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Feature Statistic Guam

Num. NamesFeature ClassFeature CodeFeature Description
Administrative Boundary Features (country, state, region,...)
19A.ADM1first-order administrative divisiona primary administrative division of a country, such as a state in the United States
1A.PCLDdependent political entity
20 Total for A
Hydrographic Features (stream, lake, ...)
27H.STMstreama body of running water moving to a lower level in a channel on land
24H.BAYbaya coastal indentation between two capes or headlands, larger than a cove but smaller than a gulf
15H.RFCcoral reef(s)a surface-navigation hazard composed of coral
9H.CHNchannelthe deepest part of a stream, bay, lagoon, or strait, through which the main current flows
8H.ANCHanchoragean area where vessels may anchor
6H.FLLSwaterfall(s)a perpendicular or very steep descent of the water of a stream
3H.HBRharbor(s)a haven or space of deep water so sheltered by the adjacent land as to afford a safe anchorage for ships
3H.CNLcanalan artificial watercourse
3H.COVEcove(s)a small coastal indentation, smaller than a bay
3H.MGVmangrove swampa tropical tidal mud flat characterized by mangrove vegetation
3H.SPNGspring(s)a place where ground water flows naturally out of the ground
3H.SWMPswampa wetland dominated by tree vegetation
2H.LKlakea large inland body of standing water
2H.DCKdock(s)a waterway between two piers, or cut into the land for the berthing of ships
2H.WLLwella cylindrical hole, pit, or tunnel drilled or dug down to a depth from which water, oil, or gas can be pumped or brought to the surface
1H.RSVreservoir(s)an artificial pond or lake
1H.SEAseaa large body of salt water more or less confined by continuous land or chains of islands forming a subdivision of an ocean
1H.PNDponda small standing waterbody
1H.POOLpool(s)a small and comparatively still, deep part of a larger body of water such as a stream or harbor; or a small body of standing water
1H.LGNlagoona shallow coastal waterbody, completely or partly separated from a larger body of water by a barrier island, coral reef or other depositional feature
1H.WLLSwellscylindrical holes, pits, or tunnels drilled or dug down to a depth from which water, oil, or gas can be pumped or brought to the surface
1H.OCNoceanone of the major divisions of the vast expanse of salt water covering part of the earth
120 Total for H
Area Features (parks,area, ...)
26L.MILBmilitary basea place used by an army or other armed service for storing arms and supplies, and for accommodating and training troops, a base from which operations can be initiated
12L.PRKparkan area, often of forested land, maintained as a place of beauty, or for recreation
12L.RESreservea tract of public land reserved for future use or restricted as to use
11L.CMNcommona park or pasture for community use
3L.BTLbattlefielda site of a land battle of historical importance
3L.RGNregionan area distinguished by one or more observable physical or cultural characteristics
1L.INDSindustrial areaan area characterized by industrial activity
1L.MVAmaneuver areaa tract of land where military field exercises are carried out
1L.RESWwildlife reservea tract of public land reserved for the preservation of wildlife
1L.CNSconcession areaa lease of land by a government for economic development, e.g., mining, forestry
1L.PRTporta place provided with terminal and transfer facilities for loading and discharging waterborne cargo or passengers, usually located in a harbor
72 Total for L
Populated Place Features (city, village,...)
101P.PPLXsection of populated place
18P.PPLAseat of a first-order administrative divisionseat of a first-order administrative division (PPLC takes precedence over PPLA)
2P.PPLQabandoned populated place
2P.PPLWdestroyed populated placea village, town or city destroyed by a natural disaster, or by war
1P.PPLpopulated placea city, town, village, or other agglomeration of buildings where people live and work
1P.PPLCcapital of a political entity
1P.PPLGseat of government of a political entity
126 Total for P
Road / Railroad Features (road, railroad )
9R.RDroadan open way with improved surface for transportation of animals, people and vehicles
8R.RDJCTroad junctiona place where two or more roads join
3R.CSWYcausewaya raised roadway across wet ground or shallow water
20 Total for R
Spot Features (spot, building, farm)
87S.HSTShistorical sitea place of historical importance
68S.SCHschoolbuilding(s) where instruction in one or more branches of knowledge takes place
67S.CHchurcha building for public Christian worship
48S.HTLhotela building providing lodging and/or meals for the public
26S.INSMmilitary installationa facility for use of and control by armed forces
24S.ADMFadministrative facilitya government building
23S.MNMTmonumenta commemorative structure or statue
22S.RUINruin(s)a destroyed or decayed structure which is no longer functional
17S.PSpower stationa facility for generating electric power
16S.WHRFwharf(-ves)a structure of open rather than solid construction along a shore or a bank which provides berthing for ships and cargo-handling facilities
14S.PIERpiera structure built out into navigable water on piles providing berthing for ships and recreation
12S.BDGbridgea structure erected across an obstacle such as a stream, road, etc., in order to carry roads, railroads, and pedestrians across
12S.CMTYcemeterya burial place or ground
11S.BANKbankA business establishment in which money is kept for saving or commercial purposes or is invested, supplied for loans, or exchanged.
