398141472	null	
8531888	Sawan Airport	Sahiwal Airport	RZS	OPSW	6.046124808589921	null	
5880471	Beluga Airport	Big Delta Arctic Weather	BVU	PABG	6.025160123961455	null	
12402442	Blangkejeren Airport	Padang / Tabing	GYO	WIMG	5.656798537013277	null	
8435698	Saattut Heliport	SUKKERTOPPEN	SAE	BGST	5.565379864874896	null	
7536124	Brive–Souillac Airport	Toul / Rosieres	BVE	LFSL	5.451498628871594	43582	
7668424	Pagadian Airport	Legaspi	PAG	RPMP	5.326226197961705	null	
974720	Molteno	MEYERTON	null	FAMT	5.112620518546888	null	
10234006	Ordu - Giresun Airport	AGRI	OGU	LTCB	5.107915000538103	null	
8531875	Dubai World Central - Al Maktoum International Airport	DUBAI AL MAKTOUM	DWC	OMDW	4.9978094446465215	22087	
7668761	Port Lincoln Airport	Leigh Creek Airport	PLO	YPLC	4.74100077311644	null	
7730162	Tiriós Airport	TIRIOS	null	SBTS	4.4401549883456575	null	
12750420	Singkawang Airport	H.A.S. Hanandjoeddin Airport	SKJ	WIOD	3.7417953689104873	null	
11458649	Kodinsk Airport	VANAVARA	KNY	UNKI	3.664344286020206	null	
8260875	Naypyidaw Airport	Namtu Airport	NYT	VYNT	3.656671672698084	null	
7731225	Lijiang Sanyi Airport	Lijiang Airport	LJG	ZPLJ	3.5551428226315873	null	
3681167	Hacaritama Airport	Aguaclara Airport	HAY	SKAG	3.5482154375810615	null	
8443039	Cam Ly Airport	Chu Lai International Airport	null	VVCL	3.467389627672352	null	
12808988	Bolaang Mongondow Airport	Toli-Toli / Lalos	LKM	WAMI	3.2410955695738393	null	
3207102	Flugplatz Köthen	KIEL/HOLTENAU(G	KOQ	EDCK	3.2064157722168707	null	
6296654	Colerne	Colerne	null	EGUO	2.4943188844914888	2763	
6300140	Mukeiras Airport	Mokha 	UKR	OYMK	2.4854775137005594	null	
3207037	Schwabach-Heidenberg	NEUHAUSEN OB EC	null	EDPH	2.479378026581807	null	
7668666	Datadawai Airport	Datadawai Airport	DTD	WALJ	1.955029258908222	null	
6296369	Mecheria Airport	Mecheria	MZW	DAAY	1.3917728393815592	12302	
3710116	El Porvenir Airport	EL PORVENIR	PVE	MPVR	1.227936770090596	null	
7730758	Abbs Airport	Abbse Airport	EAB	OYAB	1.0629023670848945	null