Test | CC | Errors | Result | Trend | TrendPD | Description | ms | |
0 | chkCCNeighbourSymmetry | 0 | Success | = | = | country neighbourhood symmetry | 0.002 | |
1 | chkCountryCapitals | 0 | Success | = | = | countries without capital (except AQ,BQ,BV,EH,HM,IO,IL,MP,NR,PS,TK,UM,VA) | 1.927 | |
2 | chkCountryCapitalUq | 0 | Success | = | = | no country has more than one capital | 1.962 | |
3 | chkCCValid | 0 | Success | = | = | all country codes used have a corresponding country entry in the DB | 3.305 | |
4 | chkCCUnique | 0 | Success | = | ![]() | all country codes used have a single entry in the DB (exlcudes three territories in australia) | 1.915 | |
5 | chkCCValidAndNeighbouring | 126 | Failure | = | ![]() | cc2 are neighbours or of main countrycode | 2.784 | |
6 | chkCountryInfoFileFormat | 0 | Success | = | = | country info file format | 1.902 | |
7 | chkCountryInfo | 0 | Success | = | = | country codes db vs info file | 4.675 | |
8 | chkCountryInfoPopulation | 0 | Success | = | = | country population db vs info file | 2.142 | |
9 | chkCountryInfoCapital | 0 (3w) | Warning | = | = | name of capitals in info file | 31.196 | |
10 | chkCountryInfoCodes | 0 | Success | = | = | country info file codes, compare with java | 1.925 | |
11 | chkCountryInfoCurrency | 0 | Success | = | = | country info currency | 1.863 | |
12 | chkCountryInfoCountryNames | 0 | Success | = | = | country info file country names in ascii | 1.937 | |
13 | chkCountryInfoCapitalNames | 0 | Success | = | = | country info file capital names in ascii | 1.947 | |
14 | chkCountryDependencies | 0 (2w) | Warning | = | = | dependencies | 1.87 | |
15 | chkContinentNoCC | 0 | Success | = | = | no continent has a country code | 1.955 | |
16 | chkRegionNoCC | 0 | Success | = | = | no large region has a country code | 1.921 | |
17 | chkCCPopulatedPlaces | 0 | Success | = | = | populated places must have a country code | 1.937 | |
18 | chkCountryNoAdm1Code | 0 | Success | = | ![]() | no country has an admincode1 | 1.874 | |
19 | chkAdm1NoAdm2Code | 0 | Success | = | = | no adm1 has an admincode2 | 1.865 | |
20 | chkAdm2NoAdm3Code | 0 | Success | = | = | no adm1,adm2 has an admincode3 | 1.897 | |
21 | chkAdm3NoAdm4Code | 0 | Success | = | = | no adm1,adm2,adm3 has an admincode4 | 2.006 | |
22 | chkAdm4NoAdm5Code | 0 | Success | = | = | no adm1,adm2,adm3,adm4 has an admincode5 | 3.207 | |
23 | chkIntlFeatureNoAdm1Code | 0 | Success | = | = | international feature does not have an adm1 code | 3.466 | |
24 | chkIntlFeatureNoAdm2Code | 0 | Success | = | = | international feature does not have an adm2 code | 4.392 | |
25 | chkAdm1OnlyOneGeneric | 0 | Success | = | = | maximal one adm1 must have code '00'. | 1.911 | |
26 | chkAdm1WithAdminCode1 | 0 | Success | = | = | adm1 with admincode1 | 1.96 | |
27 | chkADM1WithPPLAuq | 0 | Success | = | = | no adm1 has more than one capital | 1.979 | |
28 | chkADM1WithPPLACCA | 0 | Success | = | = | adm1 without ppla for A countries | 1.906 | |
29 | chkADM1WithPPLA | 226 | Failure | = | ![]() | adm1 without ppla | 1.88 | |
30 | chkCapitalWithAdminCode1 | 0 | Success | = | = | capitals have valid admincode1 | 3.468 | |
31 | chkPPLAWithAdminCode1 | 2 | Failure | = | = | PPLA have valid admincode1 | 2.836 | |
32 | chkPPLAWithAdminCode1CCA | 0 | Success | = | = | PPLA have valid admincode1 | 2.101 | |
33 | chkPPLWithAdminCode1 | 0 | Success | = | ![]() | large PPL have valid admincode1 | 2.073 | |
34 | chkPPLWithAdminCode1WP | 0 | Success | = | ![]() | relevant P with Wikipedia link have valid admincode1 | 2.077 | |
35 | chkCities5000WithAdminCode1WP | 0 | Success | = | ![]() | cities5000 with Wikipedia link have valid admincode1 | 1.958 | |
36 | chkCities1000WithAdminCode1WP | 0 | Success | = | ![]() | cities1000 with Wikipedia link have valid admincode1 | 2.021 | |
37 | chkFeatureWithAdminCode1WP | 0 | Success | = | ![]() | relevant features with Wikipedia link have valid admincode1 | 4.454 | |
38 | chkFeatureFormerlyADM2 | 0 | Success | = | = | feature <>'A' had the admincode2 same as the geonameid, probably it was a ADM2 before | 2.97 | |
39 | chkObsoleteFips | 20 | Failure | = | = | obsolete fips codes | 1.979 | |
40 | chkAdm2WithAdminCodes | 0 | Success | = | = | adm2 with admincodes | 2.0 | |
41 | chkAdm2WithAdmin1Codes | 0 | Success | = | ![]() | adm2 with admin1codes | 1.963 | |
42 | chkAdm2WithAdmin1CodeWP | 0 | Success | = | ![]() | adm2 with admin1codes and wp links | 2.004 | |
43 | chkAdm3WithAdmin1CodeWP | 0 | Success | = | ![]() | adm3 with admin1codes and wp links | 2.019 | |
44 | chkAdm2DEEmpty | DE | 0 | Success | = | = | german states without adm2 should have set it to 00 | 2.057 |
45 | chkAdm2USCounties | US | 0 | Success | = | = | US counties ADM2 | 2.123 |
46 | chkADM2WithPPLA2uq | 165 | Failure | = | = | no adm2 has more than one capital | 1.936 | |
47 | chkADM3WithPPLA3uq | 662 | Failure | = | = | no adm3 has more than one capital | 2.026 | |
48 | chkADM2WithPPLA2CCAAT | AT | 66 | Failure | = | = | adm2 without ppla2 | 2.737 |
49 | chkADM2WithPPLA2CCAAU | AU | 497 | Failure | = | = | adm2 without ppla2 | 1.97 |
50 | chkADM2WithPPLA2CCACA | CA | 1622 | Failure | = | = | adm2 without ppla2 | 1.98 |
51 | chkADM2WithPPLA2CCACH | CH | 44 | Failure | = | = | adm2 without ppla2 | 1.887 |
52 | chkADM2WithPPLA2CCADE | DE | 0 | Success | = | = | adm2 without ppla2 | 1.902 |
53 | chkADM2WithPPLA2CCADK | DK | 0 | Success | = | = | adm2 without ppla2 | 1.871 |
54 | chkADM2WithPPLA2CCAES | ES | 0 | Success | = | = | adm2 without ppla2 | 1.896 |
55 | chkADM2WithPPLA2CCAFI | FI | 46 | Failure | = | ![]() | adm2 without ppla2 | 1.879 |
56 | chkADM2WithPPLA2CCAFR | FR | 0 | Success | = | = | adm2 without ppla2 | 1.884 |
57 | chkADM2WithPPLA2CCAGB | GB | 9 | Failure | = | = | adm2 without ppla2 | 1.97 |
58 | chkADM2WithPPLA2CCAIT | IT | 0 | Success | = | = | adm2 without ppla2 | 1.913 |
59 | chkADM2WithPPLA2CCAJP | JP | 398 | Failure | = | = | adm2 without ppla2 | 1.905 |
60 | chkADM2WithPPLA2CCANL | NL | 316 | Failure | = | = | adm2 without ppla2 | 1.883 |
61 | chkADM2WithPPLA2CCANO | NO | 0 | Success | = | = | adm2 without ppla2 | 1.873 |
62 | chkADM2WithPPLA2CCANZ | NZ | 46 | Failure | = | = | adm2 without ppla2 | 1.899 |
63 | chkADM2WithPPLA2CCASE | SE | 0 | Success | = | = | adm2 without ppla2 | 1.902 |
64 | chkADM2WithPPLA2CCAUS | US | 108 | Failure | = | = | adm2 without ppla2 | 1.861 |
65 | chkPPLA2WithAdminCodesCCA | 0 | Success | = | = | PPLA2 have valid admincodes | 1.955 | |
66 | chkADM3WithPPLA3CCAAT | AT | 561 | Failure | = | ![]() | adm3 without ppla3 | 3.511 |
67 | chkADM3WithPPLA3CCAAU | AU | 0 | Success | = | = | adm3 without ppla3 | 1.925 |
68 | chkADM3WithPPLA3CCACA | CA | 1516 | Failure | = | = | adm3 without ppla3 | 1.876 |
69 | chkADM3WithPPLA3CCACH | CH | 1904 | Failure | = | = | adm3 without ppla3 | 1.884 |
70 | chkADM3WithPPLA3CCADE | DE | 51 | Failure | = | = | adm3 without ppla3 | 1.936 |
71 | chkADM3WithPPLA3CCADK | DK | 0 | Success | = | = | adm3 without ppla3 | 1.881 |
72 | chkADM3WithPPLA3CCAES | ES | 2052 | Failure | = | = | adm3 without ppla3 | 1.932 |
73 | chkADM3WithPPLA3CCAFI | FI | 0 | Success | = | = | adm3 without ppla3 | 1.957 |
74 | chkADM3WithPPLA3CCAFR | FR | 0 | Success | = | = | adm3 without ppla3 | 1.941 |
75 | chkADM3WithPPLA3CCAGB | GB | 2840 | Failure | = | = | adm3 without ppla3 | 1.944 |
76 | chkADM3WithPPLA3CCAIT | IT | 0 | Success | = | = | adm3 without ppla3 | 1.931 |
77 | chkADM3WithPPLA3CCAJP | JP | 1066 | Failure | = | = | adm3 without ppla3 | 1.983 |
78 | chkADM3WithPPLA3CCANL | NL | 16 | Failure | = | = | adm3 without ppla3 | 2.02 |
79 | chkADM3WithPPLA3CCANO | NO | 15 | Failure | = | = | adm3 without ppla3 | 1.927 |
80 | chkADM3WithPPLA3CCANZ | NZ | 0 | Success | = | = | adm3 without ppla3 | 1.936 |
81 | chkADM3WithPPLA3CCASE | SE | 1765 | Failure | = | = | adm3 without ppla3 | 1.924 |
82 | chkADM3WithPPLA3CCAUS | US | 28053 | Failure | = | = | adm3 without ppla3 | 1.959 |
83 | chkPPLA3WithAdminCodesCCA | 0 | Success | = | = | PPLA3 have valid admincodes | 2.103 | |
84 | chkValidAdminCode1_AR | AR | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1 for AR | 8.974 |
85 | chkValidAdminCode1_AT | AT | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1 for AT | 1.934 |
86 | chkValidAdminCode1_AX | AX | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1 for AX | 1.908 |
87 | chkValidAdminCode1_AU | AU | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1 for AU | 1.898 |
88 | chkValidAdminCode1_BE | BE | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1 for BE | 1.931 |
89 | chkValidAdminCode1_BD | BD | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1 for BD | 1.913 |
90 | chkValidAdminCode1_BR | BR | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1 for BR | 1.898 |
91 | chkValidAdminCode1_CA | CA | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1 for CA | 1.876 |
92 | chkValidAdminCode1_CH | CH | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1 for CH | 1.922 |
93 | chkValidAdminCode1_CL | CL | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1 for CL | 1.921 |
94 | chkValidAdminCode1_CR | CR | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1 for CR | 1.887 |
95 | chkValidAdminCode1_CZ | CZ | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1 for CZ | 1.898 |
96 | chkValidAdminCode1_DE | DE | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1 for DE | 1.909 |
97 | chkValidAdminCode1_DK | DK | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1 for DK | 1.916 |
98 | chkValidAdminCode1_DO | DO | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1 for DO | 1.96 |
99 | chkValidAdminCode1_EC | EC | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1 for EC | 1.925 |
100 | chkValidAdminCode1_EE | EE | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1 for EE | 1.874 |
101 | chkValidAdminCode1_ER | ER | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1 for ER | 1.985 |
102 | chkValidAdminCode1_ES | ES | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1 for ES | 1.906 |
103 | chkValidAdminCode1_FI | FI | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1 for FI | 1.872 |
104 | chkValidAdminCode1_FR | FR | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1 for FR | 1.954 |
105 | chkValidAdminCode1_GB | GB | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1 for GB | 1.913 |
106 | chkValidAdminCode1_GR | GR | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1 for GR | 2.068 |
107 | chkValidAdminCode1_HN | HN | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1 for HN | 1.94 |
108 | chkValidAdminCode1_IE | IE | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1 for IE | 1.932 |
109 | chkValidAdminCode1_IS | IS | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1 for IS | 2.113 |
110 | chkValidAdminCode1_IT | IT | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1 for IT | 1.93 |
111 | chkValidAdminCode1_JM | JM | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1 for JM | 1.941 |
112 | chkValidAdminCode1_JP | JP | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1 for JP | 2.1 |
113 | chkValidAdminCode1_KH | KH | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1 for KH | 1.972 |
114 | chkValidAdminCode1_KR | KR | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1 for KR | 2.07 |
115 | chkValidAdminCode1_LI | LI | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1 for LI | 1.897 |
116 | chkValidAdminCode1_LC | LC | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1 for LC | 1.901 |
117 | chkValidAdminCode1_LK | LK | 96 | Failure | = | = | valid admincode1 for LK | 1.89 |
118 | chkValidAdminCode1_LU | LU | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1 for LU | 1.864 |
119 | chkValidAdminCode1_LT | LT | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1 for LT | 1.928 |
120 | chkValidAdminCode1_LV | LV | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1 for LV | 1.871 |
121 | chkValidAdminCode1_MG | MG | 1155 | Failure | = | = | valid admincode1 for MG | 1.892 |
122 | chkValidAdminCode1_MM | MM | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1 for MM | 1.905 |
123 | chkValidAdminCode1_MX | MX | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1 for MX | 1.911 |
124 | chkValidAdminCode1_MY | MY | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1 for MY | 1.906 |
125 | chkValidAdminCode1_NL | NL | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1 for NL | 1.913 |
126 | chkValidAdminCode1_NO | NO | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1 for NO | 1.9 |
127 | chkValidAdminCode1_NP | NP | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1 for NP | 1.974 |
128 | chkValidAdminCode1_NZ | NZ | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1 for NZ | 1.967 |
129 | chkValidAdminCode1_PA | PA | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1 for PA | 1.902 |
130 | chkValidAdminCode1_PH | PH | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1 for PH | 1.908 |
131 | chkValidAdminCode1_PL | PL | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1 for PL | 1.931 |
132 | chkValidAdminCode1_PT | PT | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1 for PT | 1.958 |
133 | chkValidAdminCode1_PY | PY | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1 for PY | 1.952 |
134 | chkValidAdminCode1_RO | RO | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1 for RO | 2.006 |
135 | chkValidAdminCode1_RW | RW | 15 | Failure | = | = | valid admincode1 for RW | 1.909 |
136 | chkValidAdminCode1_SE | SE | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1 for SE | 1.928 |
137 | chkValidAdminCode1_SI | SI | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1 for SI | 1.904 |
138 | chkValidAdminCode1_SK | SK | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1 for SK | 1.941 |
139 | chkValidAdminCode1_TL | TL | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1 for TL | 1.938 |
140 | chkValidAdminCode1_TN | TN | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1 for TN | 1.919 |
141 | chkValidAdminCode1_TW | TW | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1 for TW | 1.949 |
142 | chkValidAdminCode1_TZ | TZ | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1 for TZ | 1.942 |
143 | chkValidAdminCode1_US | US | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1 for US | 1.988 |
144 | chkValidAdminCode1_YE | YE | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1 for YE | 1.951 |
145 | chkValidAdminCode1_ZA | ZA | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1 for ZA | 1.901 |
146 | chkValidAdminCode2_AR | AR | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1,2 for AR | 11.016 |
147 | chkValidAdminCode2_AT | AT | 37 | Failure | = | = | valid admincode1,2 for AT | 1.982 |
148 | chkValidAdminCode2_AX | AX | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1,2 for AX | 1.89 |
149 | chkValidAdminCode2_AU | AU | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1,2 for AU | 1.918 |
150 | chkValidAdminCode2_BE | BE | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1,2 for BE | 1.955 |
151 | chkValidAdminCode2_BD | BD | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1,2 for BD | 1.922 |
152 | chkValidAdminCode2_BR | BR | 107 | Failure | = | = | valid admincode1,2 for BR | 1.88 |
153 | chkValidAdminCode2_CA | CA | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1,2 for CA | 1.925 |
154 | chkValidAdminCode2_CH | CH | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1,2 for CH | 1.905 |
155 | chkValidAdminCode2_CL | CL | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1,2 for CL | 1.925 |
156 | chkValidAdminCode2_CO | CO | 14 | Failure | = | = | valid admincode1,2 for CO | 2.065 |
157 | chkValidAdminCode2_CR | CR | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1,2 for CR | 1.907 |
158 | chkValidAdminCode2_CZ | CZ | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1,2 for CZ | 1.926 |
159 | chkValidAdminCode2_DE | DE | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1,2 for DE | 1.925 |
160 | chkValidAdminCode2_DK | DK | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1,2 for DK | 1.916 |
161 | chkValidAdminCode2_DO | DO | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1,2 for DO | 1.902 |
162 | chkValidAdminCode2_EC | EC | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1,2 for EC | 1.902 |
163 | chkValidAdminCode2_EE | EE | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1,2 for EE | 1.919 |
164 | chkValidAdminCode2_ER | ER | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1,2 for ER | 1.871 |
165 | chkValidAdminCode2_ES | ES | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1,2 for ES | 1.922 |
166 | chkValidAdminCode2_FI | FI | 26 | Failure | = | ![]() | valid admincode1,2 for FI | 1.889 |
167 | chkValidAdminCode2_FR | FR | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1,2 for FR | 1.857 |
168 | chkValidAdminCode2_GB | GB | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1,2 for GB | 1.897 |
169 | chkValidAdminCode2_GR | GR | 47 | Failure | = | = | valid admincode1,2 for GR | 1.876 |
170 | chkValidAdminCode2_HN | HN | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1,2 for HN | 1.859 |
171 | chkValidAdminCode2_IE | IE | 182 | Failure | = | = | valid admincode1,2 for IE | 1.931 |
172 | chkValidAdminCode2_IS | IS | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1,2 for IS | 2.068 |
173 | chkValidAdminCode2_IT | IT | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1,2 for IT | 1.981 |
174 | chkValidAdminCode2_JM | JM | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1,2 for JM | 1.915 |
175 | chkValidAdminCode2_JP | JP | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1,2 for JP | 1.878 |
176 | chkValidAdminCode2_KR | KR | 330 | Failure | = | ![]() | valid admincode1,2 for KR | 1.898 |
177 | chkValidAdminCode2_LC | LC | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1,2 for LC | 1.99 |
178 | chkValidAdminCode2_LK | LK | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1,2 for LK | 1.954 |
179 | chkValidAdminCode2_LU | LU | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1,2 for LU | 1.88 |
180 | chkValidAdminCode2_LT | LT | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1,2 for LT | 1.904 |
181 | chkValidAdminCode2_LV | LV | 554 | Failure | = | ![]() | valid admincode1,2 for LV | 1.908 |
182 | chkValidAdminCode2_MG | MG | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1,2 for MG | 1.893 |
183 | chkValidAdminCode2_MM | MM | 7 | Failure | = | ![]() | valid admincode1,2 for MM | 1.917 |
184 | chkValidAdminCode2_MX | MX | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1,2 for MX | 1.915 |
185 | chkValidAdminCode2_MY | MY | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1,2 for MY | 1.984 |
186 | chkValidAdminCode2_NL | NL | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1,2 for NL | 1.9 |
187 | chkValidAdminCode2_NO | NO | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1,2 for NO | 1.899 |
188 | chkValidAdminCode2_NP | NP | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1,2 for NP | 1.884 |
189 | chkValidAdminCode2_PA | PA | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1,2 for PA | 1.896 |
190 | chkValidAdminCode2_PH | PH | 262 | Failure | = | = | valid admincode1,2 for PH | 1.913 |
191 | chkValidAdminCode2_PL | PL | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1,2 for PL | 1.899 |
192 | chkValidAdminCode2_PT | PT | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1,2 for PT | 1.899 |
193 | chkValidAdminCode2_PY | PY | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1,2 for PY | 1.92 |
194 | chkValidAdminCode2_RO | RO | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1,2 for RO | 1.951 |
195 | chkValidAdminCode2_RW | RW | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1,2 for RW | 2.018 |
196 | chkValidAdminCode2_SE | SE | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1,2 for SE | 1.882 |
197 | chkValidAdminCode2_SK | SK | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1,2 for SK | 1.904 |
198 | chkValidAdminCode2_TL | TL | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1,2 for TL | 1.938 |
199 | chkValidAdminCode2_TN | TN | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1,2 for TN | 1.927 |
200 | chkValidAdminCode2_TW | TW | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1,2 for TW | 1.917 |
201 | chkValidAdminCode2_TZ | TZ | 20 | Failure | = | = | valid admincode1,2 for TZ | 1.871 |
202 | chkValidAdminCode2_UG | UG | 11 | Failure | = | = | valid admincode1,2 for UG | 1.931 |
203 | chkValidAdminCode2_US | US | 5329 | Failure | = | = | valid admincode1,2 for US | 1.908 |
204 | chkValidAdminCode2_YE | YE | 230 | Failure | = | = | valid admincode1,2 for YE | 1.859 |
205 | chkValidAdminCode2_ZA | ZA | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1,2 for ZA | 1.931 |
206 | chkValidAdminCode3_AT | AT | 74 | Failure | = | = | valid admincode1,2,3 for AT | 5.401 |
207 | chkValidAdminCode3_BE | BE | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1,2,3 for BE | 1.874 |
208 | chkValidAdminCode3_BD | BD | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1,2,3 for BD | 1.892 |
209 | chkValidAdminCode3_BE | BE | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1,2,3 for BE | 1.972 |
210 | chkValidAdminCode3_CA | CA | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1,2,3 for CA | 1.937 |
211 | chkValidAdminCode3_CH | CH | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1,2,3 for CH | 1.914 |
212 | chkValidAdminCode3_CL | CL | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1,2,3 for CL | 1.989 |
213 | chkValidAdminCode3_CR | CR | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1,2,3 for CR | 1.947 |
214 | chkValidAdminCode3_CZ | CZ | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1,2,3 for CZ | 1.879 |
215 | chkValidAdminCode3_DE | DE | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1,2,3 for DE | 1.94 |
216 | chkValidAdminCode3_DO | DO | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1,2,3 for DO | 1.917 |
217 | chkValidAdminCode3_EC | EC | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1,2,3 for EC | 1.924 |
218 | chkValidAdminCode3_EE | EE | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1,2,3 for EE | 1.917 |
219 | chkValidAdminCode3_ES | ES | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1,2,3 for ES | 1.952 |
220 | chkValidAdminCode3_FI | FI | 26 | Failure | = | ![]() | valid admincode1,2,3 for FI | 1.88 |
221 | chkValidAdminCode3_FR | FR | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1,2,3 for FR | 1.988 |
222 | chkValidAdminCode3_GB | GB | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1,2,3 for GB | 1.981 |
223 | chkValidAdminCode3_IT | IT | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1,2,3 for IT | 1.914 |
224 | chkValidAdminCode3_MG | MG | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1,2,3 for MG | 1.915 |
225 | chkValidAdminCode3_MM | MM | 10 | Failure | = | ![]() | valid admincode1,2,3 for MM | 1.943 |
226 | chkValidAdminCode3_NP | NP | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1,2,3 for NP | 1.949 |
227 | chkValidAdminCode3_LK | LK | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1,2,3 for LK | 1.939 |