9S.RECGgolf coursea recreation field where golf is played
9S.COMCcommunication centera facility, including buildings, antennae, towers and electronic equipment for receiving and transmitting information
8S.SWTsewage treatment plantfacility for the processing of sewage and/or wastewater
7S.ANSarchaeological/prehistoric sitea place where archeological remains, old structures, or cultural artifacts are located
6S.HSPhospitala building in which sick or injured, especially those confined to bed, are medically treated
6S.DIPdiplomatic facilityoffice, residence, or facility of a foreign government, which may include an embassy, consulate, chancery, office of charge d'affaires, or other diplomatic, economic, military, or cultural mission
6S.MARmarinaa harbor facility for small boats, yachts, etc.
5S.MNQRquarry(-ies)a surface mine where building stone or gravel and sand, etc. are extracted
5S.RSRTresorta specialized facility for vacation, health, or participation sports activities
5S.OILTtank farma tract of land occupied by large, cylindrical, metal tanks in which oil or liquid petrochemicals are stored
5S.LIBRlibraryA place in which information resources such as books are kept for reading, reference, or lending.
5S.STNSsatellite stationa facility for tracking and communicating with orbiting satellites
4S.UNIVuniversityAn institution for higher learning with teaching and research facilities constituting a graduate school and professional schools that award master's degrees and doctorates and an undergraduate division that awards bachelor's degrees.
4S.LNDFlandfilla place for trash and garbage disposal in which the waste is buried between layers of earth to build up low-lying land
4S.AIRBairbasean area used to store supplies, provide barracks for air force personnel, hangars and runways for aircraft, and from which operations are initiated
4S.MALLmallA large, often enclosed shopping complex containing various stores, businesses, and restaurants usually accessible by common passageways.
3S.PPpolice posta building in which police are stationed
3S.AQCaquaculture facilityfacility or area for the cultivation of aquatic animals and plants, especially fish, shellfish, and seaweed, in natural or controlled marine or freshwater environments; underwater agriculture
3S.BCNbeacona fixed artificial navigation mark
3S.WTRWwaterworksa facility for supplying potable water through a water source and a system of pumps and filtration beds
3S.MUSmuseuma building where objects of permanent interest in one or more of the arts and sciences are preserved and exhibited
3S.WRCKwreckthe site of the remains of a wrecked vessel
3S.CTRCMcommunity centera facility for community recreation and other activities
3S.STDMstadiuma structure with an enclosure for athletic games with tiers of seats for spectators
3S.AIRQabandoned airfield
3S.LTHSElighthousea distinctive structure exhibiting a major navigation light
2S.DAMdama barrier constructed across a stream to impound water
2S.FCLfacilitya building or buildings housing a center, institute, foundation, hospital, prison, mission, courthouse, etc.