228 | chkValidAdminCode3_LT | LT | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1,2,3 for LT | 1.925 |
229 | chkValidAdminCode3_PA | PA | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1,2,3 for PA | 1.908 |
230 | chkValidAdminCode3_PH | PH | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1,2,3 for PH | 1.932 |
231 | chkValidAdminCode3_PL | PL | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1,2,3 for PL | 1.9 |
232 | chkValidAdminCode3_PT | PT | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1,2,3 for PT | 1.924 |
233 | chkValidAdminCode3_RW | RW | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1,2,3 for RW | 1.948 |
234 | chkValidAdminCode3_SK | SK | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1,2,3 for SK | 1.918 |
235 | chkValidAdminCode3_TL | TL | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1,2,3 for TL | 1.958 |
236 | chkValidAdminCode3_TN | TN | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1,2,3 for TN | 1.957 |
237 | chkValidAdminCode3_TW | TW | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1,2,3 for TW | 1.907 |
238 | chkValidAdminCode3_TZ | TZ | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1,2,3 for TZ | 1.991 |
239 | chkValidAdminCode3_UG | UG | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1,2,3 for UG | 1.94 |
240 | chkValidAdminCode3_ZA | ZA | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1,2,3 for ZA | 1.935 |
241 | chkValidAdminCode4_BE | BE | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1,2,3,4 for BE | 2.532 |
242 | chkValidAdminCode4_BD | BD | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1,2,3,4 for BD | 1.904 |
243 | chkValidAdminCode4_DE | DE | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1,2,3,4 for DE | 1.913 |
244 | chkValidAdminCode4_DO | DO | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1,2,3,4 for DO | 1.907 |
245 | chkValidAdminCode4_FR | FR | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1,2,3,4 for FR | 1.919 |
246 | chkValidAdminCode4_MG | MG | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1,2,3,4 for MG | 1.941 |
247 | chkValidAdminCode4_NP | NP | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1,2,3,4 for NP | 1.945 |
248 | chkValidAdminCode4_LK | LK | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1,2,3,4 for LK | 1.974 |
249 | chkValidAdminCode4_RW | RW | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1,2,3,4 for RW | 1.961 |
250 | chkValidAdminCode4_UG | UG | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1,2,3,4 for UG | 1.95 |
251 | chkValidAdminCode5_FR | FR | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1,2,3,4,5 for FR | 2.2 |
252 | chkValidAdminCode5_DO | DO | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1,2,3,4,5 for DO | 1.932 |
253 | chkValidAdminCode5_NP | NP | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1,2,3,4,5 for NP | 1.963 |
254 | chkShpValidGeometryCountryLevel | 0 | Success | = | = | valid geometry for country shape, fix with st_makevalid() | 11.134 | |
255 | chkShpValidGeometryAdmLevel | 0 | Success | = | = | valid geometry for adm shape, fix with st_makevalid() | 34.396 | |
256 | chkShpValidGeometryNotAdmLevel | 0 | Success | = | = | valid geometry for not adm shape, fix with st_makevalid() | 11.114 | |
257 | chkShpValidNumberOfHoles | 0 | Success | = | = | too many holes (not lakes) | 3.175 | |
258 | chkShpValidNumberOfHolesNotUSCA | 0 | Success | = | = | too many holes (not lakes) not US | 3.191 | |
259 | chkShpValidAdmLevel | 0 | Success | = | = | ADM features with geoshape have ADMx correspond to the shape level | 3.13 | |
260 | chkShpADMCC | 0 | Success | = | = | ADM features with geoshape have same countrycode | 3.18 | |
261 | chkShpADMAdm1Code | 0 | Success | = | = | ADM features with geoshape have same adm1 code | 3.113 | |
262 | chkShpADMAdm2Code | 0 | Success | = | = | ADM features with geoshape have same adm2 code | 3.178 | |
263 | chkShpADMAdm3Code | 0 | Success | = | = | ADM features with geoshape have same adm3 code | 3.289 | |
264 | chkShpADMAdm4Code | 0 | Success | = | = | ADM features with geoshape have same adm4 code | 3.26 | |
265 | chkShpADMAdm5Code | 0 | Success | = | = | ADM features with geoshape have same adm5 code | 3.347 | |
266 | chkShpValidAdmCode_AF_1 | AF | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 1 for AF | 9.444 |
267 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_AF_1 | AF | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 1 for AF | 1.935 |
268 | chkShpValidAdmCode_AF_2 | AF | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 2 for AF | 1.939 |
269 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_AF_2 | AF | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 2 for AF | 1.932 |
270 | chkShpValidAdmCode_AL_1 | AL | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 1 for AL | 1.937 |
271 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_AL_1 | AL | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 1 for AL | 1.897 |
272 | chkShpValidAdmCode_AL_2 | AL | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 2 for AL | 1.88 |
273 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_AL_2 | AL | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 2 for AL | 1.886 |
274 | chkShpValidAdmCode_AL_3 | AL | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 3 for AL | 1.907 |
275 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_AL_3 | AL | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 3 for AL | 1.917 |
276 | chkShpValidAdmCode_AR_1 | AR | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 1 for AR | 1.935 |
277 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_AR_1 | AR | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 1 for AR | 1.942 |
278 | chkShpValidAdmCode_AR_2 | AR | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 2 for AR | 1.949 |
279 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_AR_2 | AR | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 2 for AR | 2.03 |
280 | chkShpValidAdmCode_AT_1 | AT | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 1 for AT | 1.897 |
281 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_AT_1 | AT | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 1 for AT | 1.914 |
282 | chkShpValidAdmCode_AT_2 | AT | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 2 for AT | 1.867 |
283 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_AT_2 | AT | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 2 for AT | 1.887 |
284 | chkShpValidAdmCode_AT_3 | AT | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 3 for AT | 1.931 |
285 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_AT_3 | AT | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 3 for AT | 1.89 |
286 | chkShpValidAdmCode_AX_1 | AX | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 1 for AX | 1.899 |
287 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_AX_1 | AX | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 1 for AX | 1.886 |
288 | chkShpValidAdmCode_AX_2 | AX | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 2 for AX | 1.861 |
289 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_AX_2 | AX | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 2 for AX | 1.875 |
290 | chkShpValidAdmCode_AU_1 | AU | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 1 for AU | 1.913 |
291 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_AU_1 | AU | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 1 for AU | 2.048 |
292 | chkShpValidAdmCode_AU_2 | AU | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 2 for AU | 1.897 |
293 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_AU_2 | AU | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 2 for AU | 1.903 |
294 | chkShpValidAdmCode_BD_1 | BD | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 1 for BD | 1.902 |
295 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_BD_1 | BD | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 1 for BD | 1.92 |
296 | chkShpValidAdmCode_BD_2 | BD | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 2 for BD | 1.92 |
297 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_BD_2 | BD | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 2 for BD | 1.946 |
298 | chkShpValidAdmCode_BD_3 | BD | 2 | Failure | = | = | shape valid admin code 3 for BD | 1.869 |
299 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_BD_3 | BD | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 3 for BD | 1.911 |
300 | chkShpValidAdmCode_BD_4 | BD | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 4 for BD | 1.886 |
301 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_BD_4 | BD | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 4 for BD | 1.902 |
302 | chkShpValidAdmCode_BE_1 | BE | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 1 for BE | 1.919 |
303 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_BE_1 | BE | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 1 for BE | 1.912 |
304 | chkShpValidAdmCode_BE_2 | BE | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 2 for BE | 1.881 |
305 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_BE_2 | BE | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 2 for BE | 1.916 |
306 | chkShpValidAdmCode_BE_3 | BE | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 3 for BE | 1.922 |
307 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_BE_3 | BE | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 3 for BE | 2.044 |
308 | chkShpValidAdmCode_BE_4 | BE | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 4 for BE | 1.925 |
309 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_BE_4 | BE | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 4 for BE | 1.962 |
310 | chkShpValidAdmCode_BI_1 | BI | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 1 for BI | 1.969 |
311 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_BI_1 | BI | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 1 for BI | 1.951 |
312 | chkShpValidAdmCode_BI_2 | BI | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 2 for BI | 1.949 |
313 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_BI_2 | BI | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 2 for BI | 1.9 |
314 | chkShpValidAdmCode_BI_3 | BI | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 3 for BI | 1.95 |
315 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_BI_3 | BI | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 3 for BI | 1.913 |
316 | chkShpValidAdmCode_BJ_1 | BJ | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 1 for BJ | 1.912 |
317 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_BJ_1 | BJ | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 1 for BJ | 1.851 |
318 | chkShpValidAdmCode_BJ_2 | BJ | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 2 for BJ | 1.915 |
319 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_BJ_2 | BJ | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 2 for BJ | 1.903 |
320 | chkShpValidAdmCode_BR_1 | BR | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 1 for BR | 1.931 |
321 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_BR_1 | BR | 1 | Failure | = | = | shape missing admin code 1 for BR | 1.919 |
322 | chkShpValidAdmCode_BR_2 | BR | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 2 for BR | 1.915 |
323 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_BR_2 | BR | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 2 for BR | 1.888 |
324 | chkShpValidAdmCode_BW_1 | BW | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 1 for BW | 1.943 |
325 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_BW_1 | BW | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 1 for BW | 1.862 |
326 | chkShpValidAdmCode_BW_2 | BW | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 2 for BW | 1.903 |
327 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_BW_2 | BW | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 2 for BW | 1.913 |
328 | chkShpValidAdmCode_CH_1 | CH | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 1 for CH | 1.931 |
329 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_CH_1 | CH | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 1 for CH | 1.932 |
330 | chkShpValidAdmCode_CH_2 | CH | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 2 for CH | 1.901 |
331 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_CH_2 | CH | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 2 for CH | 1.862 |
332 | chkShpValidAdmCode_CH_3 | CH | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 3 for CH | 1.912 |
333 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_CH_3 | CH | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 3 for CH | 1.908 |
334 | chkShpValidAdmCode_CI_1 | CI | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 1 for CI | 1.967 |
335 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_CI_1 | CI | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 1 for CI | 1.971 |
336 | chkShpValidAdmCode_CI_2 | CI | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 2 for CI | 1.869 |
337 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_CI_2 | CI | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 2 for CI | 1.923 |
338 | chkShpValidAdmCode_CI_3 | CI | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 3 for CI | 1.908 |
339 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_CI_3 | CI | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 3 for CI | 1.869 |
340 | chkShpValidAdmCode_CL_1 | CL | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 1 for CL | 1.894 |
341 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_CL_1 | CL | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 1 for CL | 1.902 |
342 | chkShpValidAdmCode_CL_2 | CL | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 2 for CL | 1.915 |
343 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_CL_2 | CL | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 2 for CL | 1.957 |
344 | chkShpValidAdmCode_CL_3 | CL | 1 | Failure | = | = | shape valid admin code 3 for CL | 1.952 |
345 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_CL_3 | CL | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 3 for CL | 1.895 |
346 | chkShpValidAdmCode_CM_1 | CM | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 1 for CM | 2.051 |
347 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_CM_1 | CM | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 1 for CM | 1.892 |
348 | chkShpValidAdmCode_CM_2 | CM | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 2 for CM | 1.894 |
349 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_CM_2 | CM | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 2 for CM | 1.919 |
350 | chkShpValidAdmCode_CO_1 | CO | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 1 for CO | 1.907 |
351 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_CO_1 | CO | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 1 for CO | 1.89 |
352 | chkShpValidAdmCode_CO_2 | CO | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 2 for CO | 1.929 |
353 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_CO_2 | CO | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 2 for CO | 1.919 |
354 | chkShpValidAdmCode_CR_1 | CR | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 1 for CR | 1.925 |
355 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_CR_1 | CR | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 1 for CR | 1.9 |
356 | chkShpValidAdmCode_CR_2 | CR | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 2 for CR | 1.948 |
357 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_CR_2 | CR | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 2 for CR | 1.909 |
358 | chkShpValidAdmCode_CR_3 | CR | 1 | Failure | = | = | shape valid admin code 3 for CR | 1.97 |
359 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_CR_3 | CR | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 3 for CR | 1.952 |
360 | chkShpValidAdmCode_CU_1 | CU | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 1 for CU | 1.909 |
361 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_CU_1 | CU | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 1 for CU | 1.966 |
362 | chkShpValidAdmCode_CU_2 | CU | 1 | Failure | = | = | shape valid admin code 2 for CU | 1.964 |
363 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_CU_2 | CU | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 2 for CU | 1.902 |
364 | chkShpValidAdmCode_CV_1 | CV | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 1 for CV | 1.913 |
365 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_CV_1 | CV | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 1 for CV | 1.951 |
366 | chkShpValidAdmCode_CV_2 | CV | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 2 for CV | 1.909 |
367 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_CV_2 | CV | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 2 for CV | 2.143 |
368 | chkShpValidAdmCode_CZ_1 | CZ | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 1 for CZ | 1.943 |
369 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_CZ_1 | CZ | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 1 for CZ | 1.936 |
370 | chkShpValidAdmCode_CZ_2 | CZ | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 2 for CZ | 1.97 |
371 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_CZ_2 | CZ | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 2 for CZ | 1.882 |
372 | chkShpValidAdmCode_CZ_3 | CZ | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 3 for CZ | 1.978 |
373 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_CZ_3 | CZ | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 3 for CZ | 1.914 |
374 | chkShpValidAdmCode_DZ_1 | DZ | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 1 for DZ | 1.905 |
375 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_DZ_1 | DZ | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 1 for DZ | 1.904 |
376 | chkShpValidAdmCode_DE_1 | DE | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 1 for DE | 1.977 |
377 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_DE_1 | DE | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 1 for DE | 1.894 |
378 | chkShpValidAdmCode_DE_2 | DE | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 2 for DE | 1.898 |
379 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_DE_2 | DE | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 2 for DE | 1.908 |
380 | chkShpValidAdmCode_DE_3 | DE | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 3 for DE | 2.026 |
381 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_DE_3 | DE | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 3 for DE | 1.905 |
382 | chkShpValidAdmCode_DE_4 | DE | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 4 for DE | 1.994 |
383 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_DE_4 | DE | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 4 for DE | 1.928 |
384 | chkShpValidAdmCode_DK_1 | DK | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 1 for DK | 1.907 |
385 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_DK_1 | DK | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 1 for DK | 1.921 |
386 | chkShpValidAdmCode_DK_2 | DK | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 2 for DK | 1.939 |
387 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_DK_2 | DK | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 2 for DK | 1.911 |
388 | chkShpValidAdmCode_DO_1 | DO | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 1 for DO | 1.964 |
389 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_DO_1 | DO | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 1 for DO | 1.915 |
390 | chkShpValidAdmCode_DO_2 | DO | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 2 for DO | 1.934 |
391 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_DO_2 | DO | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 2 for DO | 1.899 |
392 | chkShpValidAdmCode_DO_3 | DO | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 3 for DO | 1.919 |
393 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_DO_3 | DO | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 3 for DO | 1.915 |
394 | chkShpValidAdmCode_DO_4 | DO | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 4 for DO | 1.934 |
395 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_DO_4 | DO | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 4 for DO | 1.878 |
396 | chkShpValidAdmCode_EC_1 | EC | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 1 for EC | 1.906 |
397 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_EC_1 | EC | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 1 for EC | 1.926 |
398 | chkShpValidAdmCode_EC_2 | EC | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 2 for EC | 2.048 |
399 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_EC_2 | EC | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 2 for EC | 1.883 |
400 | chkShpValidAdmCode_EC_3 | EC | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 3 for EC | 1.88 |
401 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_EC_3 | EC | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 3 for EC | 1.965 |
402 | chkShpValidAdmCode_EE_1 | EE | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 1 for EE | 1.907 |
403 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_EE_1 | EE | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 1 for EE | 1.998 |
404 | chkShpValidAdmCode_EE_2 | EE | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 2 for EE | 1.934 |
405 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_EE_2 | EE | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 2 for EE | 1.878 |
406 | chkShpValidAdmCode_EE_3 | EE | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 3 for EE | 2.421 |
407 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_EE_3 | EE | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 3 for EE | 1.92 |
408 | chkShpValidAdmCode_ER_1 | ER | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 1 for ER | 1.98 |
409 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_ER_1 | ER | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 1 for ER | 1.871 |
410 | chkShpValidAdmCode_ER_2 | ER | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 2 for ER | 1.934 |
411 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_ER_2 | ER | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 2 for ER | 1.948 |
412 | chkShpValidAdmCode_ES_1 | ES | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 1 for ES | 1.896 |
413 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_ES_1 | ES | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 1 for ES | 1.94 |
414 | chkShpValidAdmCode_ES_2 | ES | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 2 for ES | 1.907 |
415 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_ES_2 | ES | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 2 for ES | 1.987 |
416 | chkShpValidAdmCode_ES_3 | ES | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 3 for ES | 1.9 |
417 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_ES_3 | ES | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 3 for ES | 1.909 |
418 | chkShpValidAdmCode_FI_1 | FI | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 1 for FI | 2.001 |
419 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_FI_1 | FI | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 1 for FI | 1.889 |
420 | chkShpValidAdmCode_FI_2 | FI | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 2 for FI | 1.879 |
421 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_FI_2 | FI | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 2 for FI | 1.91 |
422 | chkShpValidAdmCode_FI_3 | FI | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 3 for FI | 1.874 |
423 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_FI_3 | FI | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 3 for FI | 1.87 |
424 | chkShpValidAdmCode_FJ_1 | FJ | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 1 for FJ | 1.939 |
425 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_FJ_1 | FJ | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 1 for FJ | 1.853 |
426 | chkShpValidAdmCode_FJ_2 | FJ | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 2 for FJ | 2.0 |
427 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_FJ_2 | FJ | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 2 for FJ | 1.882 |
428 | chkShpValidAdmCode_FJ_3 | FJ | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 3 for FJ | 1.855 |
429 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_FJ_3 | FJ | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 3 for FJ | 1.954 |
430 | chkShpValidAdmCode_FR_1 | FR | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 1 for FR | 1.848 |
431 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_FR_1 | FR | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 1 for FR | 1.866 |
432 | chkShpValidAdmCode_FR_2 | FR | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 2 for FR | 1.892 |
433 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_FR_2 | FR | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 2 for FR | 1.907 |
434 | chkShpValidAdmCode_FR_3 | FR | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 3 for FR | 1.9 |
435 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_FR_3 | FR | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 3 for FR | 1.874 |
436 | chkShpValidAdmCode_FR_4 | FR | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 4 for FR | 1.924 |
437 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_FR_4 | FR | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 4 for FR | 1.883 |
438 | chkShpValidAdmCode_GA_1 | GA | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 1 for GA | 1.899 |
439 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_GA_1 | GA | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 1 for GA | 1.907 |
440 | chkShpValidAdmCode_GA_2 | GA | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 2 for GA | 1.928 |
441 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_GA_2 | GA | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 2 for GA | 1.913 |
442 | chkShpValidAdmCode_GB_1 | GB | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 1 for GB | 1.983 |
443 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_GB_1 | GB | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 1 for GB | 1.949 |
444 | chkShpValidAdmCode_GB_2 | GB | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 2 for GB | 1.925 |
445 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_GB_2 | GB | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 2 for GB | 1.962 |
446 | chkShpValidAdmCode_GF_1 | GF | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 1 for GF | 1.892 |
447 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_GF_1 | GF | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 1 for GF | 2.051 |
448 | chkShpValidAdmCode_GF_2 | GF | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 2 for GF | 1.902 |
449 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_GF_2 | GF | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 2 for GF | 1.906 |
450 | chkShpValidAdmCode_GF_3 | GF | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 3 for GF | 1.906 |
451 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_GF_3 | GF | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 3 for GF | 1.929 |
452 | chkShpValidAdmCode_GF_4 | GF | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 4 for GF | 1.936 |
453 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_GF_4 | GF | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 4 for GF | 1.921 |
454 | chkShpValidAdmCode_GN_1 | GN | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 1 for GN | 1.96 |
455 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_GN_1 | GN | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 1 for GN | 1.932 |
456 | chkShpValidAdmCode_GN_2 | GN | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 2 for GN | 1.93 |
457 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_GN_2 | GN | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 2 for GN | 1.917 |
458 | chkShpValidAdmCode_GP_1 | GP | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 1 for GP | 1.948 |
459 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_GP_1 | GP | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 1 for GP | 1.897 |
460 | chkShpValidAdmCode_GP_2 | GP | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 2 for GP | 1.944 |
461 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_GP_2 | GP | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 2 for GP | 1.909 |
462 | chkShpValidAdmCode_GP_3 | GP | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 3 for GP | 1.942 |
463 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_GP_3 | GP | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 3 for GP | 1.931 |
464 | chkShpValidAdmCode_GP_4 | GP | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 4 for GP | 1.936 |
465 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_GP_4 | GP | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 4 for GP | 1.93 |
466 | chkShpValidAdmCode_GR_1 | GR | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 1 for GR | 1.983 |
467 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_GR_1 | GR | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 1 for GR | 1.948 |
468 | chkShpValidAdmCode_GR_2 | GR | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 2 for GR | 2.007 |
469 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_GR_2 | GR | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 2 for GR | 1.901 |
470 | chkShpValidAdmCode_GR_3 | GR | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 3 for GR | 1.969 |
471 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_GR_3 | GR | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 3 for GR | 1.898 |
472 | chkShpValidAdmCode_GT_1 | GT | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 1 for GT | 1.96 |
473 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_GT_1 | GT | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 1 for GT | 1.94 |
474 | chkShpValidAdmCode_GT_2 | GT | 7 | Failure | = | = | shape valid admin code 2 for GT | 1.921 |
475 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_GT_2 | GT | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 2 for GT | 1.904 |
476 | chkShpValidAdmCode_GU_1 | GU | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 1 for GU | 1.935 |
477 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_GU_1 | GU | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 1 for GU | 1.993 |
478 | chkShpValidAdmCode_GW_1 | GW | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 1 for GW | 1.961 |
479 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_GW_1 | GW | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 1 for GW | 1.981 |
480 | chkShpValidAdmCode_GW_2 | GW | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 2 for GW | 1.948 |
481 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_GW_2 | GW | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 2 for GW | 2.014 |
482 | chkShpValidAdmCode_HN_1 | HN | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 1 for HN | 1.937 |
483 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_HN_1 | HN | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 1 for HN | 1.929 |
484 | chkShpValidAdmCode_HN_2 | HN | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 2 for HN | 1.886 |
485 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_HN_2 | HN | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 2 for HN | 1.966 |
486 | chkShpValidAdmCode_HT_1 | HT | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 1 for HT | 1.938 |
487 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_HT_1 | HT | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 1 for HT | 1.904 |
488 | chkShpValidAdmCode_HT_2 | HT | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 2 for HT | 1.972 |
489 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_HT_2 | HT | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 2 for HT | 1.94 |
490 | chkShpValidAdmCode_IE_1 | IE | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 1 for IE | 1.989 |
491 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_IE_1 | IE | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 1 for IE | 1.937 |
492 | chkShpValidAdmCode_IE_2 | IE | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 2 for IE | 1.949 |
493 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_IE_2 | IE | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 2 for IE | 1.898 |
494 | chkShpValidAdmCode_IM_1 | IM | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 1 for IM | 1.932 |
495 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_IM_1 | IM | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 1 for IM | 1.894 |
496 | chkShpValidAdmCode_IN_1 | IN | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 1 for IN | 1.914 |
497 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_IN_1 | IN | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 1 for IN | 1.894 |
498 | chkShpValidAdmCode_IN_2 | IN | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 2 for IN | 1.954 |
499 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_IN_2 | IN | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 2 for IN | 1.903 |
500 | chkShpValidAdmCode_IN_3 | IN | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 3 for IN | 2.005 |
501 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_IN_3 | IN | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 3 for IN | 1.975 |
502 | chkShpValidAdmCode_IS_1 | IS | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 1 for IS | 2.085 |
503 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_IS_1 | IS | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 1 for IS | 1.998 |
504 | chkShpValidAdmCode_IS_2 | IS | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 2 for IS | 1.928 |
505 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_IS_2 | IS | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 2 for IS | 1.928 |
506 | chkShpValidAdmCode_IT_1 | IT | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 1 for IT | 1.966 |
507 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_IT_1 | IT | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 1 for IT | 1.911 |
508 | chkShpValidAdmCode_IT_2 | IT | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 2 for IT | 1.901 |
509 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_IT_2 | IT | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 2 for IT | 1.987 |
510 | chkShpValidAdmCode_IT_3 | IT | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 3 for IT | 1.895 |
511 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_IT_3 | IT | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 3 for IT | 1.893 |
512 | chkShpValidAdmCode_IT_4 | IT | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 4 for IT | 1.912 |
513 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_IT_4 | IT | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 4 for IT | 1.89 |
514 | chkShpValidAdmCode_JM_1 | JM | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 1 for JM | 1.883 |
515 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_JM_1 | JM | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 1 for JM | 1.9 |
516 | chkShpValidAdmCode_JM_2 | JM | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 2 for JM | 1.891 |
517 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_JM_2 | JM | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 2 for JM | 1.893 |
518 | chkShpValidAdmCode_JP_1 | JP | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 1 for JP | 1.9 |
519 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_JP_1 | JP | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 1 for JP | 1.903 |
520 | chkShpValidAdmCode_JP_2 | JP | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 2 for JP | 1.874 |
521 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_JP_2 | JP | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 2 for JP | 1.911 |
522 | chkShpValidAdmCode_JP_3 | JP | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 3 for JP | 1.926 |
523 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_JP_3 | JP | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 3 for JP | 1.949 |
524 | chkShpValidAdmCode_KH_1 | KH | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 1 for KH | 1.936 |
525 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_KH_1 | KH | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 1 for KH | 1.929 |
526 | chkShpValidAdmCode_KH_2 | KH | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 2 for KH | 1.935 |
527 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_KH_2 | KH | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 2 for KH | 1.983 |
528 | chkShpValidAdmCode_KH_3 | KH | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 3 for KH | 1.906 |
529 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_KH_3 | KH | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 3 for KH | 1.947 |
530 | chkShpValidAdmCode_KR_1 | KR | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 1 for KR | 1.944 |
531 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_KR_1 | KR | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 1 for KR | 1.932 |
532 | chkShpValidAdmCode_LI_1 | LI | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 1 for LI | 2.214 |
533 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_LI_1 | LI | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 1 for LI | 1.926 |
534 | chkShpValidAdmCode_LC_1 | LC | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 1 for LC | 1.958 |
535 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_LC_1 | LC | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 1 for LC | 1.999 |
536 | chkShpValidAdmCode_LC_2 | LC | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 2 for LC | 1.902 |
537 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_LC_2 | LC | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 2 for LC | 1.947 |
538 | chkShpValidAdmCode_LK_1 | LK | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 1 for LK | 1.908 |
539 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_LK_1 | LK | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 1 for LK | 1.915 |
540 | chkShpValidAdmCode_LK_2 | LK | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 2 for LK | 1.917 |
541 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_LK_2 | LK | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 2 for LK | 1.909 |
542 | chkShpValidAdmCode_LK_3 | LK | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 3 for LK | 1.869 |
543 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_LK_3 | LK | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 3 for LK | 1.89 |
544 | chkShpValidAdmCode_LK_4 | LK | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 4 for LK | 1.855 |
545 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_LK_4 | LK | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 4 for LK | 1.901 |
546 | chkShpValidAdmCode_LU_1 | LU | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 1 for LU | 1.915 |
547 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_LU_1 | LU | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 1 for LU | 1.908 |
548 | chkShpValidAdmCode_LU_2 | LU | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 2 for LU | 1.907 |
549 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_LU_2 | LU | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 2 for LU | 1.921 |
550 | chkShpValidAdmCode_LU_3 | LU | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 3 for LU | 1.861 |
551 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_LU_3 | LU | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 3 for LU | 1.946 |
552 | chkShpValidAdmCode_LT_1 | LT | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 1 for LT | 1.926 |
553 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_LT_1 | LT | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 1 for LT | 1.902 |
554 | chkShpValidAdmCode_LT_2 | LT | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 2 for LT | 1.884 |
555 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_LT_2 | LT | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 2 for LT | 1.841 |
556 | chkShpValidAdmCode_LT_3 | LT | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 3 for LT | 1.926 |
557 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_LT_3 | LT | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 3 for LT | 1.899 |
558 | chkShpValidAdmCode_LV_1 | LV | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 1 for LV | 1.866 |
559 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_LV_1 | LV | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 1 for LV | 1.898 |
560 | chkShpValidAdmCode_LV_2 | LV | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 2 for LV | 1.903 |
561 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_LV_2 | LV | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 2 for LV | 1.911 |
562 | chkShpValidAdmCode_MG_1 | MG | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 1 for MG | 1.901 |
563 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_MG_1 | MG | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 1 for MG | 2.013 |
564 | chkShpValidAdmCode_MG_2 | MG | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 2 for MG | 1.9 |
565 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_MG_2 | MG | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 2 for MG | 1.912 |
566 | chkShpValidAdmCode_MG_3 | MG | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 3 for MG | 2.029 |
567 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_MG_3 | MG | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 3 for MG | 1.86 |
568 | chkShpValidAdmCode_MG_4 | MG | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 4 for MG | 2.069 |
569 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_MG_4 | MG | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 4 for MG | 1.968 |
570 | chkShpValidAdmCode_ML_1 | ML | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 1 for ML | 2.04 |
571 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_ML_1 | ML | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 1 for ML | 1.941 |
572 | chkShpValidAdmCode_ML_2 | ML | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 2 for ML | 1.907 |
573 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_ML_2 | ML | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 2 for ML | 1.905 |
574 | chkShpValidAdmCode_MM_1 | MM | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 1 for MM | 1.95 |
575 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_MM_1 | MM | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 1 for MM | 1.951 |
576 | chkShpValidAdmCode_MM_2 | MM | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 2 for MM | 1.954 |
577 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_MM_2 | MM | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 2 for MM | 1.925 |
578 | chkShpValidAdmCode_MM_3 | MM | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 3 for MM | 1.933 |
579 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_MM_3 | MM | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 3 for MM | 1.944 |
580 | chkShpValidAdmCode_MP_1 | MP | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 1 for MP | 1.914 |
581 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_MP_1 | MP | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 1 for MP | 1.958 |
582 | chkShpValidAdmCode_MR_1 | MR | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 1 for MR | 2.024 |
583 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_MR_1 | MR | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 1 for MR | 1.958 |
584 | chkShpValidAdmCode_MR_2 | MR | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 2 for MR | 1.896 |
585 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_MR_2 | MR | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 2 for MR | 1.905 |
586 | chkShpValidAdmCode_MW_1 | MW | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 1 for MW | 2.003 |
587 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_MW_1 | MW | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 1 for MW | 1.931 |
588 | chkShpValidAdmCode_MW_2 | MW | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 2 for MW | 1.886 |
589 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_MW_2 | MW | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 2 for MW | 1.893 |
590 | chkShpValidAdmCode_MX_1 | MX | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 1 for MX | 1.923 |
591 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_MX_1 | MX | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 1 for MX | 1.924 |
592 | chkShpValidAdmCode_MX_2 | MX | 8 | Failure | = | = | shape valid admin code 2 for MX | 1.885 |
593 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_MX_2 | MX | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 2 for MX | 1.904 |
594 | chkShpValidAdmCode_MV_1 | MV | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 1 for MV | 1.887 |
595 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_MV_1 | MV | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 1 for MV | 1.884 |
596 | chkShpValidAdmCode_MY_1 | MY | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 1 for MY | 1.909 |
597 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_MY_1 | MY | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 1 for MY | 2.001 |
598 | chkShpValidAdmCode_MY_2 | MY | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 2 for MY | 1.878 |
599 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_MY_2 | MY | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 2 for MY | 1.917 |
600 | chkShpValidAdmCode_NE_1 | NE | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 1 for NE | 2.056 |
601 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_NE_1 | NE | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 1 for NE | 1.926 |
602 | chkShpValidAdmCode_NE_2 | NE | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 2 for NE | 1.896 |
603 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_NE_2 | NE | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 2 for NE | 1.951 |