2S.HSEhouse(s)a building used as a human habitation
2S.CTHSEcourthousea building in which courts of law are held
2S.BRKWbreakwatera structure erected to break the force of waves at the entrance to a harbor or port
2S.BLDOoffice buildingcommercial building where business and/or services are conducted
2S.POpost officea public building in which mail is received, sorted and distributed
2S.PRNprisona facility for confining prisoners
2S.RECRracetracka track where races are held
2S.SCHCcollegethe grounds and buildings of an institution of higher learning
2S.STNBscientific research basea scientific facility used as a base from which research is carried out or monitored
2S.STNRradio stationa facility for producing and transmitting information by radio waves
2S.AIRFairfielda place on land where aircraft land and take off; no facilities provided for the commercial handling of passengers and cargo
2S.TOWRtowera high conspicuous structure, typically much higher than its diameter
2S.TRIGtriangulation stationa point on the earth whose position has been determined by triangulation
2S.CTRRreligious centera facility where more than one religious activity is carried out, e.g., retreat, school, monastery, worship
2S.CVNTconventa building where a community of nuns lives in seclusion
1S.MSTYmonasterya building and grounds where a community of monks lives in seclusion
1S.SCHTtechnical schoolpost-secondary school with a specifically technical or vocational curriculum
1S.CAVEcave(s)an underground passageway or chamber, or cavity on the side of a cliff
1S.STNCcoast guard stationa facility from which the coast is guarded by armed vessels
1S.STNMmeteorological stationa station at which weather elements are recorded
1S.HSPCclinica medical facility associated with a hospital for outpatients
1S.TMPLtemple(s)an edifice dedicated to religious worship
1S.DIKEdikean earth or stone embankment usually constructed for flood or stream control
1S.DCKYdockyarda facility for servicing, building, or repairing ships
1S.DCKDdry docka dock providing support for a vessel, and means for removing the water so that the bottom of the vessel can be exposed
1S.ZOOzooa zoological garden or park where wild animals are kept for exhibition
1S.LDNGlandinga place where boats receive or discharge passengers and freight, but lacking most port facilities
1S.OBPTobservation pointa wildlife or scenic observation point
1S.OBSobservatorya facility equipped for observation of atmospheric or space phenomena
1S.OILJoil pipeline junctiona section of an oil pipeline where two or more pipes join together
1S.MKTmarketa place where goods are bought and sold at regular intervals
1S.MFGMmunitions planta factory where ammunition is made
1S.PMPWwater pumping stationa facility for pumping water from a major well or through a pipeline
1S.MFGfactoryone or more buildings where goods are manufactured, processed or fabricated
1S.RLGreligious sitean ancient site of significant religious importance
1S.ITTRresearch institutea facility where research is carried out
1S.AIRPairporta place where aircraft regularly land and take off, with runways, navigational aids, and major facilities for the commercial handling of passengers and cargo
1S.AIRHheliporta place where helicopters land and take off
1S.SCHAagricultural schoola school with a curriculum focused on agriculture
627 Total for S
Hypsographic Features (mountain,hill,rock,... )
47T.CAPEcapea land area, more prominent than a point, projecting into the sea and marking a notable change in coastal direction
43T.PTpointa tapering piece of land projecting into a body of water, less prominent than a cape
34T.HLLhilla rounded elevation of limited extent rising above the surrounding land with local relief of less than 300m
26T.BCHbeacha shore zone of coarse unconsolidated sediment that extends from the low-water line to the highest reach of storm waves
15T.ISLETisletsmall island, bigger than rock, smaller than island.
15T.MTmountainan elevation standing high above the surrounding area with small summit area, steep slopes and local relief of 300m or more
9T.TRRterracea long, narrow alluvial platform bounded by steeper slopes above and below, usually overlooking a waterbody
5T.ISLislanda tract of land, smaller than a continent, surrounded by water at high water
4T.RDGEridge(s)a long narrow elevation with steep sides, and a more or less continuous crest
3T.RKrocka conspicuous, isolated rocky mass
3T.CLFcliff(s)a high, steep to perpendicular slope overlooking a waterbody or lower area
2T.PLATplateauan elevated plain with steep slopes on one or more sides, and often with incised streams
2T.ISLFartificial islandan island created by landfill or diking and filling in a wetland, bay, or lagoon
1T.PENpeninsulaan elongate area of land projecting into a body of water and nearly surrounded by water
1T.ISLSislandstracts of land, smaller than a continent, surrounded by water at high water
1T.DPRdepression(s)a low area surrounded by higher land and usually characterized by interior drainage
1T.GAPgapa low place in a ridge, not used for transportation
1T.PLNplain(s)an extensive area of comparatively level to gently undulating land, lacking surface irregularities, and usually adjacent to a higher area
213 Total for T
Undersea Features (undersea)
9U.SMUseamountan elevation rising generally more than 1,000 meters and of limited extent across the summit
2U.RDGUridgea long narrow elevation with steep sides
1U.DEPUdeepa localized deep area within the confines of a larger feature, such as a trough, basin or trench
1U.TRNUtrencha long, narrow, characteristically very deep and asymmetrical depression of the sea floor, with relatively steep sides
1U.TRGUtrougha long depression of the sea floor characteristically flat bottomed and steep sided, and normally shallower than a trench
1U.BSNUbasina depression more or less equidimensional in plan and of variable extent
1U.SHSUshoalshazards to surface navigation composed of unconsolidated material
1U.RISUrisea broad elevation that rises gently, and generally smoothly, from the sea floor
17 Total for U
Vegetation Features (forest,heath,...)
1V.FRSTforest(s)an area dominated by tree vegetation
1 Total for V

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