604 | chkShpValidAdmCode_NG_1 | NG | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 1 for NG | 1.891 |
605 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_NG_1 | NG | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 1 for NG | 1.934 |
606 | chkShpValidAdmCode_NG_2 | NG | 13 | Failure | = | = | shape valid admin code 2 for NG | 1.922 |
607 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_NG_2 | NG | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 2 for NG | 1.886 |
608 | chkShpValidAdmCode_NL_1 | NL | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 1 for NL | 2.006 |
609 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_NL_1 | NL | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 1 for NL | 1.908 |
610 | chkShpValidAdmCode_NL_2 | NL | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 2 for NL | 1.91 |
611 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_NL_2 | NL | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 2 for NL | 1.883 |
612 | chkShpValidAdmCode_NP_1 | NP | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 1 for NP | 1.932 |
613 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_NP_1 | NP | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 1 for NP | 1.929 |
614 | chkShpValidAdmCode_NP_2 | NP | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 2 for NP | 1.905 |
615 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_NP_2 | NP | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 2 for NP | 1.865 |
616 | chkShpValidAdmCode_NP_3 | NP | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 3 for NP | 2.016 |
617 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_NP_3 | NP | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 3 for NP | 1.923 |
618 | chkShpValidAdmCode_NO_1 | NO | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 1 for NO | 1.875 |
619 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_NO_1 | NO | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 1 for NO | 1.917 |
620 | chkShpValidAdmCode_NO_2 | NO | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 2 for NO | 1.913 |
621 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_NO_2 | NO | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 2 for NO | 1.959 |
622 | chkShpValidAdmCode_NZ_1 | NZ | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 1 for NZ | 1.924 |
623 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_NZ_1 | NZ | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 1 for NZ | 1.868 |
624 | chkShpValidAdmCode_NZ_2 | NZ | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 2 for NZ | 1.891 |
625 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_NZ_2 | NZ | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 2 for NZ | 1.928 |
626 | chkShpValidAdmCode_PA_1 | PA | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 1 for PA | 1.876 |
627 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_PA_1 | PA | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 1 for PA | 1.897 |
628 | chkShpValidAdmCode_PA_2 | PA | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 2 for PA | 1.894 |
629 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_PA_2 | PA | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 2 for PA | 1.913 |
630 | chkShpValidAdmCode_PA_3 | PA | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 3 for PA | 1.911 |
631 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_PA_3 | PA | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 3 for PA | 1.9 |
632 | chkShpValidAdmCode_PE_1 | PE | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 1 for PE | 1.91 |
633 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_PE_1 | PE | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 1 for PE | 1.902 |
634 | chkShpValidAdmCode_PE_2 | PE | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 2 for PE | 1.906 |
635 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_PE_2 | PE | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 2 for PE | 1.96 |
636 | chkShpValidAdmCode_PE_3 | PE | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 3 for PE | 1.918 |
637 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_PE_3 | PE | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 3 for PE | 1.883 |
638 | chkShpValidAdmCode_PF_1 | PF | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 1 for PF | 1.951 |
639 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_PF_1 | PF | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 1 for PF | 1.928 |
640 | chkShpValidAdmCode_PF_2 | PF | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 2 for PF | 1.944 |
641 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_PF_2 | PF | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 2 for PF | 1.928 |
642 | chkShpValidAdmCode_PH_1 | PH | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 1 for PH | 1.992 |
643 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_PH_1 | PH | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 1 for PH | 1.936 |
644 | chkShpValidAdmCode_PH_2 | PH | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 2 for PH | 1.887 |
645 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_PH_2 | PH | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 2 for PH | 1.91 |
646 | chkShpValidAdmCode_PH_3 | PH | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 3 for PH | 1.911 |
647 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_PH_3 | PH | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 3 for PH | 1.906 |
648 | chkShpValidAdmCode_PL_1 | PL | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 1 for PL | 1.908 |
649 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_PL_1 | PL | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 1 for PL | 2.035 |
650 | chkShpValidAdmCode_PL_2 | PL | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 2 for PL | 1.912 |
651 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_PL_2 | PL | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 2 for PL | 1.913 |
652 | chkShpValidAdmCode_PL_3 | PL | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 3 for PL | 1.888 |
653 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_PL_3 | PL | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 3 for PL | 1.882 |
654 | chkShpValidAdmCode_PR_1 | PR | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 1 for PR | 1.938 |
655 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_PR_1 | PR | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 1 for PR | 1.944 |
656 | chkShpValidAdmCode_PR_2 | PR | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 2 for PR | 1.898 |
657 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_PR_2 | PR | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 2 for PR | 1.925 |
658 | chkShpValidAdmCode_PT_1 | PT | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 1 for PT | 1.938 |
659 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_PT_1 | PT | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 1 for PT | 1.889 |
660 | chkShpValidAdmCode_PT_2 | PT | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 2 for PT | 1.942 |
661 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_PT_2 | PT | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 2 for PT | 1.891 |
662 | chkShpValidAdmCode_PT_3 | PT | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 3 for PT | 1.95 |
663 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_PT_3 | PT | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 3 for PT | 1.961 |
664 | chkShpValidAdmCode_PY_1 | PY | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 1 for PY | 1.915 |
665 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_PY_1 | PY | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 1 for PY | 1.926 |
666 | chkShpValidAdmCode_PY_2 | PY | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 2 for PY | 1.931 |
667 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_PY_2 | PY | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 2 for PY | 1.934 |
668 | chkShpValidAdmCode_PW_1 | PW | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 1 for PW | 1.948 |
669 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_PW_1 | PW | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 1 for PW | 1.991 |
670 | chkShpValidAdmCode_RO_1 | RO | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 1 for RO | 2.067 |
671 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_RO_1 | RO | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 1 for RO | 1.941 |
672 | chkShpValidAdmCode_RO_2 | RO | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 2 for RO | 1.9 |
673 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_RO_2 | RO | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 2 for RO | 1.92 |
674 | chkShpValidAdmCode_RW_1 | RW | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 1 for RW | 1.938 |
675 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_RW_1 | RW | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 1 for RW | 1.969 |
676 | chkShpValidAdmCode_RW_2 | RW | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 2 for RW | 1.933 |
677 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_RW_2 | RW | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 2 for RW | 1.974 |
678 | chkShpValidAdmCode_RW_3 | RW | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 3 for RW | 1.996 |
679 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_RW_3 | RW | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 3 for RW | 1.966 |
680 | chkShpValidAdmCode_RW_4 | RW | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 4 for RW | 1.941 |
681 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_RW_4 | RW | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 4 for RW | 1.942 |
682 | chkShpValidAdmCode_SB_1 | SB | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 1 for SB | 2.003 |
683 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_SB_1 | SB | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 1 for SB | 1.879 |
684 | chkShpValidAdmCode_SB_2 | SB | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 2 for SB | 1.943 |
685 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_SB_2 | SB | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 2 for SB | 1.896 |
686 | chkShpValidAdmCode_SE_1 | SE | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 1 for SE | 2.038 |
687 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_SE_1 | SE | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 1 for SE | 1.948 |
688 | chkShpValidAdmCode_SE_2 | SE | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 2 for SE | 1.942 |
689 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_SE_2 | SE | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 2 for SE | 1.9 |
690 | chkShpValidAdmCode_SI_1 | SI | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 1 for SI | 1.946 |
691 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_SI_1 | SI | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 1 for SI | 1.941 |
692 | chkShpValidAdmCode_SK_1 | SK | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 1 for SK | 1.95 |
693 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_SK_1 | SK | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 1 for SK | 1.924 |
694 | chkShpValidAdmCode_SK_2 | SK | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 2 for SK | 1.924 |
695 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_SK_2 | SK | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 2 for SK | 2.032 |
696 | chkShpValidAdmCode_SK_3 | SK | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 3 for SK | 1.935 |
697 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_SK_3 | SK | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 3 for SK | 1.905 |
698 | chkShpValidAdmCode_SN_1 | SN | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 1 for SN | 1.981 |
699 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_SN_1 | SN | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 1 for SN | 1.957 |
700 | chkShpValidAdmCode_SN_2 | SN | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 2 for SN | 1.954 |
701 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_SN_2 | SN | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 2 for SN | 1.959 |
702 | chkShpValidAdmCode_ST_1 | ST | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 1 for ST | 1.984 |
703 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_ST_1 | ST | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 1 for ST | 1.929 |
704 | chkShpValidAdmCode_ST_2 | ST | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 2 for ST | 1.913 |
705 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_ST_2 | ST | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 2 for ST | 1.899 |
706 | chkShpValidAdmCode_TG_1 | TG | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 1 for TG | 1.93 |
707 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_TG_1 | TG | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 1 for TG | 1.926 |
708 | chkShpValidAdmCode_TG_2 | TG | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 2 for TG | 1.926 |
709 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_TG_2 | TG | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 2 for TG | 1.946 |
710 | chkShpValidAdmCode_TH_1 | TH | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 1 for TH | 1.924 |
711 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_TH_1 | TH | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 1 for TH | 1.932 |
712 | chkShpValidAdmCode_TH_2 | TH | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 2 for TH | 1.906 |
713 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_TH_2 | TH | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 2 for TH | 1.946 |
714 | chkShpValidAdmCode_TH_3 | TH | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 3 for TH | 1.914 |
715 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_TH_3 | TH | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 3 for TH | 1.927 |
716 | chkShpValidAdmCode_TL_1 | TL | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 1 for TL | 2.028 |
717 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_TL_1 | TL | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 1 for TL | 1.933 |
718 | chkShpValidAdmCode_TL_2 | TL | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 2 for TL | 1.927 |
719 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_TL_2 | TL | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 2 for TL | 1.934 |
720 | chkShpValidAdmCode_TL_3 | TL | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 3 for TL | 2.226 |
721 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_TL_3 | TL | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 3 for TL | 1.934 |
722 | chkShpValidAdmCode_TN_1 | TN | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 1 for TN | 1.967 |
723 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_TN_1 | TN | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 1 for TN | 2.0 |
724 | chkShpValidAdmCode_TN_2 | TN | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 2 for TN | 1.922 |
725 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_TN_2 | TN | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 2 for TN | 1.949 |
726 | chkShpValidAdmCode_TN_3 | TN | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 3 for TN | 1.996 |
727 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_TN_3 | TN | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 3 for TN | 2.013 |
728 | chkShpValidAdmCode_TO_1 | TO | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 1 for TO | 2.045 |
729 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_TO_1 | TO | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 1 for TO | 1.958 |
730 | chkShpValidAdmCode_TO_2 | TO | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 2 for TO | 2.022 |
731 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_TO_2 | TO | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 2 for TO | 2.08 |
732 | chkShpValidAdmCode_TW_1 | TW | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 1 for TW | 1.948 |
733 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_TW_1 | TW | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 1 for TW | 1.977 |
734 | chkShpValidAdmCode_TW_2 | TW | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 2 for TW | 1.937 |
735 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_TW_2 | TW | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 2 for TW | 1.925 |
736 | chkShpValidAdmCode_TW_3 | TW | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 3 for TW | 2.001 |
737 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_TW_3 | TW | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 3 for TW | 1.92 |
738 | chkShpValidAdmCode_TW_4 | TW | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 4 for TW | 1.933 |
739 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_TW_4 | TW | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 4 for TW | 1.951 |
740 | chkShpValidAdmCode_TZ_1 | TZ | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 1 for TZ | 1.965 |
741 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_TZ_1 | TZ | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 1 for TZ | 2.001 |
742 | chkShpValidAdmCode_TZ_2 | TZ | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 2 for TZ | 1.991 |
743 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_TZ_2 | TZ | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 2 for TZ | 1.908 |
744 | chkShpValidAdmCode_TZ_3 | TZ | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 3 for TZ | 1.891 |
745 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_TZ_3 | TZ | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 3 for TZ | 2.05 |
746 | chkShpValidAdmCode_UA_1 | UA | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 1 for UA | 1.916 |
747 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_UA_1 | UA | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 1 for UA | 1.958 |
748 | chkShpValidAdmCode_UA_2 | UA | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 2 for UA | 1.983 |
749 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_UA_2 | UA | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 2 for UA | 1.957 |
750 | chkShpValidAdmCode_UG_1 | UG | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 1 for UG | 1.908 |
751 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_UG_1 | UG | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 1 for UG | 1.884 |
752 | chkShpValidAdmCode_UG_2 | UG | 2 | Failure | = | = | shape valid admin code 2 for UG | 1.933 |
753 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_UG_2 | UG | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 2 for UG | 1.941 |
754 | chkShpValidAdmCode_UG_3 | UG | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 3 for UG | 1.883 |
755 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_UG_3 | UG | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 3 for UG | 1.934 |
756 | chkShpValidAdmCode_UG_4 | UG | 3 | Failure | = | = | shape valid admin code 4 for UG | 2.077 |
757 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_UG_4 | UG | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 4 for UG | 1.989 |
758 | chkShpValidAdmCode_US_1 | US | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 1 for US | 1.939 |
759 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_US_1 | US | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 1 for US | 1.952 |
760 | chkShpValidAdmCode_US_2 | US | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 2 for US | 1.899 |
761 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_US_2 | US | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 2 for US | 1.959 |
762 | chkShpValidAdmCode_US_3 | US | 795 | Failure | = | = | shape valid admin code 3 for US | 1.924 |
763 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_US_3 | US | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 3 for US | 1.95 |
764 | chkShpValidAdmCode_UY_1 | UY | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 1 for UY | 1.916 |
765 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_UY_1 | UY | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 1 for UY | 1.941 |
766 | chkShpValidAdmCode_UY_2 | UY | 12 | Failure | = | = | shape valid admin code 2 for UY | 1.967 |
767 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_UY_2 | UY | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 2 for UY | 1.924 |
768 | chkShpValidAdmCode_VI_1 | VI | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 1 for VI | 2.008 |
769 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_VI_1 | VI | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 1 for VI | 2.135 |
770 | chkShpValidAdmCode_VI_2 | VI | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 2 for VI | 1.968 |
771 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_VI_2 | VI | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 2 for VI | 1.958 |
772 | chkShpValidAdmCode_VN_1 | VN | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 1 for VN | 1.92 |
773 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_VN_1 | VN | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 1 for VN | 1.914 |
774 | chkShpValidAdmCode_VN_2 | VN | 5 | Failure | = | = | shape valid admin code 2 for VN | 2.199 |
775 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_VN_2 | VN | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 2 for VN | 1.986 |
776 | chkShpValidAdmCode_VU_1 | VU | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 1 for VU | 1.941 |
777 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_VU_1 | VU | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 1 for VU | 1.933 |
778 | chkShpValidAdmCode_WF_1 | WF | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 1 for WF | 1.978 |
779 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_WF_1 | WF | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 1 for WF | 1.955 |
780 | chkShpValidAdmCode_WF_2 | WF | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 2 for WF | 1.982 |
781 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_WF_2 | WF | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 2 for WF | 2.02 |
782 | chkShpValidAdmCode_WF_3 | WF | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 3 for WF | 2.01 |
783 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_WF_3 | WF | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 3 for WF | 1.886 |
784 | chkShpValidAdmCode_YE_1 | YE | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 1 for YE | 1.93 |
785 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_YE_1 | YE | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 1 for YE | 1.929 |
786 | chkShpValidAdmCode_YE_2 | YE | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 2 for YE | 1.974 |
787 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_YE_2 | YE | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 2 for YE | 1.966 |
788 | chkShpValidAdmCode_ZA_1 | ZA | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 1 for ZA | 1.898 |
789 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_ZA_1 | ZA | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 1 for ZA | 1.923 |
790 | chkShpValidAdmCode_ZA_2 | ZA | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 2 for ZA | 1.934 |
791 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_ZA_2 | ZA | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 2 for ZA | 1.918 |
792 | chkShpValidAdmCode_ZA_3 | ZA | 0 | Success | = | = | shape valid admin code 3 for ZA | 1.957 |
793 | chkShpMissingAdmCode_ZA_3 | ZA | 0 | Success | = | = | shape missing admin code 3 for ZA | 1.917 |
794 | chkShpCompleteADM2H | 14 | Failure | = | = | each ADM2H is within current ADM2 shape | 5.166 | |
795 | chkShpCompleteADM3H | 16 | Failure | = | = | each ADM3H is within current ADM3 shape | 29.737 | |
796 | chkShpCompleteADM4H | 0 | Success | = | = | each ADM4H is within current ADM4 shape | 16.515 | |
797 | chkShpCompleteADM5H | 0 | Success | = | = | each ADM5H is within current ADM5 shape | 1.946 | |
798 | chkShpAdm1hNotActive | 0 | Success | = | = | an ADMH1 must not have a level=2 shape without active ADM1 for same adm1 code. | 1.906 | |
799 | chkShpCountryCodeExists | 0 | Success | = | = | each countrycode has a shape for the mainland. | 4.806 | |
800 | chkShpCountryCodeValid | 0 | Success | = | = | each countrycode used for shape also exists in geonames table | 2.929 | |
801 | chkShpCountryOverlap | 1 | Failure | = | = | med size country shapes have overlap? | 13.294 | |
802 | chkShpCountryOverlapDE | 1 | Failure | = | = | regression: DE source boundaries have some overlap to NL (cut away) | 2.142 | |
803 | chkShpMainlandContinent | 0 | Success | = | = | shapes with level 1 and isMainland need same continent | 2.078 | |
804 | chkShpAdm1Exists | 127 | Failure | = | = | each adm1 has a shape. | 2.015 | |
805 | chkShpCountryLevelQuality | 3 | Failure | = | = | country level boundaries quality length/npoints | 11.665 | |
806 | chkShpAdmBestQuality | 34 | Failure | = | = | do we use best possible quality polygon per country | 13.315 | |
807 | chkShpIslandWP | 155 (844w) | Failure | = | = | each island with high wp rank has a shape. | 2.81 | |
808 | chkShpIslandLargeAreaWP | 9 (44w) | Failure | = | = | shape for large islands should have wikipedia entry | 24.418 | |
809 | chkShpIslandPolygon | 0 | Success | = | = | shape for islands should be simple polygons | 3.383 | |
810 | chkShpIslandOnePolygon | 0 | Success | = | = | island must be linked to one polygon only. | 2.58 | |
811 | chkShpIslandWithin | 8 | Failure | = | = | features=ISL with shapes are within the shape | 3.129 | |
812 | chkShpIslandCountryCode | 0 | Success | = | = | shape country should be the same as island country for single country islands | 2.343 | |
813 | chkShpGeoNameCountryCode | 0 | Success | = | = | shape country should be the same as geoname country | 4.093 | |
814 | chkShpEqual | 0 | Success | = | = | shape equal geoname shape where source is edit interface | 3.615 | |
815 | chkShpFeatureWithinADM1 | 0 | Success | = | = | each ADM1 should be within shape | 113.262 | |
816 | chkShpFeatureWithinADM2 | 0 | Success | = | = | each ADM2 should be within shape | 1.904 | |
817 | chkShpFeatureWithinADM3 | 3 | Failure | = | = | each ADM3 should be within shape | 1.882 | |
818 | chkShpFeatureWithinADM4 | 0 | Success | = | = | each ADM4 should be within shape | 2.162 | |
819 | chkShpFeatureWithinADM5 | 0 | Success | = | = | each ADM5 should be within shape | 1.888 | |
820 | chkShpFeatureWithinNotADMx | 460 | Failure | = | = | features<>ADMx with shapes are within the shape | 1.914 | |
821 | chkShpAdm1NotWithinOtherCountry | 0 | Success | = | = | adm1 features not within country shape of other country | 74.159 | |
822 | chkShpAdm1NotWithinOtherADM1Country | 0 | Success | = | = | adm1 features not within adm1 shape of other country | 35.392 | |
823 | chkShpAdm1NotWithinOtherADM1 | 50 | Failure | = | = | adm1 features not within shape of other adm1 | 29.331 | |
824 | chkShpAreaPopulation | 103 | Failure | = | = | area/population | 4.755 | |
825 | chkVarShpMed | 0 | Success | = | = | med shape similar size as wkb_geometry | 2.092 | |
826 | chkVarShpCOP1CN | 0 | Success | = | = | Aksa Chin part of CN variant | 1.88 | |
827 | chkVarShpCOP2CN | 0 | Success | = | = | Shaksgam part of CN variant | 1.912 | |
828 | chkShpCOP1CN | 0 | Success | = | = | Aksa Chin part of CN boundary | 1.969 | |
829 | chkShpCOP2CN | 0 | Success | = | = | Shaksgam part of CN boundary | 1.914 | |
830 | chkBBoxContinentExists | 0 | Success | = | = | each continent has a bounding box | 1.924 | |
831 | chkBBoxCountryExists | 0 | Success | = | = | each country has a bounding box | 2.943 | |
832 | chkBBoxIslandExists | 0 (619w) | Warning | = | = | relevant islands have bbox | 2.164 | |
833 | chkBBoxOceanExists | 9 | Failure | = | = | oceans have bbox | 1.938 | |
834 | chkBBoxCountryWithin | 0 | Success | = | = | each country lat/lng should be within its bounding box | 3.002 | |
835 | chkBBoxADMWithin1 | 0 | Success | = | = | each adm1 lat/lng should be within its bounding box | 3.375 | |
836 | chkBBoxADMWithin2 | 0 | Success | = | = | each adm2 lat/lng should be within its bounding box | 1.873 | |
837 | chkBBoxADMWithin3 | 3 | Failure | = | = | each adm3 lat/lng should be within its bounding box | 1.977 | |
838 | chkBBoxADMWithin4 | 0 | Success | = | = | each adm4 lat/lng should be within its bounding box | 1.978 | |
839 | chkBBoxADMWithin5 | 0 | Success | = | = | each adm5 lat/lng should be within its bounding box | 1.884 | |
840 | chkBBoxADMHierarchyWithin1 | 432 | Failure | = | ![]() | each adm should be within bounding box of parent ADM1 | 7.189 | |
841 | chkBBoxADMHierarchyWithin2 | 174 | Failure | = | = | each adm should be within bounding box of parent ADM2 | 1.921 | |
842 | chkBBoxADMHierarchyWithin3 | 12 | Failure | = | = | each adm should be within bounding box of parent ADM3 | 1.991 | |
843 | chkBBoxADMHierarchyWithin4 | 5 | Failure | = | = | each adm should be within bounding box of parent ADM4 | 1.894 | |
844 | chkBBoxADMHierarchyWithin5 | 0 | Success | = | = | each adm should be within bounding box of parent ADM5 | 1.881 | |
845 | chkBBoxPopulationDensity | 0 | Success | = | = | population density of bbox < threshold, to find bboxes which are far too large. | 3.173 | |
846 | chkBBoxSeaWithin | 0 | Success | = | = | each sea lat/lng should be within its bounding box | 1.862 | |
847 | chkBBoxIslandWithin | 10 | Failure | = | ![]() | each island lat/lng should be within its bounding box | 2.375 | |
848 | chkCode_AE_moid_ADM1_missing | AE | 0 | Success | = | = | AE all ADM1 from provider moid exist | 62.701 |
849 | chkCode_AE_moid_ADM1_invalid | AE | 0 | Success | = | = | AE all ADM1 from geoname also for provider moid | 1.908 |
850 | chkCode_AE_moid_ADM2_missing | AE | 0 | Success | = | = | AE all ADM2 from provider moid exist | 1.91 |
851 | chkCode_AE_moid_ADM2_invalid | AE | 0 | Success | = | = | AE all ADM2 from geoname also for provider moid | 1.947 |
852 | chkCode_AF_aims_ADM1_missing | AF | 0 | Success | = | = | AF all ADM1 from provider aims exist | 1.911 |
853 | chkCode_AF_aims_ADM1_invalid | AF | 0 | Success | = | = | AF all ADM1 from geoname also for provider aims | 1.901 |
854 | chkCode_AF_aims_ADM2_missing | AF | 0 | Success | = | = | AF all ADM2 from provider aims exist | 1.904 |
855 | chkCode_AF_aims_ADM2_invalid | AF | 0 | Success | = | = | AF all ADM2 from geoname also for provider aims | 1.991 |
856 | chkCode_AR_indec_ADM1_missing | AR | 0 | Success | = | = | AR all ADM1 from provider indec exist | 1.921 |
857 | chkCode_AR_indec_ADM1_invalid | AR | 0 | Success | = | = | AR all ADM1 from geoname also for provider indec | 1.887 |
858 | chkCode_AR_indec_ADM2_missing | AR | 0 | Success | = | = | AR all ADM2 from provider indec exist | 1.937 |
859 | chkCode_AR_indec_ADM2_invalid | AR | 0 | Success | = | = | AR all ADM2 from geoname also for provider indec | 1.914 |
860 | chkCode_AT_StatistikAustria_ADM1_missing | AT | 0 | Success | = | = | AT all ADM1 from provider StatistikAustria exist | 2.063 |
861 | chkCode_AT_StatistikAustria_ADM1_invalid | AT | 0 | Success | = | = | AT all ADM1 from geoname also for provider StatistikAustria | 1.877 |
862 | chkCode_AT_StatistikAustria_ADM2_missing | AT | 0 | Success | = | = | AT all ADM2 from provider StatistikAustria exist | 1.876 |
863 | chkCode_AT_StatistikAustria_ADM2_invalid | AT | 0 | Success | = | = | AT all ADM2 from geoname also for provider StatistikAustria | 1.878 |
864 | chkCode_AT_StatistikAustria_ADM3_missing | AT | 0 | Success | = | = | AT all ADM3 from provider StatistikAustria exist | 1.868 |
865 | chkCode_AT_StatistikAustria_ADM3_invalid | AT | 0 | Success | = | = | AT all ADM3 from geoname also for provider StatistikAustria | 1.882 |
866 | chkCode_AU_abs_ADM1_missing | AU | 0 | Success | = | = | AU all ADM1 from provider abs exist | 1.897 |
867 | chkCode_AU_abs_ADM1_invalid | AU | 0 | Success | = | = | AU all ADM1 from geoname also for provider abs | 1.868 |
868 | chkCode_AU_abs_ADM2_missing | AU | 0 | Success | = | = | AU all ADM2 from provider abs exist | 1.923 |
869 | chkCode_AU_abs_ADM2_invalid | AU | 0 | Success | = | = | AU all ADM2 from geoname also for provider abs | 1.895 |
870 | chkCode_AX_kunnat_ADM1_missing | AX | 0 | Success | = | = | AX all ADM1 from provider kunnat exist | 1.873 |
871 | chkCode_AX_kunnat_ADM1_invalid | AX | 0 | Success | = | = | AX all ADM1 from geoname also for provider kunnat | 1.903 |
872 | chkCode_AX_kunnat_ADM2_missing | AX | 0 | Success | = | = | AX all ADM2 from provider kunnat exist | 1.882 |
873 | chkCode_AX_kunnat_ADM2_invalid | AX | 0 | Success | = | = | AX all ADM2 from geoname also for provider kunnat | 1.915 |
874 | chkCode_BD_bbs_gov_bd_ADM1_missing | BD | 0 | Success | = | = | BD all ADM1 from provider bbs_gov_bd exist | 1.878 |
875 | chkCode_BD_bbs_gov_bd_ADM1_invalid | BD | 0 | Success | = | = | BD all ADM1 from geoname also for provider bbs_gov_bd | 1.916 |
876 | chkCode_BD_bbs_gov_bd_ADM2_missing | BD | 0 | Success | = | = | BD all ADM2 from provider bbs_gov_bd exist | 1.9 |
877 | chkCode_BD_bbs_gov_bd_ADM2_invalid | BD | 0 | Success | = | = | BD all ADM2 from geoname also for provider bbs_gov_bd | 1.881 |
878 | chkCode_BD_bbs_gov_bd_ADM3_missing | BD | 0 | Success | = | = | BD all ADM3 from provider bbs_gov_bd exist | 1.905 |
879 | chkCode_BD_bbs_gov_bd_ADM3_invalid | BD | 2 | Failure | = | = | BD all ADM3 from geoname also for provider bbs_gov_bd | 1.982 |
880 | chkCode_BD_bbs_gov_bd_ADM4_missing | BD | 0 | Success | = | = | BD all ADM4 from provider bbs_gov_bd exist | 1.862 |
881 | chkCode_BD_bbs_gov_bd_ADM4_invalid | BD | 0 | Success | = | = | BD all ADM4 from geoname also for provider bbs_gov_bd | 1.92 |
882 | chkCode_BE_dummy_ADM2_missing | BE | 0 | Success | = | = | BE all ADM2 from provider dummy exist | 1.96 |
883 | chkCode_BE_dummy_ADM2_invalid | BE | 0 | Success | = | = | BE all ADM2 from geoname also for provider dummy | 1.917 |
884 | chkCode_BE_statbel_ADM1_missing | BE | 0 | Success | = | = | BE all ADM1 from provider statbel exist | 1.987 |
885 | chkCode_BE_statbel_ADM1_invalid | BE | 0 | Success | = | = | BE all ADM1 from geoname also for provider statbel | 1.904 |
886 | chkCode_BE_statbel_ADM2_missing | BE | 0 | Success | = | = | BE all ADM2 from provider statbel exist | 1.908 |
887 | chkCode_BE_statbel_ADM2_invalid | BE | 0 | Success | = | = | BE all ADM2 from geoname also for provider statbel | 1.971 |
888 | chkCode_BE_statbel_ADM3_missing | BE | 0 | Success | = | = | BE all ADM3 from provider statbel exist | 1.909 |
889 | chkCode_BE_statbel_ADM3_invalid | BE | 0 | Success | = | = | BE all ADM3 from geoname also for provider statbel | 1.907 |
890 | chkCode_BE_statbel_ADM4_missing | BE | 0 | Success | = | = | BE all ADM4 from provider statbel exist | 1.946 |
891 | chkCode_BE_statbel_ADM4_invalid | BE | 0 | Success | = | = | BE all ADM4 from geoname also for provider statbel | 1.904 |
892 | chkCode_BG_nsi_ADM1_missing | BG | 0 | Success | = | = | BG all ADM1 from provider nsi exist | 1.912 |
893 | chkCode_BG_nsi_ADM1_invalid | BG | 0 | Success | = | = | BG all ADM1 from geoname also for provider nsi | 1.929 |
894 | chkCode_BG_nsi_ADM2_missing | BG | 0 | Success | = | = | BG all ADM2 from provider nsi exist | 1.865 |
895 | chkCode_BG_nsi_ADM2_invalid | BG | 0 | Success | = | = | BG all ADM2 from geoname also for provider nsi | 1.992 |
896 | chkCode_BI_rcmrd_ADM1_missing | BI | 0 | Success | = | = | BI all ADM1 from provider rcmrd exist | 1.919 |
897 | chkCode_BI_rcmrd_ADM1_invalid | BI | 0 | Success | = | = | BI all ADM1 from geoname also for provider rcmrd | 2.064 |
898 | chkCode_BI_rcmrd_ADM2_missing | BI | 0 | Success | = | = | BI all ADM2 from provider rcmrd exist | 1.906 |
899 | chkCode_BI_rcmrd_ADM2_invalid | BI | 0 | Success | = | = | BI all ADM2 from geoname also for provider rcmrd | 2.021 |
900 | chkCode_BI_rcmrd_ADM3_missing | BI | 0 | Success | = | = | BI all ADM3 from provider rcmrd exist | 1.938 |
901 | chkCode_BI_rcmrd_ADM3_invalid | BI | 0 | Success | = | = | BI all ADM3 from geoname also for provider rcmrd | 2.053 |
902 | chkCode_BO_bo_ine_ADM1_missing | BO | 0 | Success | = | = | BO all ADM1 from provider bo_ine exist | 1.997 |
903 | chkCode_BO_bo_ine_ADM1_invalid | BO | 0 | Success | = | = | BO all ADM1 from geoname also for provider bo_ine | 1.932 |
904 | chkCode_BR_ibge_ADM1_missing | BR | 0 | Success | = | = | BR all ADM1 from provider ibge exist | 1.905 |
905 | chkCode_BR_ibge_ADM1_invalid | BR | 0 | Success | = | = | BR all ADM1 from geoname also for provider ibge | 1.919 |
906 | chkCode_BR_ibge_ADM2_missing | BR | 0 | Success | = | = | BR all ADM2 from provider ibge exist | 2.12 |
907 | chkCode_BR_ibge_ADM2_invalid | BR | 0 | Success | = | = | BR all ADM2 from geoname also for provider ibge | 2.009 |
908 | chkCode_CA_sgc_ADM1_missing | CA | 0 | Success | = | = | CA all ADM1 from provider sgc exist | 1.982 |
909 | chkCode_CA_sgc_ADM1_invalid | CA | 0 | Success | = | = | CA all ADM1 from geoname also for provider sgc | 1.98 |
910 | chkCode_CH_bfs_ADM1_missing | CH | 0 | Success | = | = | CH all ADM1 from provider bfs exist | 1.96 |
911 | chkCode_CH_bfs_ADM1_invalid | CH | 0 | Success | = | = | CH all ADM1 from geoname also for provider bfs | 1.959 |
912 | chkCode_CH_bfs_ADM2_missing | CH | 0 | Success | = | = | CH all ADM2 from provider bfs exist | 1.965 |
913 | chkCode_CH_bfs_ADM2_invalid | CH | 0 | Success | = | = | CH all ADM2 from geoname also for provider bfs | 1.973 |
914 | chkCode_CH_bfs_ADM3_missing | CH | 0 | Success | = | = | CH all ADM3 from provider bfs exist | 1.93 |
915 | chkCode_CH_bfs_ADM3_invalid | CH | 0 | Success | = | = | CH all ADM3 from geoname also for provider bfs | 1.914 |
916 | chkCode_CL_ine-cl_ADM3_missing | CL | 0 | Success | = | = | CL all ADM3 from provider ine-cl exist | 1.86 |
917 | chkCode_CL_ine-cl_ADM3_invalid | CL | 0 | Success | = | = | CL all ADM3 from geoname also for provider ine-cl | 1.867 |
918 | chkCode_CL_subdere_ADM1_missing | CL | 0 | Success | = | = | CL all ADM1 from provider subdere exist | 1.859 |
919 | chkCode_CL_subdere_ADM1_invalid | CL | 0 | Success | = | = | CL all ADM1 from geoname also for provider subdere | 1.957 |
920 | chkCode_CL_subdere_ADM2_missing | CL | 0 | Success | = | = | CL all ADM2 from provider subdere exist | 1.929 |
921 | chkCode_CL_subdere_ADM2_invalid | CL | 0 | Success | = | = | CL all ADM2 from geoname also for provider subdere | 1.917 |
922 | chkCode_CN_China NBS_ADM1_missing | CN | 0 | Success | = | = | CN all ADM1 from provider China NBS exist | 1.987 |
923 | chkCode_CN_China NBS_ADM1_invalid | CN | 0 | Success | = | = | CN all ADM1 from geoname also for provider China NBS | 1.966 |
924 | chkCode_CN_China NBS_ADM2_missing | CN | 0 | Success | = | = | CN all ADM2 from provider China NBS exist | 1.924 |
925 | chkCode_CN_China NBS_ADM2_invalid | CN | 27 | Failure | = | = | CN all ADM2 from geoname also for provider China NBS | 1.874 |
926 | chkCode_CO_dane_ADM1_missing | CO | 0 | Success | = | = | CO all ADM1 from provider dane exist | 1.887 |
927 | chkCode_CO_dane_ADM1_invalid | CO | 0 | Success | = | = | CO all ADM1 from geoname also for provider dane | 1.908 |
928 | chkCode_CO_dane_ADM2_missing | CO | 0 | Success | = | = | CO all ADM2 from provider dane exist | 1.863 |
929 | chkCode_CO_dane_ADM2_invalid | CO | 0 | Success | = | = | CO all ADM2 from geoname also for provider dane | 1.916 |
930 | chkCode_CR_inec_go_cr_ADM1_missing | CR | 0 | Success | = | = | CR all ADM1 from provider inec_go_cr exist | 1.891 |
931 | chkCode_CR_inec_go_cr_ADM1_invalid | CR | 0 | Success | = | = | CR all ADM1 from geoname also for provider inec_go_cr | 1.889 |
932 | chkCode_CR_inec_go_cr_ADM2_missing | CR | 0 | Success | = | = | CR all ADM2 from provider inec_go_cr exist | 1.918 |
933 | chkCode_CR_inec_go_cr_ADM2_invalid | CR | 0 | Success | = | = | CR all ADM2 from geoname also for provider inec_go_cr | 1.885 |
934 | chkCode_CR_inec_go_cr_ADM3_missing | CR | 0 | Success | = | = | CR all ADM3 from provider inec_go_cr exist | 1.927 |
935 | chkCode_CR_inec_go_cr_ADM3_invalid | CR | 0 | Success | = | = | CR all ADM3 from geoname also for provider inec_go_cr | 1.903 |
936 | chkCode_CU_one_cu_ADM1_missing | CU | 0 | Success | = | = | CU all ADM1 from provider one_cu exist | 1.916 |
937 | chkCode_CU_one_cu_ADM1_invalid | CU | 0 | Success | = | = | CU all ADM1 from geoname also for provider one_cu | 1.978 |
938 | chkCode_CU_one_cu_ADM2_missing | CU | 0 | Success | = | = | CU all ADM2 from provider one_cu exist | 1.904 |
939 | chkCode_CU_one_cu_ADM2_invalid | CU | 0 | Success | = | = | CU all ADM2 from geoname also for provider one_cu | 1.931 |
940 | chkCode_CV_ine_cv_ADM1_missing | CV | 0 | Success | = | = | CV all ADM1 from provider ine_cv exist | 1.917 |
941 | chkCode_CV_ine_cv_ADM1_invalid | CV | 0 | Success | = | = | CV all ADM1 from geoname also for provider ine_cv | 1.919 |
942 | chkCode_CY_mof_gov_cy_ADM1_missing | CY | 0 | Success | = | = | CY all ADM1 from provider mof_gov_cy exist | 1.943 |
943 | chkCode_CY_mof_gov_cy_ADM1_invalid | CY | 0 | Success | = | = | CY all ADM1 from geoname also for provider mof_gov_cy | 1.912 |
944 | chkCode_CY_mof_gov_cy_ADM2_missing | CY | 0 | Success | = | = | CY all ADM2 from provider mof_gov_cy exist | 1.85 |
945 | chkCode_CY_mof_gov_cy_ADM2_invalid | CY | 0 | Success | = | = | CY all ADM2 from geoname also for provider mof_gov_cy | 1.94 |
946 | chkCode_CZ_czso_ADM1_missing | CZ | 0 | Success | = | = | CZ all ADM1 from provider czso exist | 1.959 |
947 | chkCode_CZ_czso_ADM1_invalid | CZ | 0 | Success | = | = | CZ all ADM1 from geoname also for provider czso | 1.965 |
948 | chkCode_CZ_czso_ADM2_missing | CZ | 0 | Success | = | = | CZ all ADM2 from provider czso exist | 2.068 |
949 | chkCode_CZ_czso_ADM2_invalid | CZ | 0 | Success | = | = | CZ all ADM2 from geoname also for provider czso | 1.906 |
950 | chkCode_CZ_czso_ADM3_missing | CZ | 0 | Success | = | = | CZ all ADM3 from provider czso exist | 1.914 |
951 | chkCode_CZ_czso_ADM3_invalid | CZ | 0 | Success | = | = | CZ all ADM3 from geoname also for provider czso | 1.864 |
952 | chkCode_DE_destatis_ADM1_missing | DE | 0 | Success | = | = | DE all ADM1 from provider destatis exist | 1.915 |
953 | chkCode_DE_destatis_ADM1_invalid | DE | 0 | Success | = | = | DE all ADM1 from geoname also for provider destatis | 1.988 |
954 | chkCode_DE_destatis_ADM2_missing | DE | 0 | Success | = | = | DE all ADM2 from provider destatis exist | 1.893 |
955 | chkCode_DE_destatis_ADM2_invalid | DE | 0 | Success | = | = | DE all ADM2 from geoname also for provider destatis | 1.873 |
956 | chkCode_DE_destatis_ADM3_missing | DE | 0 | Success | = | = | DE all ADM3 from provider destatis exist | 1.962 |
957 | chkCode_DE_destatis_ADM3_invalid | DE | 0 | Success | = | = | DE all ADM3 from geoname also for provider destatis | 1.937 |
958 | chkCode_DE_destatis_ADM4_missing | DE | 35 | Failure | = | = | DE all ADM4 from provider destatis exist | 1.961 |
959 | chkCode_DE_destatis_ADM4_invalid | DE | 0 | Success | = | = | DE all ADM4 from geoname also for provider destatis | 1.857 |
960 | chkCode_DK_dst_ADM1_missing | DK | 0 | Success | = | = | DK all ADM1 from provider dst exist | 1.895 |
961 | chkCode_DK_dst_ADM1_invalid | DK | 0 | Success | = | = | DK all ADM1 from geoname also for provider dst | 1.916 |
962 | chkCode_DK_dst_ADM2_missing | DK | 0 | Success | = | = | DK all ADM2 from provider dst exist | 1.886 |
963 | chkCode_DK_dst_ADM2_invalid | DK | 0 | Success | = | = | DK all ADM2 from geoname also for provider dst | 1.877 |
964 | chkCode_DO_one_ADM1_missing | DO | 0 | Success | = | = | DO all ADM1 from provider one exist | 1.899 |
965 | chkCode_DO_one_ADM1_invalid | DO | 0 | Success | = | = | DO all ADM1 from geoname also for provider one | 2.001 |
966 | chkCode_DO_one_null_missing | DO | 0 | Success | = | = | DO all null from provider one exist | 1.911 |
967 | chkCode_DO_one_null_invalid | DO | 0 | Success | = | = | DO all null from geoname also for provider one | 2.026 |
968 | chkCode_DZ_ons_ADM1_missing | DZ | 0 | Success | = | = | DZ all ADM1 from provider ons exist | 1.917 |
969 | chkCode_DZ_ons_ADM1_invalid | DZ | 0 | Success | = | = | DZ all ADM1 from geoname also for provider ons | 1.991 |
970 | chkCode_EC_inec_ADM3_missing | EC | 0 | Success | = | = | EC all ADM3 from provider inec exist | 1.905 |
971 | chkCode_EC_inec_ADM3_invalid | EC | 1 | Failure | = | = | EC all ADM3 from geoname also for provider inec | 1.885 |
972 | chkCode_EC_inec ec_ADM1_missing | EC | 0 | Success | = | = | EC all ADM1 from provider inec ec exist | 1.888 |
973 | chkCode_EC_inec ec_ADM1_invalid | EC | 0 | Success | = | = | EC all ADM1 from geoname also for provider inec ec | 1.912 |
974 | chkCode_EC_inec ec_ADM2_missing | EC | 0 | Success | = | = | EC all ADM2 from provider inec ec exist | 1.892 |
975 | chkCode_EC_inec ec_ADM2_invalid | EC | 0 | Success | = | = | EC all ADM2 from geoname also for provider inec ec | 1.875 |
976 | chkCode_EE_maaamet_ADM1_missing | EE | 0 | Success | = | = | EE all ADM1 from provider maaamet exist | 1.9 |
977 | chkCode_EE_maaamet_ADM1_invalid | EE | 0 | Success | = | = | EE all ADM1 from geoname also for provider maaamet | 1.897 |
978 | chkCode_EE_maaamet_ADM2_missing | EE | 0 | Success | = | = | EE all ADM2 from provider maaamet exist | 1.857 |
979 | chkCode_EE_maaamet_ADM2_invalid | EE | 0 | Success | = | = | EE all ADM2 from geoname also for provider maaamet | 1.867 |
980 | chkCode_EE_maaamet_ADM3_missing | EE | 0 | Success | = | = | EE all ADM3 from provider maaamet exist | 1.909 |
981 | chkCode_EE_maaamet_ADM3_invalid | EE | 0 | Success | = | = | EE all ADM3 from geoname also for provider maaamet | 1.894 |
982 | chkCode_ER_ocha_ADM1_missing | ER | 0 | Success | = | = | ER all ADM1 from provider ocha exist | 1.9 |
983 | chkCode_ER_ocha_ADM1_invalid | ER | 0 | Success | = | = | ER all ADM1 from geoname also for provider ocha | 1.894 |
984 | chkCode_ER_ocha_ADM2_missing | ER | 0 | Success | = | = | ER all ADM2 from provider ocha exist | 1.879 |
985 | chkCode_ER_ocha_ADM2_invalid | ER | 0 | Success | = | = | ER all ADM2 from geoname also for provider ocha | 1.916 |
986 | chkCode_ES_ine_ADM1_missing | ES | 0 | Success | = | = | ES all ADM1 from provider ine exist | 1.912 |
987 | chkCode_ES_ine_ADM1_invalid | ES | 0 | Success | = | = | ES all ADM1 from geoname also for provider ine | 1.95 |
988 | chkCode_ES_ine_ADM2_missing | ES | 0 | Success | = | = | ES all ADM2 from provider ine exist | 1.911 |
989 | chkCode_ES_ine_ADM2_invalid | ES | 0 | Success | = | = | ES all ADM2 from geoname also for provider ine | 1.923 |
990 | chkCode_ES_ine_ADM3_missing | ES | 0 | Success | = | = | ES all ADM3 from provider ine exist | 1.919 |
991 | chkCode_ES_ine_ADM3_invalid | ES | 0 | Success | = | = | ES all ADM3 from geoname also for provider ine | 1.903 |
992 | chkCode_FI_kunnat_ADM1_missing | FI | 0 | Success | = | = | FI all ADM1 from provider kunnat exist | 1.961 |
993 | chkCode_FI_kunnat_ADM1_invalid | FI | 0 | Success | = | = | FI all ADM1 from geoname also for provider kunnat | 1.954 |
994 | chkCode_FI_kunnat_ADM2_missing | FI | 0 | Success | = | = | FI all ADM2 from provider kunnat exist | 1.917 |
995 | chkCode_FI_kunnat_ADM2_invalid | FI | 0 | Success | = | = | FI all ADM2 from geoname also for provider kunnat | 1.953 |
996 | chkCode_FI_kunnat_ADM3_missing | FI | 0 | Success | = | = | FI all ADM3 from provider kunnat exist | 1.992 |
997 | chkCode_FI_kunnat_ADM3_invalid | FI | 0 | Success | = | = | FI all ADM3 from geoname also for provider kunnat | 1.92 |
998 | chkCode_FM_popgis_ADM1_missing | FM | 0 | Success | = | = | FM all ADM1 from provider popgis exist | 1.907 |
999 | chkCode_FM_popgis_ADM1_invalid | FM | 0 | Success | = | = | FM all ADM1 from geoname also for provider popgis | 1.908 |
1000 | chkCode_FR_INSEE_ADM1_missing | FR | 0 | Success | = | = | FR all ADM1 from provider INSEE exist | 1.934 |
1001 | chkCode_FR_INSEE_ADM1_invalid | FR | 0 | Success | = | = | FR all ADM1 from geoname also for provider INSEE | 1.899 |
1002 | chkCode_FR_INSEE_ADM2_missing | FR | 0 | Success | = | = | FR all ADM2 from provider INSEE exist | 2.075 |
1003 | chkCode_FR_INSEE_ADM2_invalid | FR | 0 | Success | = | = | FR all ADM2 from geoname also for provider INSEE | 1.938 |
1004 | chkCode_FR_INSEE_ADM3_missing | FR | 0 | Success | = | = | FR all ADM3 from provider INSEE exist | 1.954 |
1005 | chkCode_FR_INSEE_ADM3_invalid | FR | 0 | Success | = | = | FR all ADM3 from geoname also for provider INSEE | 2.031 |
1006 | chkCode_FR_INSEE_ADM4_missing | FR | 0 | Success | = | = | FR all ADM4 from provider INSEE exist | 1.948 |
1007 | chkCode_FR_INSEE_ADM4_invalid | FR | 0 | Success | = | = | FR all ADM4 from geoname also for provider INSEE | 1.91 |
1008 | chkCode_GB_ons_ADM1_missing | GB | 0 | Success | = | = | GB all ADM1 from provider ons exist | 1.94 |
1009 | chkCode_GB_ons_ADM1_invalid | GB | 0 | Success | = | = | GB all ADM1 from geoname also for provider ons | 1.924 |
1010 | chkCode_GB_ons_ADM2_missing | GB | 0 | Success | = | = | GB all ADM2 from provider ons exist | 1.923 |
1011 | chkCode_GB_ons_ADM2_invalid | GB | 1 | Failure | = | ![]() | GB all ADM2 from geoname also for provider ons | 1.981 |
1012 | chkCode_GB_ons_ADM3_missing | GB | 0 | Success | = | ![]() | GB all ADM3 from provider ons exist | 1.956 |
1013 | chkCode_GB_ons_ADM3_invalid | GB | 3635 | Failure | = | ![]() | GB all ADM3 from geoname also for provider ons | 1.945 |
1014 | chkCode_GB_opendata_ni_ADM2_missing | GB | 0 | Success | = | = | GB all ADM2 from provider opendata_ni exist | 1.914 |
1015 | chkCode_GB_opendata_ni_ADM2_invalid | GB | 1 | Failure | = | ![]() | GB all ADM2 from geoname also for provider opendata_ni | 1.946 |
1016 | chkCode_GN_stat_guinee_ADM1_missing | GN | 0 | Success | = | = | GN all ADM1 from provider stat_guinee exist | 1.873 |
1017 | chkCode_GN_stat_guinee_ADM1_invalid | GN | 0 | Success | = | = | GN all ADM1 from geoname also for provider stat_guinee | 1.895 |
1018 | chkCode_GN_stat_guinee_ADM2_missing | GN | 0 | Success | = | = | GN all ADM2 from provider stat_guinee exist | 1.896 |
1019 | chkCode_GN_stat_guinee_ADM2_invalid | GN | 1 | Failure | = | = | GN all ADM2 from geoname also for provider stat_guinee | 1.891 |
1020 | chkCode_GT_sinit_ADM1_missing | GT | 0 | Success | = | = | GT all ADM1 from provider sinit exist | 1.947 |
1021 | chkCode_GT_sinit_ADM1_invalid | GT | 0 | Success | = | = | GT all ADM1 from geoname also for provider sinit | 1.923 |
1022 | chkCode_GT_sinit_ADM2_missing | GT | 0 | Success | = | = | GT all ADM2 from provider sinit exist | 1.903 |
1023 | chkCode_GT_sinit_ADM2_invalid | GT | 0 | Success | = | = | GT all ADM2 from geoname also for provider sinit | 1.903 |
1024 | chkCode_HN_Instituto Nacional de Estadistica de Honduras_ADM1_missing | HN | 0 | Success | = | = | HN all ADM1 from provider Instituto Nacional de Estadistica de Honduras exist | 2.08 |
1025 | chkCode_HN_Instituto Nacional de Estadistica de Honduras_ADM1_invalid | HN | 0 | Success | = | = | HN all ADM1 from geoname also for provider Instituto Nacional de Estadistica de Honduras | 1.882 |
1026 | chkCode_HN_Instituto Nacional de Estadistica de Honduras_ADM2_missing | HN | 0 | Success | = | = | HN all ADM2 from provider Instituto Nacional de Estadistica de Honduras exist | 1.922 |
1027 | chkCode_HN_Instituto Nacional de Estadistica de Honduras_ADM2_invalid | HN | 0 | Success | = | = | HN all ADM2 from geoname also for provider Instituto Nacional de Estadistica de Honduras | 1.902 |
1028 | chkCode_HR_data_gov_hr_null_missing | HR | 0 | Success | = | = | HR all null from provider data_gov_hr exist | 1.952 |
1029 | chkCode_HR_data_gov_hr_null_invalid | HR | 0 | Success | = | = | HR all null from geoname also for provider data_gov_hr | 1.99 |
1030 | chkCode_HU_hcso_ADM1_missing | HU | 0 | Success | = | = | HU all ADM1 from provider hcso exist | 1.932 |
1031 | chkCode_HU_hcso_ADM1_invalid | HU | 0 | Success | = | = | HU all ADM1 from geoname also for provider hcso | 1.922 |
1032 | chkCode_HU_hcso_ADM2_missing | HU | 0 | Success | = | = | HU all ADM2 from provider hcso exist | 2.049 |
1033 | chkCode_HU_hcso_ADM2_invalid | HU | 0 | Success | = | = | HU all ADM2 from geoname also for provider hcso | 1.91 |
1034 | chkCode_ID_bps_ADM1_missing | ID | 0 | Success | = | = | ID all ADM1 from provider bps exist | 1.99 |
1035 | chkCode_ID_bps_ADM1_invalid | ID | 0 | Success | = | = | ID all ADM1 from geoname also for provider bps | 1.948 |
1036 | chkCode_ID_bps_ADM2_missing | ID | 0 | Success | = | = | ID all ADM2 from provider bps exist | 1.953 |
1037 | chkCode_ID_bps_ADM2_invalid | ID | 0 | Success | = | = | ID all ADM2 from geoname also for provider bps | 1.949 |
1038 | chkCode_IE_cso_ADM1_missing | IE | 0 | Success | = | = | IE all ADM1 from provider cso exist | 1.924 |
1039 | chkCode_IE_cso_ADM1_invalid | IE | 0 | Success | = | = | IE all ADM1 from geoname also for provider cso | 1.9 |
1040 | chkCode_IE_cso_ADM2_missing | IE | 6 | Failure | = | = | IE all ADM2 from provider cso exist | 1.908 |
1041 | chkCode_IE_cso_ADM2_invalid | IE | 3 | Failure | = | = | IE all ADM2 from geoname also for provider cso | 1.849 |
1042 | chkCode_IN_Census of India_ADM1_missing | IN | 0 | Success | = | = | IN all ADM1 from provider Census of India exist | 1.924 |
1043 | chkCode_IN_Census of India_ADM1_invalid | IN | 0 | Success | = | = | IN all ADM1 from geoname also for provider Census of India | 1.867 |
1044 | chkCode_IN_Census of India_ADM2_missing | IN | 0 | Success | = | = | IN all ADM2 from provider Census of India exist | 1.894 |
1045 | chkCode_IN_Census of India_ADM2_invalid | IN | 0 | Success | = | = | IN all ADM2 from geoname also for provider Census of India | 2.121 |
1046 | chkCode_IN_Census of India_ADM3_missing | IN | 0 | Success | = | = | IN all ADM3 from provider Census of India exist | 1.906 |
1047 | chkCode_IN_Census of India_ADM3_invalid | IN | 0 | Success | = | = | IN all ADM3 from geoname also for provider Census of India | 1.902 |
1048 | chkCode_IS_lmi_ADM2_missing | IS | 0 | Success | = | = | IS all ADM2 from provider lmi exist | 1.874 |
1049 | chkCode_IS_lmi_ADM2_invalid | IS | 0 | Success | = | = | IS all ADM2 from geoname also for provider lmi | 1.899 |
1050 | chkCode_IT_istat_ADM1_missing | IT | 0 | Success | = | = | IT all ADM1 from provider istat exist | 2.199 |
1051 | chkCode_IT_istat_ADM1_invalid | IT | 0 | Success | = | = | IT all ADM1 from geoname also for provider istat | 1.884 |
1052 | chkCode_IT_istat_ADM2_missing | IT | 0 | Success | = | = | IT all ADM2 from provider istat exist | 1.879 |
1053 | chkCode_IT_istat_ADM2_invalid | IT | 0 | Success | = | = | IT all ADM2 from geoname also for provider istat | 1.875 |
1054 | chkCode_IT_istat_ADM3_missing | IT | 0 | Success | = | = | IT all ADM3 from provider istat exist | 1.905 |
1055 | chkCode_IT_istat_ADM3_invalid | IT | 0 | Success | = | = | IT all ADM3 from geoname also for provider istat | 1.872 |
1056 | chkCode_JM_pioj_ADM1_missing | JM | 0 | Success | = | = | JM all ADM1 from provider pioj exist | 1.899 |
1057 | chkCode_JM_pioj_ADM1_invalid | JM | 0 | Success | = | = | JM all ADM1 from geoname also for provider pioj | 1.858 |
1058 | chkCode_JM_pioj_ADM2_missing | JM | 0 | Success | = | = | JM all ADM2 from provider pioj exist | 1.939 |
1059 | chkCode_JM_pioj_ADM2_invalid | JM | 0 | Success | = | = | JM all ADM2 from geoname also for provider pioj | 2.05 |
1060 | chkCode_JP_mlit_ADM1_missing | JP | 0 | Success | = | = | JP all ADM1 from provider mlit exist | 1.933 |
1061 | chkCode_JP_mlit_ADM1_invalid | JP | 0 | Success | = | = | JP all ADM1 from geoname also for provider mlit | 1.906 |
1062 | chkCode_KG_stat_kg_ADM1_missing | KG | 0 | Success | = | = | KG all ADM1 from provider stat_kg exist | 1.911 |
1063 | chkCode_KG_stat_kg_ADM1_invalid | KG | 0 | Success | = | = | KG all ADM1 from geoname also for provider stat_kg | 1.89 |
1064 | chkCode_KG_stat_kg_ADM2_missing | KG | 0 | Success | = | = | KG all ADM2 from provider stat_kg exist | 1.94 |
1065 | chkCode_KG_stat_kg_ADM2_invalid | KG | 0 | Success | = | = | KG all ADM2 from geoname also for provider stat_kg | 1.894 |
1066 | chkCode_KH_nis_ADM1_missing | KH | 0 | Success | = | = | KH all ADM1 from provider nis exist | 1.939 |
1067 | chkCode_KH_nis_ADM1_invalid | KH | 0 | Success | = | = | KH all ADM1 from geoname also for provider nis | 1.985 |
1068 | chkCode_KH_nis_ADM2_missing | KH | 0 | Success | = | = | KH all ADM2 from provider nis exist | 1.89 |
1069 | chkCode_KH_nis_ADM2_invalid | KH | 0 | Success | = | = | KH all ADM2 from geoname also for provider nis | 1.882 |
1070 | chkCode_KH_nis_ADM3_missing | KH | 0 | Success | = | = | KH all ADM3 from provider nis exist | 1.943 |
1071 | chkCode_KH_nis_ADM3_invalid | KH | 0 | Success | = | = | KH all ADM3 from geoname also for provider nis | 1.879 |
1072 | chkCode_KR_kostat_ADM1_missing | KR | 0 | Success | = | = | KR all ADM1 from provider kostat exist | 2.073 |
1073 | chkCode_KR_kostat_ADM1_invalid | KR | 0 | Success | = | = | KR all ADM1 from geoname also for provider kostat | 1.909 |
1074 | chkCode_KR_kostat_ADM2_missing | KR | 34 | Failure | = | = | KR all ADM2 from provider kostat exist | 1.92 |
1075 | chkCode_KR_kostat_ADM2_invalid | KR | 0 | Success | = | = | KR all ADM2 from geoname also for provider kostat | 1.904 |
1076 | chkCode_KR_kostat_ADM3_missing | KR | 508 | Failure | = | = | KR all ADM3 from provider kostat exist | 1.932 |
1077 | chkCode_KR_kostat_ADM3_invalid | KR | 304 | Failure | = | ![]() | KR all ADM3 from geoname also for provider kostat | 1.933 |
1078 | chkCode_LA_Laos Statistics Bureau_ADM1_missing | LA | 0 | Success | = | = | LA all ADM1 from provider Laos Statistics Bureau exist | 2.112 |
1079 | chkCode_LA_Laos Statistics Bureau_ADM1_invalid | LA | 0 | Success | = | = | LA all ADM1 from geoname also for provider Laos Statistics Bureau | 1.94 |
1080 | chkCode_LA_lsb_ADM2_missing | LA | 0 | Success | = | = | LA all ADM2 from provider lsb exist | 1.895 |
1081 | chkCode_LA_lsb_ADM2_invalid | LA | 0 | Success | = | = | LA all ADM2 from geoname also for provider lsb | 1.925 |
1082 | chkCode_LC_data_govt_lc_ADM1_missing | LC | 0 | Success | = | = | LC all ADM1 from provider data_govt_lc exist | 1.908 |
1083 | chkCode_LC_data_govt_lc_ADM1_invalid | LC | 0 | Success | = | = | LC all ADM1 from geoname also for provider data_govt_lc | 2.0 |
1084 | chkCode_LC_data_govt_lc_ADM2_missing | LC | 0 | Success | = | = | LC all ADM2 from provider data_govt_lc exist | 1.905 |
1085 | chkCode_LC_data_govt_lc_ADM2_invalid | LC | 0 | Success | = | = | LC all ADM2 from geoname also for provider data_govt_lc | 1.928 |
1086 | chkCode_LI_bfs ch_ADM1_missing | LI | 0 | Success | = | = | LI all ADM1 from provider bfs ch exist | 1.906 |
1087 | chkCode_LI_bfs ch_ADM1_invalid | LI | 0 | Success | = | = | LI all ADM1 from geoname also for provider bfs ch | 1.899 |
1088 | chkCode_LK_Census and Statistics_ADM1_missing | LK | 0 | Success | = | = | LK all ADM1 from provider Census and Statistics exist | 1.9 |
1089 | chkCode_LK_Census and Statistics_ADM1_invalid | LK | 0 | Success | = | = | LK all ADM1 from geoname also for provider Census and Statistics | 1.897 |
1090 | chkCode_LK_Census and Statistics_ADM2_missing | LK | 0 | Success | = | = | LK all ADM2 from provider Census and Statistics exist | 1.911 |
1091 | chkCode_LK_Census and Statistics_ADM2_invalid | LK | 0 | Success | = | = | LK all ADM2 from geoname also for provider Census and Statistics | 1.917 |
1092 | chkCode_LK_Census and Statistics_ADM3_missing | LK | 0 | Success | = | = | LK all ADM3 from provider Census and Statistics exist | 1.949 |
1093 | chkCode_LK_Census and Statistics_ADM3_invalid | LK | 0 | Success | = | = | LK all ADM3 from geoname also for provider Census and Statistics | 1.907 |
1094 | chkCode_LK_Census and Statistics_ADM4_missing | LK | 0 | Success | = | = | LK all ADM4 from provider Census and Statistics exist | 1.907 |
1095 | chkCode_LK_Census and Statistics_ADM4_invalid | LK | 0 | Success | = | = | LK all ADM4 from geoname also for provider Census and Statistics | 1.895 |
1096 | chkCode_LT_Statistics Lithuania_ADM1_missing | LT | 0 | Success | = | = | LT all ADM1 from provider Statistics Lithuania exist | 1.903 |
1097 | chkCode_LT_Statistics Lithuania_ADM1_invalid | LT | 0 | Success | = | = | LT all ADM1 from geoname also for provider Statistics Lithuania | 1.881 |
1098 | chkCode_LT_Statistics Lithuania_ADM2_missing | LT | 0 | Success | = | = | LT all ADM2 from provider Statistics Lithuania exist | 1.925 |
1099 | chkCode_LT_Statistics Lithuania_ADM2_invalid | LT | 0 | Success | = | = | LT all ADM2 from geoname also for provider Statistics Lithuania | 1.937 |
1100 | chkCode_LT_Statistics Lithuania_ADM3_missing | LT | 0 | Success | = | = | LT all ADM3 from provider Statistics Lithuania exist | 1.964 |
1101 | chkCode_LT_Statistics Lithuania_ADM3_invalid | LT | 0 | Success | = | = | LT all ADM3 from geoname also for provider Statistics Lithuania | 2.147 |
1102 | chkCode_LV_csb_lv_ADM1_missing | LV | 0 | Success | = | = | LV all ADM1 from provider csb_lv exist | 1.916 |
1103 | chkCode_LV_csb_lv_ADM1_invalid | LV | 0 | Success | = | = | LV all ADM1 from geoname also for provider csb_lv | 1.925 |
1104 | chkCode_LV_csb_lv_ADM2_missing | LV | 0 | Success | = | = | LV all ADM2 from provider csb_lv exist | 1.874 |
1105 | chkCode_LV_csb_lv_ADM2_invalid | LV | 0 | Success | = | = | LV all ADM2 from geoname also for provider csb_lv | 1.901 |
1106 | chkCode_MA_hcp_ADM1_missing | MA | 0 | Success | = | ![]() | MA all ADM1 from provider hcp exist | 1.902 |
1107 | chkCode_MA_hcp_ADM1_invalid | MA | 0 | Success | = | = | MA all ADM1 from geoname also for provider hcp | 1.898 |
1108 | chkCode_MA_hcp_ADM2_missing | MA | 0 | Success | = | = | MA all ADM2 from provider hcp exist | 1.894 |
1109 | chkCode_MA_hcp_ADM2_invalid | MA | 0 | Success | = | = | MA all ADM2 from geoname also for provider hcp | 1.87 |
1110 | chkCode_MG_www.instat.mg_ADM1_missing | MG | 0 | Success | = | = | MG all ADM1 from provider www.instat.mg exist | 1.933 |
1111 | chkCode_MG_www.instat.mg_ADM1_invalid | MG | 0 | Success | = | = | MG all ADM1 from geoname also for provider www.instat.mg | 1.891 |
1112 | chkCode_MG_www.instat.mg_ADM2_missing | MG | 0 | Success | = | = | MG all ADM2 from provider www.instat.mg exist | 1.956 |
1113 | chkCode_MG_www.instat.mg_ADM2_invalid | MG | 0 | Success | = | = | MG all ADM2 from geoname also for provider www.instat.mg | 1.916 |
1114 | chkCode_MG_www.instat.mg_ADM3_missing | MG | 0 | Success | = | = | MG all ADM3 from provider www.instat.mg exist | 1.891 |
1115 | chkCode_MG_www.instat.mg_ADM3_invalid | MG | 0 | Success | = | = | MG all ADM3 from geoname also for provider www.instat.mg | 1.973 |
1116 | chkCode_MG_www.instat.mg_ADM4_missing | MG | 0 | Success | = | = | MG all ADM4 from provider www.instat.mg exist | 1.929 |
1117 | chkCode_MG_www.instat.mg_ADM4_invalid | MG | 0 | Success | = | = | MG all ADM4 from geoname also for provider www.instat.mg | 1.929 |
1118 | chkCode_MM_mimu_ADM1_missing | MM | 0 | Success | = | = | MM all ADM1 from provider mimu exist | 1.952 |
1119 | chkCode_MM_mimu_ADM1_invalid | MM | 0 | Success | = | = | MM all ADM1 from geoname also for provider mimu | 1.893 |
1120 | chkCode_MM_mimu_ADM2_missing | MM | 0 | Success | = | = | MM all ADM2 from provider mimu exist | 1.881 |
1121 | chkCode_MM_mimu_ADM2_invalid | MM | 0 | Success | = | = | MM all ADM2 from geoname also for provider mimu | 1.924 |
1122 | chkCode_MM_mimu_ADM3_missing | MM | 0 | Success | = | = | MM all ADM3 from provider mimu exist | 1.978 |
1123 | chkCode_MM_mimu_ADM3_invalid | MM | 0 | Success | = | = | MM all ADM3 from geoname also for provider mimu | 1.929 |
1124 | chkCode_MX_inegi_ADM1_missing | MX | 0 | Success | = | = | MX all ADM1 from provider inegi exist | 1.891 |
1125 | chkCode_MX_inegi_ADM1_invalid | MX | 0 | Success | = | = | MX all ADM1 from geoname also for provider inegi | 1.891 |
1126 | chkCode_MX_inegi_ADM2_missing | MX | 0 | Success | = | = | MX all ADM2 from provider inegi exist | 1.945 |
1127 | chkCode_MX_inegi_ADM2_invalid | MX | 0 | Success | = | = | MX all ADM2 from geoname also for provider inegi | 1.956 |
1128 | chkCode_MY_dosm_ADM1_missing | MY | 0 | Success | = | = | MY all ADM1 from provider dosm exist | 1.909 |
1129 | chkCode_MY_dosm_ADM1_invalid | MY | 0 | Success | = | = | MY all ADM1 from geoname also for provider dosm | 1.929 |
1130 | chkCode_MY_dosm_ADM2_missing | MY | 0 | Success | = | = | MY all ADM2 from provider dosm exist | 1.913 |
1131 | chkCode_MY_dosm_ADM2_invalid | MY | 0 | Success | = | = | MY all ADM2 from geoname also for provider dosm | 1.923 |
1132 | chkCode_NI_inide_ADM1_missing | NI | 0 | Success | = | = | NI all ADM1 from provider inide exist | 1.921 |
1133 | chkCode_NI_inide_ADM1_invalid | NI | 0 | Success | = | = | NI all ADM1 from geoname also for provider inide | 1.923 |
1134 | chkCode_NI_inide_ADM2_missing | NI | 0 | Success | = | = | NI all ADM2 from provider inide exist | 1.939 |
1135 | chkCode_NI_inide_ADM2_invalid | NI | 0 | Success | = | = | NI all ADM2 from geoname also for provider inide | 1.912 |
1136 | chkCode_NL_cbs_ADM1_missing | NL | 0 | Success | = | = | NL all ADM1 from provider cbs exist | 1.908 |
1137 | chkCode_NL_cbs_ADM1_invalid | NL | 0 | Success | = | = | NL all ADM1 from geoname also for provider cbs | 1.985 |
1138 | chkCode_NL_cbs_ADM2_missing | NL | 0 | Success | = | = | NL all ADM2 from provider cbs exist | 1.971 |
1139 | chkCode_NL_cbs_ADM2_invalid | NL | 0 | Success | = | = | NL all ADM2 from geoname also for provider cbs | 1.908 |
1140 | chkCode_NO_ssb_ADM1_missing | NO | 0 | Success | = | = | NO all ADM1 from provider ssb exist | 1.875 |
1141 | chkCode_NO_ssb_ADM1_invalid | NO | 0 | Success | = | = | NO all ADM1 from geoname also for provider ssb | 1.896 |
1142 | chkCode_NO_ssb_ADM2_missing | NO | 0 | Success | = | = | NO all ADM2 from provider ssb exist | 1.937 |
1143 | chkCode_NO_ssb_ADM2_invalid | NO | 0 | Success | = | = | NO all ADM2 from geoname also for provider ssb | 1.892 |
1144 | chkCode_NZ_nz statistics_ADM1_missing | NZ | 0 | Success | = | = | NZ all ADM1 from provider nz statistics exist | 1.891 |
1145 | chkCode_NZ_nz statistics_ADM1_invalid | NZ | 0 | Success | = | = | NZ all ADM1 from geoname also for provider nz statistics | 1.89 |
1146 | chkCode_PA_ince_ADM3_missing | PA | 0 | Success | = | = | PA all ADM3 from provider ince exist | 1.874 |
1147 | chkCode_PA_ince_ADM3_invalid | PA | 0 | Success | = | = | PA all ADM3 from geoname also for provider ince | 1.901 |
1148 | chkCode_PA_inec_ADM1_missing | PA | 0 | Success | = | = | PA all ADM1 from provider inec exist | 1.962 |
1149 | chkCode_PA_inec_ADM1_invalid | PA | 0 | Success | = | = | PA all ADM1 from geoname also for provider inec | 1.902 |
1150 | chkCode_PA_inec_ADM2_missing | PA | 0 | Success | = | = | PA all ADM2 from provider inec exist | 1.904 |
1151 | chkCode_PA_inec_ADM2_invalid | PA | 0 | Success | = | = | PA all ADM2 from geoname also for provider inec | 1.901 |
1152 | chkCode_PA_inec_ADM3_missing | PA | 0 | Success | = | = | PA all ADM3 from provider inec exist | 1.916 |
1153 | chkCode_PA_inec_ADM3_invalid | PA | 0 | Success | = | = | PA all ADM3 from geoname also for provider inec | 1.902 |
1154 | chkCode_PE_minam_ADM1_missing | PE | 0 | Success | = | = | PE all ADM1 from provider minam exist | 1.937 |
1155 | chkCode_PE_minam_ADM1_invalid | PE | 1 | Failure | = | = | PE all ADM1 from geoname also for provider minam | 1.855 |
1156 | chkCode_PE_minam_ADM2_missing | PE | 0 | Success | = | = | PE all ADM2 from provider minam exist | 1.901 |
1157 | chkCode_PE_minam_ADM2_invalid | PE | 0 | Success | = | = | PE all ADM2 from geoname also for provider minam | 1.979 |
1158 | chkCode_PE_minam_ADM3_missing | PE | 0 | Success | = | = | PE all ADM3 from provider minam exist | 2.04 |
1159 | chkCode_PE_minam_ADM3_invalid | PE | 0 | Success | = | = | PE all ADM3 from geoname also for provider minam | 1.887 |
1160 | chkCode_PF_insee_ADM1_missing | PF | 0 | Success | = | = | PF all ADM1 from provider insee exist | 1.905 |
1161 | chkCode_PF_insee_ADM1_invalid | PF | 0 | Success | = | = | PF all ADM1 from geoname also for provider insee | 1.925 |
1162 | chkCode_PF_insee_ADM2_missing | PF | 0 | Success | = | = | PF all ADM2 from provider insee exist | 1.963 |
1163 | chkCode_PF_insee_ADM2_invalid | PF | 0 | Success | = | = | PF all ADM2 from geoname also for provider insee | 1.96 |
1164 | chkCode_PG_nri_ADM2_missing | PG | 0 | Success | = | = | PG all ADM2 from provider nri exist | 1.951 |
1165 | chkCode_PG_nri_ADM2_invalid | PG | 0 | Success | = | = | PG all ADM2 from geoname also for provider nri | 1.912 |
1166 | chkCode_PH_psgc_ADM1_missing | PH | 0 | Success | = | = | PH all ADM1 from provider psgc exist | 1.93 |
1167 | chkCode_PH_psgc_ADM1_invalid | PH | 0 | Success | = | = | PH all ADM1 from geoname also for provider psgc | 1.956 |
1168 | chkCode_PH_psgc_ADM2_missing | PH | 0 | Success | = | = | PH all ADM2 from provider psgc exist | 1.939 |
1169 | chkCode_PH_psgc_ADM2_invalid | PH | 0 | Success | = | = | PH all ADM2 from geoname also for provider psgc | 1.893 |
1170 | chkCode_PH_psgc_ADM3_missing | PH | 0 | Success | = | = | PH all ADM3 from provider psgc exist | 1.916 |
1171 | chkCode_PH_psgc_ADM3_invalid | PH | 0 | Success | = | = | PH all ADM3 from geoname also for provider psgc | 1.923 |
1172 | chkCode_PL_cos_ADM1_missing | PL | 0 | Success | = | = | PL all ADM1 from provider cos exist | 1.886 |
1173 | chkCode_PL_cos_ADM1_invalid | PL | 0 | Success | = | = | PL all ADM1 from geoname also for provider cos | 1.94 |
1174 | chkCode_PL_cos_ADM2_missing | PL | 0 | Success | = | = | PL all ADM2 from provider cos exist | 2.019 |
1175 | chkCode_PL_cos_ADM2_invalid | PL | 0 | Success | = | = | PL all ADM2 from geoname also for provider cos | 1.88 |
1176 | chkCode_PL_cos_ADM3_missing | PL | 0 | Success | = | = | PL all ADM3 from provider cos exist | 1.959 |
1177 | chkCode_PL_cos_ADM3_invalid | PL | 0 | Success | = | = | PL all ADM3 from geoname also for provider cos | 1.929 |
1178 | chkCode_PT_ine_pt_ADM2_missing | PT | 0 | Success | = | = | PT all ADM2 from provider ine_pt exist | 1.927 |
1179 | chkCode_PT_ine_pt_ADM2_invalid | PT | 0 | Success | = | = | PT all ADM2 from geoname also for provider ine_pt | 1.939 |
1180 | chkCode_PT_ine_pt_ADM3_missing | PT | 0 | Success | = | = | PT all ADM3 from provider ine_pt exist | 1.938 |
1181 | chkCode_PT_ine_pt_ADM3_invalid | PT | 0 | Success | = | = | PT all ADM3 from geoname also for provider ine_pt | 1.929 |
1182 | chkCode_PW_popgis_ADM1_missing | PW | 0 | Success | = | = | PW all ADM1 from provider popgis exist | 1.968 |
1183 | chkCode_PW_popgis_ADM1_invalid | PW | 0 | Success | = | = | PW all ADM1 from geoname also for provider popgis | 1.917 |
1184 | chkCode_PY_dgeec_ADM1_missing | PY | 0 | Success | = | = | PY all ADM1 from provider dgeec exist | 1.941 |
1185 | chkCode_PY_dgeec_ADM1_invalid | PY | 0 | Success | = | = | PY all ADM1 from geoname also for provider dgeec | 1.904 |
1186 | chkCode_PY_dgeec_ADM2_missing | PY | 0 | Success | = | = | PY all ADM2 from provider dgeec exist | 1.957 |
1187 | chkCode_PY_dgeec_ADM2_invalid | PY | 0 | Success | = | = | PY all ADM2 from geoname also for provider dgeec | 1.935 |
1188 | chkCode_PY_dgeec_ADM3_missing | PY | 0 | Success | = | = | PY all ADM3 from provider dgeec exist | 1.9 |
1189 | chkCode_PY_dgeec_ADM3_invalid | PY | 0 | Success | = | = | PY all ADM3 from geoname also for provider dgeec | 1.931 |
1190 | chkCode_RO_insse_ADM1_missing | RO | 0 | Success | = | = | RO all ADM1 from provider insse exist | 1.957 |
1191 | chkCode_RO_insse_ADM1_invalid | RO | 0 | Success | = | = | RO all ADM1 from geoname also for provider insse | 1.927 |
1192 | chkCode_RO_insse_ADM2_missing | RO | 0 | Success | = | = | RO all ADM2 from provider insse exist | 1.951 |
1193 | chkCode_RO_insse_ADM2_invalid | RO | 0 | Success | = | = | RO all ADM2 from geoname also for provider insse | 1.917 |
1194 | chkCode_RS_rso_ADM2_missing | RS | 0 | Success | = | = | RS all ADM2 from provider rso exist | 1.932 |
1195 | chkCode_RS_rso_ADM2_invalid | RS | 0 | Success | = | = | RS all ADM2 from geoname also for provider rso | 1.889 |
1196 | chkCode_RS_rso_ADM3_missing | RS | 0 | Success | = | = | RS all ADM3 from provider rso exist | 1.976 |
1197 | chkCode_RS_rso_ADM3_invalid | RS | 0 | Success | = | = | RS all ADM3 from geoname also for provider rso | 1.922 |
1198 | chkCode_RW_nisr_ADM1_missing | RW | 0 | Success | = | = | RW all ADM1 from provider nisr exist | 1.937 |
1199 | chkCode_RW_nisr_ADM1_invalid | RW | 0 | Success | = | = | RW all ADM1 from geoname also for provider nisr | 1.945 |
1200 | chkCode_RW_nisr_ADM2_missing | RW | 0 | Success | = | = | RW all ADM2 from provider nisr exist | 1.957 |
1201 | chkCode_RW_nisr_ADM2_invalid | RW | 0 | Success | = | = | RW all ADM2 from geoname also for provider nisr | 1.969 |
1202 | chkCode_RW_nisr_ADM3_missing | RW | 0 | Success | = | = | RW all ADM3 from provider nisr exist | 1.944 |
1203 | chkCode_RW_nisr_ADM3_invalid | RW | 0 | Success | = | = | RW all ADM3 from geoname also for provider nisr | 1.955 |
1204 | chkCode_RW_nisr_ADM4_missing | RW | 0 | Success | = | = | RW all ADM4 from provider nisr exist | 1.912 |
1205 | chkCode_RW_nisr_ADM4_invalid | RW | 0 | Success | = | = | RW all ADM4 from geoname also for provider nisr | 2.013 |
1206 | chkCode_SB_popgis_ADM1_missing | SB | 0 | Success | = | = | SB all ADM1 from provider popgis exist | 1.965 |
1207 | chkCode_SB_popgis_ADM1_invalid | SB | 0 | Success | = | = | SB all ADM1 from geoname also for provider popgis | 2.165 |
1208 | chkCode_SB_popgis_ADM2_missing | SB | 0 | Success | = | = | SB all ADM2 from provider popgis exist | 1.937 |
1209 | chkCode_SB_popgis_ADM2_invalid | SB | 0 | Success | = | = | SB all ADM2 from geoname also for provider popgis | 2.038 |
1210 | chkCode_SE_scb_ADM1_missing | SE | 0 | Success | = | = | SE all ADM1 from provider scb exist | 1.971 |
1211 | chkCode_SE_scb_ADM1_invalid | SE | 0 | Success | = | = | SE all ADM1 from geoname also for provider scb | 1.946 |
1212 | chkCode_SE_scb_ADM2_missing | SE | 0 | Success | = | = | SE all ADM2 from provider scb exist | 1.943 |
1213 | chkCode_SE_scb_ADM2_invalid | SE | 0 | Success | = | = | SE all ADM2 from geoname also for provider scb | 1.887 |
1214 | chkCode_SE_scb_ADM3_missing | SE | 0 | Success | = | = | SE all ADM3 from provider scb exist | 1.94 |
1215 | chkCode_SE_scb_ADM3_invalid | SE | 0 | Success | = | = | SE all ADM3 from geoname also for provider scb | 2.004 |
1216 | chkCode_SI_stat si_ADM1_missing | SI | 0 | Success | = | = | SI all ADM1 from provider stat si exist | 1.974 |
1217 | chkCode_SI_stat si_ADM1_invalid | SI | 0 | Success | = | = | SI all ADM1 from geoname also for provider stat si | 1.898 |
1218 | chkCode_SK_statistics_sk_ADM1_missing | SK | 0 | Success | = | = | SK all ADM1 from provider statistics_sk exist | 1.926 |
1219 | chkCode_SK_statistics_sk_ADM1_invalid | SK | 0 | Success | = | = | SK all ADM1 from geoname also for provider statistics_sk | 1.919 |
1220 | chkCode_SK_statistics_sk_ADM2_missing | SK | 0 | Success | = | = | SK all ADM2 from provider statistics_sk exist | 1.951 |
1221 | chkCode_SK_statistics_sk_ADM2_invalid | SK | 0 | Success | = | = | SK all ADM2 from geoname also for provider statistics_sk | 1.951 |
1222 | chkCode_SK_statistics_sk_ADM3_missing | SK | 0 | Success | = | = | SK all ADM3 from provider statistics_sk exist | 1.948 |
1223 | chkCode_SK_statistics_sk_ADM3_invalid | SK | 0 | Success | = | = | SK all ADM3 from geoname also for provider statistics_sk | 1.901 |
1224 | chkCode_SV_cnr_ADM1_missing | SV | 0 | Success | = | = | SV all ADM1 from provider cnr exist | 1.883 |
1225 | chkCode_SV_cnr_ADM1_invalid | SV | 0 | Success | = | = | SV all ADM1 from geoname also for provider cnr | 1.899 |
1226 | chkCode_SV_cnr_ADM2_missing | SV | 0 | Success | = | = | SV all ADM2 from provider cnr exist | 1.94 |
1227 | chkCode_SV_cnr_ADM2_invalid | SV | 0 | Success | = | = | SV all ADM2 from geoname also for provider cnr | 1.935 |
1228 | chkCode_SV_cnr_ADM3_missing | SV | 0 | Success | = | = | SV all ADM3 from provider cnr exist | 1.946 |
1229 | chkCode_SV_cnr_ADM3_invalid | SV | 0 | Success | = | = | SV all ADM3 from geoname also for provider cnr | 1.977 |
1230 | chkCode_TH_dopa_ADM1_missing | TH | 0 | Success | = | = | TH all ADM1 from provider dopa exist | 1.979 |
1231 | chkCode_TH_dopa_ADM1_invalid | TH | 0 | Success | = | = | TH all ADM1 from geoname also for provider dopa | 1.924 |
1232 | chkCode_TH_dopa_ADM2_missing | TH | 0 | Success | = | = | TH all ADM2 from provider dopa exist | 1.976 |
1233 | chkCode_TH_dopa_ADM2_invalid | TH | 0 | Success | = | = | TH all ADM2 from geoname also for provider dopa | 1.953 |
1234 | chkCode_TH_dopa_ADM3_missing | TH | 0 | Success | = | = | TH all ADM3 from provider dopa exist | 2.031 |
1235 | chkCode_TH_dopa_ADM3_invalid | TH | 0 | Success | = | = | TH all ADM3 from geoname also for provider dopa | 1.92 |
1236 | chkCode_TL_gig_tl_ADM1_missing | TL | 0 | Success | = | = | TL all ADM1 from provider gig_tl exist | 1.879 |
1237 | chkCode_TL_gig_tl_ADM1_invalid | TL | 0 | Success | = | = | TL all ADM1 from geoname also for provider gig_tl | 1.95 |
1238 | chkCode_TL_gig_tl_ADM2_missing | TL | 0 | Success | = | = | TL all ADM2 from provider gig_tl exist | 1.901 |
1239 | chkCode_TL_gig_tl_ADM2_invalid | TL | 0 | Success | = | = | TL all ADM2 from geoname also for provider gig_tl | 1.957 |
1240 | chkCode_TL_gig_tl_ADM3_missing | TL | 0 | Success | = | = | TL all ADM3 from provider gig_tl exist | 1.93 |
1241 | chkCode_TL_gig_tl_ADM3_invalid | TL | 0 | Success | = | = | TL all ADM3 from geoname also for provider gig_tl | 1.976 |
1242 | chkCode_TN_Statistiques Tunisie_ADM1_missing | TN | 0 | Success | = | = | TN all ADM1 from provider Statistiques Tunisie exist | 1.966 |
1243 | chkCode_TN_Statistiques Tunisie_ADM1_invalid | TN | 0 | Success | = | = | TN all ADM1 from geoname also for provider Statistiques Tunisie | 1.934 |
1244 | chkCode_TN_Statistiques Tunisie_ADM2_missing | TN | 0 | Success | = | = | TN all ADM2 from provider Statistiques Tunisie exist | 2.003 |
1245 | chkCode_TN_Statistiques Tunisie_ADM2_invalid | TN | 0 | Success | = | = | TN all ADM2 from geoname also for provider Statistiques Tunisie | 1.947 |
1246 | chkCode_TN_Statistiques Tunisie_ADM3_missing | TN | 0 | Success | = | = | TN all ADM3 from provider Statistiques Tunisie exist | 2.026 |
1247 | chkCode_TN_Statistiques Tunisie_ADM3_invalid | TN | 0 | Success | = | = | TN all ADM3 from geoname also for provider Statistiques Tunisie | 1.889 |
1248 | chkCode_TO_popgis_ADM1_missing | TO | 0 | Success | = | = | TO all ADM1 from provider popgis exist | 1.875 |
1249 | chkCode_TO_popgis_ADM1_invalid | TO | 0 | Success | = | = | TO all ADM1 from geoname also for provider popgis | 1.954 |
1250 | chkCode_TO_popgis_ADM2_missing | TO | 0 | Success | = | = | TO all ADM2 from provider popgis exist | 1.925 |
1251 | chkCode_TO_popgis_ADM2_invalid | TO | 0 | Success | = | = | TO all ADM2 from geoname also for provider popgis | 1.932 |
1252 | chkCode_TR_ministry of the interior_ADM1_missing | TR | 0 | Success | = | = | TR all ADM1 from provider ministry of the interior exist | 1.931 |
1253 | chkCode_TR_ministry of the interior_ADM1_invalid | TR | 0 | Success | = | = | TR all ADM1 from geoname also for provider ministry of the interior | 1.917 |
1254 | chkCode_TT_cso_gov_tt_ADM1_missing | TT | 0 | Success | = | = | TT all ADM1 from provider cso_gov_tt exist | 1.929 |
1255 | chkCode_TT_cso_gov_tt_ADM1_invalid | TT | 0 | Success | = | = | TT all ADM1 from geoname also for provider cso_gov_tt | 1.922 |
1256 | chkCode_TW_data_gov_tw_ADM2_missing | TW | 0 | Success | = | = | TW all ADM2 from provider data_gov_tw exist | 1.92 |
1257 | chkCode_TW_data_gov_tw_ADM2_invalid | TW | 0 | Success | = | = | TW all ADM2 from geoname also for provider data_gov_tw | 1.924 |
1258 | chkCode_TW_data_gov_tw_ADM3_missing | TW | 0 | Success | = | = | TW all ADM3 from provider data_gov_tw exist | 1.921 |
1259 | chkCode_TW_data_gov_tw_ADM3_invalid | TW | 0 | Success | = | = | TW all ADM3 from geoname also for provider data_gov_tw | 1.92 |
1260 | chkCode_TZ_gn_ADM1_missing | TZ | 0 | Success | = | = | TZ all ADM1 from provider gn exist | 1.898 |
1261 | chkCode_TZ_gn_ADM1_invalid | TZ | 0 | Success | = | = | TZ all ADM1 from geoname also for provider gn | 1.91 |
1262 | chkCode_TZ_gn_ADM2_missing | TZ | 0 | Success | = | = | TZ all ADM2 from provider gn exist | 1.97 |
1263 | chkCode_TZ_gn_ADM2_invalid | TZ | 0 | Success | = | = | TZ all ADM2 from geoname also for provider gn | 1.926 |
1264 | chkCode_TZ_nbs_ADM1_missing | TZ | 0 | Success | = | = | TZ all ADM1 from provider nbs exist | 1.943 |
1265 | chkCode_TZ_nbs_ADM1_invalid | TZ | 0 | Success | = | = | TZ all ADM1 from geoname also for provider nbs | 1.893 |
1266 | chkCode_TZ_nbs_ADM2_missing | TZ | 0 | Success | = | = | TZ all ADM2 from provider nbs exist | 1.898 |
1267 | chkCode_TZ_nbs_ADM2_invalid | TZ | 0 | Success | = | = | TZ all ADM2 from geoname also for provider nbs | 1.919 |
1268 | chkCode_TZ_nbs_ADM3_missing | TZ | 0 | Success | = | = | TZ all ADM3 from provider nbs exist | 1.916 |
1269 | chkCode_TZ_nbs_ADM3_invalid | TZ | 0 | Success | = | = | TZ all ADM3 from geoname also for provider nbs | 1.919 |
1270 | chkCode_UA_KATOTTH_ADM1_missing | UA | 0 | Success | = | = | UA all ADM1 from provider KATOTTH exist | 1.903 |
1271 | chkCode_UA_KATOTTH_ADM1_invalid | UA | 0 | Success | = | = | UA all ADM1 from geoname also for provider KATOTTH | 1.894 |
1272 | chkCode_UA_KATOTTH_ADM2_missing | UA | 0 | Success | = | = | UA all ADM2 from provider KATOTTH exist | 1.886 |
1273 | chkCode_UA_KATOTTH_ADM2_invalid | UA | 0 | Success | = | = | UA all ADM2 from geoname also for provider KATOTTH | 1.883 |
1274 | chkCode_UG_ubos_ADM2_missing | UG | 0 | Success | = | = | UG all ADM2 from provider ubos exist | 1.916 |
1275 | chkCode_UG_ubos_ADM2_invalid | UG | 10 | Failure | = | = | UG all ADM2 from geoname also for provider ubos | 1.908 |
1276 | chkCode_UG_ubos_ADM3_missing | UG | 0 | Success | = | = | UG all ADM3 from provider ubos exist | 1.908 |
1277 | chkCode_UG_ubos_ADM3_invalid | UG | 1 | Failure | = | = | UG all ADM3 from geoname also for provider ubos | 1.907 |
1278 | chkCode_UG_ubos_ADM4_missing | UG | 0 | Success | = | = | UG all ADM4 from provider ubos exist | 1.917 |
1279 | chkCode_UG_ubos_ADM4_invalid | UG | 3 | Failure | = | = | UG all ADM4 from geoname also for provider ubos | 1.891 |
1280 | chkCode_US_uscensus_ADM1_missing | US | 0 | Success | = | = | US all ADM1 from provider uscensus exist | 1.916 |
1281 | chkCode_US_uscensus_ADM1_invalid | US | 0 | Success | = | = | US all ADM1 from geoname also for provider uscensus | 1.952 |
1282 | chkCode_US_uscensus_ADM2_missing | US | 0 | Success | = | = | US all ADM2 from provider uscensus exist | 2.014 |
1283 | chkCode_US_uscensus_ADM2_invalid | US | 0 | Success | = | = | US all ADM2 from geoname also for provider uscensus | 1.895 |
1284 | chkCode_UY_mvotma_ADM1_missing | UY | 0 | Success | = | = | UY all ADM1 from provider mvotma exist | 1.906 |
1285 | chkCode_UY_mvotma_ADM1_invalid | UY | 0 | Success | = | = | UY all ADM1 from geoname also for provider mvotma | 1.896 |
1286 | chkCode_UZ_soato_ADM1_missing | UZ | 0 | Success | = | = | UZ all ADM1 from provider soato exist | 1.892 |
1287 | chkCode_UZ_soato_ADM1_invalid | UZ | 0 | Success | = | = | UZ all ADM1 from geoname also for provider soato | 1.947 |
1288 | chkCode_VE_INE Venezuela_ADM1_missing | VE | 0 | Success | = | = | VE all ADM1 from provider INE Venezuela exist | 1.978 |
1289 | chkCode_VE_INE Venezuela_ADM1_invalid | VE | 0 | Success | = | = | VE all ADM1 from geoname also for provider INE Venezuela | 1.966 |
1290 | chkCode_VE_INE Venezuela_ADM2_missing | VE | 0 | Success | = | = | VE all ADM2 from provider INE Venezuela exist | 1.9 |
1291 | chkCode_VE_INE Venezuela_ADM2_invalid | VE | 0 | Success | = | = | VE all ADM2 from geoname also for provider INE Venezuela | 1.907 |
1292 | chkCode_VE_INE Venezuela_ADM3_missing | VE | 995 | Failure | = | = | VE all ADM3 from provider INE Venezuela exist | 1.941 |
1293 | chkCode_VE_INE Venezuela_ADM3_invalid | VE | 0 | Success | = | = | VE all ADM3 from geoname also for provider INE Venezuela | 1.971 |
1294 | chkCode_VN_gso_ADM1_missing | VN | 0 | Success | = | = | VN all ADM1 from provider gso exist | 1.976 |
1295 | chkCode_VN_gso_ADM1_invalid | VN | 0 | Success | = | = | VN all ADM1 from geoname also for provider gso | 1.985 |
1296 | chkCode_VN_gso_ADM2_missing | VN | 0 | Success | = | = | VN all ADM2 from provider gso exist | 2.179 |
1297 | chkCode_VN_gso_ADM2_invalid | VN | 0 | Success | = | = | VN all ADM2 from geoname also for provider gso | 1.922 |
1298 | chkCode_VU_popgis_ADM1_missing | VU | 0 | Success | = | = | VU all ADM1 from provider popgis exist | 1.889 |
1299 | chkCode_VU_popgis_ADM1_invalid | VU | 0 | Success | = | = | VU all ADM1 from geoname also for provider popgis | 1.885 |
1300 | chkCode_YE_mophp-ye_ADM1_missing | YE | 0 | Success | = | = | YE all ADM1 from provider mophp-ye exist | 1.873 |
1301 | chkCode_YE_mophp-ye_ADM1_invalid | YE | 1 | Failure | = | = | YE all ADM1 from geoname also for provider mophp-ye | 1.866 |
1302 | chkCode_YE_mophp-ye_ADM2_missing | YE | 0 | Success | = | = | YE all ADM2 from provider mophp-ye exist | 1.889 |
1303 | chkCode_YE_mophp-ye_ADM2_invalid | YE | 0 | Success | = | = | YE all ADM2 from geoname also for provider mophp-ye | 1.87 |
1304 | chkCode_ZA_bdb_ADM1_missing | ZA | 0 | Success | = | = | ZA all ADM1 from provider bdb exist | 1.883 |
1305 | chkCode_ZA_bdb_ADM1_invalid | ZA | 0 | Success | = | = | ZA all ADM1 from geoname also for provider bdb | 1.894 |
1306 | chkCode_ZA_bdb_ADM2_missing | ZA | 0 | Success | = | = | ZA all ADM2 from provider bdb exist | 1.899 |
1307 | chkCode_ZA_bdb_ADM2_invalid | ZA | 0 | Success | = | = | ZA all ADM2 from geoname also for provider bdb | 1.94 |
1308 | chkCode_ZA_bdb_ADM3_missing | ZA | 0 | Success | = | = | ZA all ADM3 from provider bdb exist | 1.917 |
1309 | chkCode_ZA_bdb_ADM3_invalid | ZA | 0 | Success | = | = | ZA all ADM3 from geoname also for provider bdb | 1.969 |
1310 | chkSubdivName | 0 | Success | = | = | name of countrysubdivision | 1.883 | |
1311 | chkSubdivGeoNameIdCCA | 0 | Success | = | = | all countrysubdivs are linked with a geonameid | 1.969 | |
1312 | chkSubdivGeoNameId | 23 (83w) | Failure | = | = | all countrysubdivs are linked with a geonameid | 1.994 | |
1313 | chkSubdivCode | 1 | Failure | = | ![]() | linked countrysubdivs have admincode and featureclass A | 2.139 | |
1314 | chkSubdivCodeHistoric | 0 | Success | = | = | country subdivs with validTillDate should be linked to ADMH feature or not linked at all | 2.077 | |
1315 | chkSubdivCodeADMxH | 0 | Success | = | = | country subdivs linked to ADMH feature should have validTill date | 1.869 | |
1316 | chkSubdivAdminCode1 | 4 | Failure | = | = | adm1 from geoname in countrysubdiv table | 1.952 | |
1317 | chkSubdivAdminCode2 | 434 | Failure | = | = | adm2 from geoname in countrysubdiv table | 1.962 | |
1318 | chkSubdivLevelADM1 | 0 | Success | = | = | linked ADM1 subdivs have level 1 | 1.96 | |
1319 | chkSubdivLevelADM2 | 0 | Success | = | = | linked ADM2 subdivs have level 2 | 1.958 | |
1320 | chkSubdivCodeCapitals | 70 | Failure | = | = | linked countrysubdivs capitals have admincode and featureclass P | 1.87 | |
1321 | chkSubdivAdminCode1Capitals | 2 | Failure | = | = | admincode1 for PPLA from geoname in countrysubdiv table | 1.919 | |
1322 | chkSubdivType | 32 | Failure | = | = | countrysubdivs have a subdiv type code | 1.909 | |
1323 | chkSubdivTypeCountryCode | 0 | Success | = | = | countrysubdivs match countrycode | 1.938 | |
1324 | chkISOAdminNames | 325 | Failure | = | ![]() | iso admin names exist in db | 221.661 | |
1325 | chkISORegionHierarchy | 6 | Failure | = | = | geonames adm1-adm2 hierarchy equals iso region hierarchy | 1.88 | |
1326 | chkISOAdminCodes | 1327 | Failure | = | = | iso admin codes exist in lookup | 1.976 | |
1327 | chkISOUniques | 0 | Success | = | = | iso iso_3166_2 codes mapped to only one geonames feature | 1.886 | |
1328 | chkISOAdm1Code | 44 | Failure | = | = | ADM1 with ISO codes | 1.936 | |
1329 | chkISOCountryNameAscii | 0 | Success | = | = | iso country name ascii | 1.925 | |
1330 | chkFeatureCode | 0 | Success | = | = | featureclass and featurecode are valid. | 3.454 | |
1331 | chkFeatureCodeWithToponyms | 6 (73w) | Failure | = | = | featureclass and featurecodes are used for toponyms. | 3.35 | |
1332 | chkHierarchyCircle | 0 | Success | = | = | geoname hierarchy must not contain circular relations | 2.025 | |
1333 | chkHierarchyParentExists | 0 | Success | = | = | geoname hierarchy, parent must exist | 2.004 | |
1334 | chkHierarchyChildExists | 0 | Success | = | = | geoname hierarchy, child must exist | 2.093 | |
1335 | chkHierarchyNameEquals | 103 | Failure | = | = | geoname hierarchy parent and child have same name - duplicates? | 6.266 | |
1336 | chkHierarchyCountryCodeInCC2 | 0 | Success | = | = | countries as children in hierarchy also as iso country code in cc2 | 2.151 | |
1337 | chkHierarchyCountryCodeInCC2RGN | 0 | Success | = | = | countries as children in hierarchy also as iso country code in cc2 | 2.006 | |
1338 | chkHierarchyCC2InHierarchy | 0 | Success | = | = | country codes in cc2 also in hierarchy | 3.161 | |
1339 | chkCC2Shape | 1 | Failure | = | = | countries intersecting with shape in cc2 | 8.653 | |
1340 | chkIntlRegionMustHaveHierarchy | 0 | Success | = | = | regions with wp without countrycode and missing entries in hierarchy | 1.854 | |
1341 | chkRgnOfCountriesWithParentContinent | 0 | Success | = | = | regions of countries have continent as parent, if all cc are on the same continent | 1.934 | |
1342 | chkChildrenWithinShape | 31 | Failure | = | = | children in hierarchy must be in shape of parent | 2.917 | |
1343 | chkHierarchyContinentCountry | 15 | Failure | = | = | country codes in cc2 of continent also in countryinfo file | 1.873 | |
1344 | chkRgnOfAdm1NoAdm1Code | 0 | Success | = | = | regions of adm1 have not adm1code | 1.907 | |
1345 | chkRgnOfAdm2NoAdm2Code | 0 | Success | = | = | regions of adm2 have not adm2code | 1.904 | |
1346 | chkRgnOfAdm3NoAdm3Code | 0 | Success | = | = | regions of adm3 have not adm3code | 2.196 | |
1347 | chkRgnOfAdm4NoAdm4Code | 0 | Success | = | = | regions of adm4 have not adm4code | 2.146 | |
1348 | chkRgnOfAdm5NoAdm5Code | 0 | Success | = | = | regions of adm5 have not adm5code | 1.89 | |
1349 | chkMetroOfAdm1NoAdm1Code | 0 | Success | = | = | metros of adm1 have not adm1code | 1.918 | |
1350 | chkMetroOfAdm2NoAdm2Code | 0 | Success | = | = | metros of adm2 have not adm2code | 2.044 | |
1351 | chkMetroOfAdm3NoAdm3Code | 0 | Success | = | = | metros of adm3 have not adm3code | 1.882 | |
1352 | chkMetroOfAdm4NoAdm4Code | 0 | Success | = | = | metros of adm4 have not adm4code | 2.03 | |
1353 | chkMetroOfAdm5NoAdm5Code | 0 | Success | = | = | metros of adm5 have not adm5code | 1.864 | |
1354 | chkHierarchyDependencies | 0 | Success | = | = | country dependencies also in hierarchy | 2.074 | |
1355 | chkHierarchyPPLwPPLA2 | 0 | Success | = | = | ppla2 child of populated place | 1.957 | |
1356 | chkHierarchyPPLwADM2 | 0 | Success | = | = | adm2 child of populated place | 1.959 | |
1357 | chkTimeZoneIds | 0 | Success | = | = | timezoneids used in database are also included in java | 3.499 | |
1358 | chkTimeZoneIdsShape | 0 | Success | = | = | timezoneids used in geoname_timezone table are also included in java | 2.203 | |
1359 | chkTimeZoneCountry | 774 | Failure | = | ![]() | timezoneids match with geoname country | 3.57 | |
1360 | chkTimeZoneCountryCodeShape | 7 | Failure | = | = | timezoneids,countrycode same as in java | 1.985 | |
1361 | chkTimeZoneRelevantToponyms | 0 | Success | = | = | toponyms (populated places and spots) > min relevance have timezone | 2.984 | |
1362 | chkTimeZoneMissing | 0 | Success | = | = | populated places have timezone | 2.985 | |
1363 | chkTimeZoneIdsUsed | 0 (2w) | Warning | = | = | olson timezoneids are used in database | 3.429 | |
1364 | chkTimeZoneReverseGeocoding | 0 (3w) | Warning | = | = | all countries with ambiguous timezoneids have shape file | 1.909 | |
1365 | chkTimeZoneMultipleCountry | 0 | Success | = | = | countries with multiple timezones must not have a timezoneid in db column | 2.909 | |
1366 | chkTimeZoneIdsUsedInShape | 3 (10w) | Failure | = | = | timezoneids in shape exist for ambiguous countries | 1.942 | |
1367 | chkTimeZoneShape | 0 | Success | = | = | timezone shape equal geoname shape where source is edit interface | 5.998 | |
1368 | chkTimeZoneGeography | 0 | Success | = | = | timezone geography not same area as geometry | 2.838 | |
1369 | chkTimeZoneShapeGeoname | 0 | Success | = | = | timezoneid from timezone_shape does not match timezoneid from linked geoname (via shapesource) | 2.069 | |
1370 | chkTimeZoneShapeADM1Missing | 18 | Failure | = | = | adm1 are within timezone shape | 8.591 | |
1371 | chkTimeZoneShapeADM1Wrong | 0 | Success | = | = | timezoneid of ADM1 same as timezoneid in shape | 2.056 | |
1372 | chkTimeZoneShapeCountry | 0 | Success | = | = | timezone shape country equals geoname_shape country | 1.997 | |
1373 | chkTimeZoneInShapeTable | 0 | Success | = | = | timezone shapes in geoname_shapes | 1.917 | |
1374 | chkTimeZoneShapeValid | 0 | Success | = | = | timezone geography is valid | 3.094 | |
1375 | chkTimeZoneShapePoints | 0 | Success | = | = | timezone geography is not too large / needs to be simplifyed for performance | 2.04 | |
1376 | chkTimeZoneShapeComplete | 0 | Success | = | = | timezone shapes complete with level 1 shapes in geoname_shapes | 2.201 | |
1377 | chkTimeZoneRegression | 16 | Failure | ![]() | = | timezone regression | 7.746 | |
1378 | chkPopulationCountrySum | 17 (11w) | Failure | = | = | Population sum of ppls not larger than country population | 3.125 | |
1379 | chkPopulationCountrySumAdm1 | 9 (35w) | Failure | = | ![]() | Population sum of ADM1 less than country population | 1.936 | |
1380 | chkPopulationAdm1SumAdm2 | 206 (37w) | Failure | = | ![]() | Population sum of ADM2 less than ADM1 population | 2.223 | |
1381 | chkPopulationAdm2SumAdm3 | 997 (132w) | Failure | = | = | Population sum of ADM3 less than ADM2 population | 2.365 | |
1382 | chkPopulationAdm3SumAdm4 | 11 (15w) | Failure | = | ![]() | Population sum of ADM4 less than ADM3 population | 2.141 | |
1383 | chkPopulationAdm1Sum | 720 | Failure | = | ![]() | Population sum for all PPL in ADM1 should be less than ADM1 population | 3.179 | |
1384 | chkPopulationPplPplx | 579 | Failure | = | = | Population of all PPLX for a PPL should not be more than the PPL population | 2.616 | |
1385 | chkPopulationCapital | 0 | Success | = | = | capitals without population | 1.893 | |
1386 | chkPopulationPPLA | 76 | Failure | = | = | PPLA without population | 1.961 | |
1387 | chkPopulationPPLACCA | 0 | Success | = | = | PPLA without population | 1.891 | |
1388 | chkPopulationMissingWP | 449 | Failure | = | = | cities with wikipedia articles are missing population | 2.006 | |
1389 | chkPopulationRegion | 0 | Success | = | = | region with population as sum of countries | 1.892 | |
1390 | chkPopulationRegionE | 0 | Success | = | = | region with population as sum of countries | 1.942 | |
1391 | chkPopulationADM1 | 0 | Success | = | = | ADM1 without population | 1.91 | |
1392 | chkCountryNameBestNotAmbiguous_fr | 0 | Success | = | = | check country name not ambiguous (short/preferred flags set) | 3.243 | |
1393 | chkCountryNameBestNotAmbiguous_en | 0 | Success | = | = | check country name not ambiguous (short/preferred flags set) | 1.975 | |
1394 | chkCountryNameBestNotAmbiguous_it | 0 | Success | = | = | check country name not ambiguous (short/preferred flags set) | 1.892 | |
1395 | chkCountryNameBestNotAmbiguous_es | 0 | Success | = | = | check country name not ambiguous (short/preferred flags set) | 1.86 | |
1396 | chkCountryNameBestNotAmbiguous_de | 0 | Success | = | = | check country name not ambiguous (short/preferred flags set) | 1.929 | |
1397 | chkCountryName | 0 | Success | = | = | check country name (resource bundle with best name from alternate name table) | 2.109 | |
1398 | chkMostRelevantBestNotAmbiguous_fr | 0 | Success | = | = | fr: name not ambiguous (short/preferred flags set) for top 2000 most relevant entries <>PCL% | 2.712 | |
1399 | chkMostRelevantBestNotAmbiguous_en | 78 | Failure | = | = | en: name not ambiguous (short/preferred flags set) for top 2000 most relevant entries <>PCL% | 1.857 | |
1400 | chkMostRelevantBestNotAmbiguous_de | 65 | Failure | = | = | de: name not ambiguous (short/preferred flags set) for top 2000 most relevant entries <>PCL% | 1.888 | |
1401 | chkNameInternational | 0 | Success | = | = | the main name is English or International (close to ascii) | 1.981 | |
1402 | chkNameAsciiNotNull | 75 | Failure | = | = | the main name is English or International (close to ascii) | 2.64 | |
1403 | chkNameWrongEncoding | 0 | Success | = | = | the main name shall have correct encoding | 2.84 | |
1404 | chkNameNoSingleDoubleQuote | 0 | Success | = | = | the main name shall not have a single double quote | 2.772 | |
1405 | chkAltNameDuplicate | 1 | Failure | = | ![]() | don't have duplicates for alternate names, fix with AlternateNamesRemoveDuplicates | 18.671 | |
1406 | chkNameNoFullScreen | 0 | Success | = | = | no name 'Full-screen' after copy-paste | 2.138 | |
1407 | chkNameNoTrailingBlank | 0 | Success | = | = | names should not have trailing blanks. | 7.617 | |
1408 | chkNameNoRightSingleQuotationMark | 0 | Success | = | = | names should not have right single quotation marks. replace with apostrophe. | 2.885 | |
1409 | chkNameNoFullWidthHypen | 0 | Success | = | = | names should not have full width hyphen. replace with minus. | 2.782 | |
1410 | chkAdmNameDuplicate | 0 | Success | = | = | adm names must not be ambiguous (from property files) | 1.96 | |
1411 | chkAdm2NameDuplicate | 0 | Success | = | = | adm2 names must not be ambiguous (from property files) | 2.068 | |
1412 | chkAdmNameShort | 45 | Failure | = | = | the default English admin name for display (isShort flag) should not be larger than n chars | 1.942 | |
1413 | chkAdmNameShortInclType | 823 | Failure | = | = | the default English admin name for display (isShort flag) should not include the type of division | 2.199 | |
1414 | chkAdm1NameInLocalLanguage | 3365 | Failure | = | = | adm1 names in all local languages | 5.739 | |
1415 | chkAdmNameEncodingObsoleteFips | 0 | Success | = | = | obsolete admin names must use proper encoding | 1.902 | |
1416 | chkAltNamesJapan | 0 | Success | = | = | alternate name in Japanese for relevant Japanese features | 1.894 | |
1417 | chkAltNamesZH | 0 | Success | = | = | alternate name in Chinese are not using ascii chars | 2.167 | |
1418 | chkAltNamesAR | 0 | Success | = | = | alternate name in Arabic are not using ascii chars | 2.125 | |
1419 | chkAltNamesFA | 0 | Success | = | = | alternate name in Farsi are not using ascii chars | 2.158 | |
1420 | chkAltNamesLinks | 0 | Success | = | = | alternate names are links but don't have the link pseudo language code | 3.881 | |
1421 | chkWeatherToponym | 515 | Failure | = | ![]() | all weatherstations are also as toponyms | 2.124 | |
1422 | chkWeatherStation | 187 | Failure | = | ![]() | all icao toponyms are also weatherstations | 1.911 | |
1423 | chkWeatherStationDistancetoToponym | 49 | Failure | = | = | distance between toponym (airport) and weatherstation with same icao should not be too large | 1.944 | |
1424 | chkWeatherObservation | 377 | Failure | = | ![]() | all weather observations have an entry as weatherstation (icao) | 1.92 | |
1425 | chkAirportCodesDuplicate | 0 | Success | = | ![]() | don't have duplicates for icao/iata airport codes | 2.103 | |
1426 | chkAirportCodesHDuplicate | 0 | Success | = | don't have duplicates for icao/iata airport codes | 1.986 | ||
1427 | chkAirportCountryCode | 0 | Success | = | = | airports should have a country code | 1.938 | |
1428 | chkAirportIcaoCountryPrefix | 77 | Failure | = | ![]() | checking icao country prefix | 1.932 | |
1429 | chkAirportIcaoWP | 0 (999w) | Warning | = | = | airports linked with wp have icao code | 2.224 | |
1430 | chkAirportIataWP | 0 (999w) | Warning | = | = | airports linked with wp have iata code | 2.232 | |
1431 | chkAirportIataMissingExistsInWP | 221 | Failure | = | ![]() | airports that have iata code in wikipedia should also have iata code in geonames | 2.031 | |
1432 | chkAirportMissingWP | 9 (262w) | Failure | = | = | airports with iata and icao code in wikipedia are not linked with geoname | 5.868 | |
1433 | chkAirportMissingWPTitle | 1 (451w) | Failure | = | = | airports with 'airport' in title in wikipedia are not linked with geoname | 5.895 | |
1434 | chkIataCode | 237 | Failure | = | ![]() | iata codes for metar stations are same for toponyms | 2.027 | |
1435 | chkIataCodeFormat | 0 | Success | = | = | iata code format | 1.977 | |
1436 | chkIcaoCodeFormat | 0 | Success | = | = | icao code format | 1.954 | |
1437 | chkIataCodeNotForHotels | 0 | Success | = | = | hotels shall not have iata codes | 1.978 | |
1438 | chkIataCodePerFeature | 8 | Failure | = | = | a GeoNames feature must not have more than one (not historic) iata code | 1.92 | |
1439 | chkIcaoCodePerFeature | 0 | Success | = | = | a GeoNames feature must not have more than one (not historic) icao code | 1.918 | |
1440 | chkIataCityCode | 15 (44w) | Failure | = | = | check distance from airports to cities with same iata code | 1.96 | |
1441 | chkAirportServedCity | 83 | Failure | = | = | check countrycode and distance of served city | 2.031 | |
1442 | chkUnlocodeCountry | 10 | Failure | = | ![]() | countrycode of unlocode and matched geoname must be equal | 2.177 | |
1443 | chkUnlocodeDistance | 1713 | Failure | = | ![]() | distance between unlocode coordinates and geonames coordinates | 3.211 | |
1444 | chkUnlocodeNameDiff | 14 | Failure | = | = | distance between unlocode coordinates and geonames coordinates | 2.128 | |
1445 | chkUnlocodeMatch | 11 | Failure | = | = | unlocodes with high functions are matched | 1.972 | |
1446 | chkUnlocodeGeoNamesMatch | 3 | Failure | = | = | relevant geonames cities are matched to UN/LOCODE | 1.935 | |
1447 | chkUnlocodeGeoNamesMatchMainCountries | 45 | Failure | = | = | relevant geonames cities are matched to UN/LOCODE | 7.695 | |
1448 | chkUnlocodeManualMatch | 0 | Success | = | = | manual matches are used | 1.932 | |
1449 | chkUnlocodeMatchAltName | 576 | Failure | = | ![]() | matches compared to alt names | 2.623 | |
1450 | chkNutsCountry | 0 | Success | = | = | nuts country prefix same as associated feature | 1.956 | |
1451 | chkNutsUnique | 0 | Success | = | = | nuts codes must be unique | 1.971 | |
1452 | chkLocationCountry | 0 | Success | = | = | the lat/lng for countries should not be within geoname-shape of other country (for bbox there is an other check). | 2.964 | |
1453 | chkLocationCapital | 0 | Success | = | = | the lat/lng for capitals should be within geoname-shape of country | 3.211 | |
1454 | chkLocationPPLA | 1 | Failure | = | = | the lat/lng for PPLA should be within geoname-shape of country | 61.073 | |
1455 | chkLocationCities | 14 | Failure | = | = | the lat/lng for PPLAx should be within geoname-shape of country | 1846.135 | |
1456 | chkLocationAdm1Country | 0 | Success | = | = | the lat/lng for adm1 should be within geoname-shape for country. | 17.409 | |
1457 | chkLocationAdm_AT_1 | AT | 0 | Success | = | = | the lat/lng for adm should be within geoname-shape for same adm. | 2.17 |
1458 | chkLocationAdm_AT_2 | AT | 0 | Success | = | = | the lat/lng for adm should be within geoname-shape for same adm. | 1.874 |
1459 | chkLocationAdm_AU_1 | AU | 0 | Success | = | = | the lat/lng for adm should be within geoname-shape for same adm. | 1.901 |
1460 | chkLocationAdm_AU_2 | AU | 0 | Success | = | = | the lat/lng for adm should be within geoname-shape for same adm. | 1.948 |
1461 | chkLocationAdm_CH_1 | CH | 0 | Success | = | = | the lat/lng for adm should be within geoname-shape for same adm. | 1.903 |
1462 | chkLocationAdm_CH_2 | CH | 0 | Success | = | = | the lat/lng for adm should be within geoname-shape for same adm. | 1.855 |
1463 | chkLocationAdm_DE_1 | DE | 0 | Success | = | = | the lat/lng for adm should be within geoname-shape for same adm. | 1.875 |
1464 | chkLocationAdm_DE_2 | DE | 0 | Success | = | = | the lat/lng for adm should be within geoname-shape for same adm. | 1.866 |
1465 | chkLocationAdm_DK_1 | DK | 0 | Success | = | = | the lat/lng for adm should be within geoname-shape for same adm. | 1.886 |
1466 | chkLocationAdm_DK_2 | DK | 0 | Success | = | = | the lat/lng for adm should be within geoname-shape for same adm. | 1.898 |
1467 | chkLocationAdm_EE_1 | EE | 0 | Success | = | = | the lat/lng for adm should be within geoname-shape for same adm. | 1.87 |
1468 | chkLocationAdm_EE_2 | EE | 0 | Success | = | = | the lat/lng for adm should be within geoname-shape for same adm. | 1.888 |
1469 | chkLocationAdm_ES_1 | ES | 0 | Success | = | = | the lat/lng for adm should be within geoname-shape for same adm. | 1.853 |
1470 | chkLocationAdm_ES_2 | ES | 0 | Success | = | = | the lat/lng for adm should be within geoname-shape for same adm. | 2.001 |
1471 | chkLocationAdm_FR_1 | FR | 0 | Success | = | = | the lat/lng for adm should be within geoname-shape for same adm. | 1.933 |
1472 | chkLocationAdm_FR_2 | FR | 0 | Success | = | = | the lat/lng for adm should be within geoname-shape for same adm. | 1.887 |
1473 | chkLocationAdm_GB_1 | GB | 0 | Success | = | = | the lat/lng for adm should be within geoname-shape for same adm. | 1.907 |
1474 | chkLocationAdm_GB_2 | GB | 0 | Success | = | = | the lat/lng for adm should be within geoname-shape for same adm. | 1.863 |
1475 | chkLocationAdm_IT_1 | IT | 0 | Success | = | = | the lat/lng for adm should be within geoname-shape for same adm. | 1.894 |
1476 | chkLocationAdm_IT_2 | IT | 0 | Success | = | = | the lat/lng for adm should be within geoname-shape for same adm. | 1.917 |
1477 | chkLocationAdm_NL_1 | NL | 0 | Success | = | = | the lat/lng for adm should be within geoname-shape for same adm. | 1.879 |
1478 | chkLocationAdm_NL_2 | NL | 0 | Success | = | = | the lat/lng for adm should be within geoname-shape for same adm. | 1.948 |
1479 | chkLocationAdm_PL_1 | PL | 0 | Success | = | = | the lat/lng for adm should be within geoname-shape for same adm. | 1.895 |
1480 | chkLocationAdm_PL_2 | PL | 0 | Success | = | = | the lat/lng for adm should be within geoname-shape for same adm. | 1.877 |
1481 | chkLocationAdm_US_1 | US | 0 | Success | = | = | the lat/lng for adm should be within geoname-shape for same adm. | 1.862 |
1482 | chkLocationAdm_US_2 | US | 0 | Success | = | = | the lat/lng for adm should be within geoname-shape for same adm. | 1.922 |
1483 | chkLocationAdm_YE_1 | YE | 0 | Success | = | = | the lat/lng for adm should be within geoname-shape for same adm. | 1.937 |
1484 | chkLocationAdm_YE_2 | YE | 0 | Success | = | = | the lat/lng for adm should be within geoname-shape for same adm. | 1.904 |
1485 | chkPlausibilityWP | 248 | Failure | = | = | relevant features should be plausible | 3.143 | |
1486 | chkPlausibility | 2976 | Failure | = | = | relevant features should be plausible | 3.291 | |
1487 | chkDuplicates | 20 | Failure | = | = | duplicates | 1.986 | |
1488 | chkDuplicatePPL_IT | IT | 80 | Failure | = | = | ppl with same latlong IT | 2.376 |
1489 | chkDuplicatePPLSameName | 0 | Success | = | = | duplicates for populated places | 63.045 | |
1490 | chkDuplicatePPLWithin | 0 | Success | = | duplicates for populated places within shape | 62.603 | ||
1491 | chkDuplicateCities15000 | 2 | Failure | = | = | duplicates for cities15000 | 2.023 | |
1492 | chkDuplicateCities5000 | 0 | Success | = | = | duplicates for cities5000 | 2.522 | |
1493 | chkDuplicateCities1000 | 0 | Success | = | = | duplicates for cities1000 | 3.357 | |
1494 | chkDuplicateCities500 | 0 | Success | = | = | duplicates for cities500 | 3.488 | |
1495 | chkPPLXNotADM | 48 | Failure | = | = | pplx should not be linked to ADM via hierarchy | 2.247 | |
1496 | chkPPLXPPLCountry | 27 | Failure | = | = | pplx have other countrycode as ppl they depend on | 2.269 | |
1497 | chkPPLXPPLAdmCode1CCA | 101 | Failure | = | = | pplx have other admincode1 as ppl they depend on A countries | 2.158 | |
1498 | chkPPLXPPLAdmCode1 | 2707 | Failure | = | = | pplx have other admincode1 as ppl they depend on | 2.304 | |
1499 | chkPPLXPPLAdmCode2 | 16252 | Failure | = | = | pplx have other admincode2 as ppl they depend on | 2.379 | |
1500 | chkPPLXPPLAdmCode3 | 3620 | Failure | = | = | pplx have other admincode3 as ppl they depend on | 2.427 | |
1501 | chkPPLXPPLAdmCode4 | 631 | Failure | = | ![]() | pplx have other admincode4 as ppl they depend on | 2.319 | |
1502 | chkElevationMissingWP | 64 (580w) | Failure | = | = | mountains with wikipedia articles are missing elevation | 2.8 | |
1503 | chkElevationMissingWPRel | 0 (79w) | Warning | = | = | mountains with wikipedia articles are missing elevation, sorted by wikipedia rank | 2.594 | |
1504 | chkElevationFeetConfused | 0 | Success | = | = | elevation about 3 times as high as dem, metre feet confusion or wrong location | 2.122 | |
1505 | chkMountainMissingWP | 0 | Success | = | = | mountains in wikipedia not linked to geoname | 4.039 | |
1506 | chkIslandMissingWP | 0 | Success | = | = | islands in wikipedia not linked to geoname | 3.986 | |
1507 | chkLanguageCodes | 0 | Success | = | = | iso language codes | 2.411 | |
1508 | chkLanguageCodesInCountryFile | 0 | Success | = | = | iso language codes in country file | 1.902 | |
1509 | chkLanguageCodesInAlternatenames | 0 | Success | = | = | iso language codes in alternate names | 1.894 | |
1510 | chkLanguageCodesCountry | 0 | Success | = | = | country language codes | 1.816 | |
1511 | chkLanguageCodesSubdiv | 0 | Success | = | = | subdiv language codes | 1.932 | |
1512 | chkLanguageCodesSubdivComplete | 521 | Failure | = | = | all country language codes in subdiv | 1.846 | |
1513 | chkLanguageCodesCountryComplete | 0 | Success | = | = | all country language codes in subdiv also in country | 1.89 | |
1514 | chkLanguageCodesAltname | 0 | Success | = | = | alternatename language codes are valid | 2.477 | |
1515 | chkSeaGeoNameId | 5 | Failure | = | = | sea shapes are linked to geoNameId | 2.031 | |
1516 | chkSeaFeatureclassH | 0 | Success | = | = | sea shapes are linked to featureclass H | 1.888 | |
1517 | chkSeaDeletedGeoNamesId | 0 | Success | = | = | sea shapes are linked to deleted geoname feature | 1.883 | |
1518 | chkSeaWP | 3 | Failure | = | = | sea shapes linked to geoNameId have wikipedia link | 1.998 | |
1519 | chkSeaShape | 0 | Success | = | = | seas have shape | 1.952 | |
1520 | chkOceanShape | 9 | Failure | = | = | oceans have shape | 1.949 | |
1521 | chkOceanWP | 8 | Failure | = | = | oceans have wikipedia link | 1.972 | |
1522 | chkOceanEqGeonameShape | 3 | Failure | = | = | oceans shapes == geoname.shape | 4.086 | |
1523 | chkOceanShapeValid | 0 | Success | = | = | ocean geometry is valid | 2.555 | |
1524 | chkOceanShapePoints | 0 | Success | = | = | ocean geography is not too large / needs to be simplifyed for performance | 1.917 | |
1525 | chkWikipediaCountries | 0 | Success | = | = | each country has a link to the corresponding wikipedia article | 1.946 | |
1526 | chkWikipediaCapitals | 0 | Success | = | = | each capital has a link to the corresponding wikipedia article (except MP,TK,TV) | 1.932 | |
1527 | chkWikipediaAdm1CCA | 0 | Success | = | = | each adm1 has a link to the corresponding wikipedia article | 1.978 | |
1528 | chkWikipediaAdm1 | 2 | Failure | = | = | each adm1 has a link to the corresponding wikipedia article | 2.581 | |
1529 | chkWikipediaAdm2Subdiv | 1 | Failure | = | = | each adm2 with a link in countrysubdivision has a link to the corresponding wikipedia article | 2.014 | |
1530 | chkWikipediaAdm2 | 131 | Failure | = | = | each adm2 has a link to the corresponding wikipedia article, SELECTED COUNTRIES ONLY | 2.143 | |
1531 | chkWikipediaAdm1Uq | 0 | Success | = | = | each wikipedia article should be linked to only one ADM1 | 1.956 | |
1532 | chkWikipediaAdm2Uq | 0 | Success | = | = | each wikipedia article should be linked to only one ADM2 | 4.064 | |
1533 | chkWikipediaAdm3Uq | 387 | Failure | = | = | each wikipedia article should be linked to only one ADM3 | 10.827 | |
1534 | chkWikipediaAdm4Uq | 0 | Success | = | = | each wikipedia article should be linked to only one ADM4 | 3.178 | |
1535 | chkWikipediaAdm5Uq | 0 | Success | = | = | each wikipedia article should be linked to only one ADM5 | 2.004 | |
1536 | chkWikipediaTop10k | 1348 | Failure | = | ![]() | each toponym from the top 10000 most relevant has a link to the corresponding wikipedia article | 2.58 | |
1537 | chkWikipediaPopulation | 0 | Success | = | = | population of geonames and wikipedia should be in same dimension | 4.799 | |
1538 | chkWikipediaUq | 60381 | Failure | = | ![]() | each wikipedia article should be linked to only one toponym | 3.859 | |
1539 | chkWikipediaFeatureClassUq | 5954 | Failure | = | ![]() | each wikipedia article should be linked to only one non adm toponym of same featureclass | 7.014 | |
1540 | chkWikipediaURLEncoded | 0 | Success | = | = | links should be URL Encoded | 1.988 | |
1541 | chkWikipediaURLNoEllipsis | 0 | Success | = | = | links should not end with ... | 2.838 | |
1542 | chkSourceExistsInGeoNames_SI | SI | 65 | Failure | = | = | all features from datasource as geonames feature for country SI | 1.947 |
1543 | chkSourcePopulation_IT | IT | 164 | Failure | = | = | datasource population and geonames population for country IT | 2.117 |
1544 | chkSourcePopulation_SI | SI | 70 | Failure | = | = | datasource population and geonames population for country SI | 1.901 |
1545 | chkPostalCodeFormat | 3 | Failure | = | = | postal code format with postal codes in alternate names | 2.398 | |
1546 | chkPostalCodeFormatLength | 0 | Success | = | = | postal code format length for zip_code table | 3.377 | |
1547 | chkPostalCodeSingleCountry | 0 | Success | = | = | single postal code country in zip_code table | 1.967 | |
1548 | chkPostalCodeSingleCountryOnly | 0 | Success | = | = | single postal code country in zip_code table have single code | 1.949 | |
1549 | chkPostalCodeFRObsolete | FR | 2971 | Failure | = | ![]() | French postalcodes not in La Poste data | 2.789 |
1550 | chkPostalCodeFRMissing | FR | 1024 | Failure | = | ![]() | French postalcodes in La Poste data, but missing in geonames | 2.29 |
1551 | chkPostalCodeGBOuterCode | GB | 0 | Success | = | = | outercode for UK shall have seperate row with isreduced. | 2.299 |
1552 | chkPostalCodeTimeZoneCountry | 0 | Success | = | = | postal code timezoneids match with geoname country, except DE87491 | 2.927 | |
1553 | chkPostalCodeTimeZoneMissing | 2 | Failure | = | = | postalcodes have timezone | 2.366 | |
1554 | chkPostalCodeCoordsNotNull | 0 | Success | = | = | coordinates not null (except PT) | 2.203 | |
1555 | chkPostalCodeCoordsValid | 0 | Success | = | = | coordinates valid | 2.323 | |
1556 | chkPostalCodeAlternateNameDistance | 29 | Failure | = | = | distance between postal code centroid and alternatename centroid | 2.697 | |
1557 | chkPostalCodePlaceName | 0 | Success | = | = | place names in postal code table no special chars like '*' or " | 2.413 | |
1558 | chkPostalCodePlaceNameAscii | 0 | Success | = | = | place names in postal code table have ascii transliteration | 2.416 | |
1559 | chkPostalCodeAdmNameSpecialChar | 0 | Success | = | = | adminname in postal code table no special chars like '*' | 2.394 | |
1560 | chkPostalCodeGeoNameDistance | 57 | Failure | = | = | distance between postal code centroid and linked geoname centroid | 4.339 | |
1561 | chkPostalCodeGeoNameADM1 | 0 | Success | = | = | admincode1 of postal code record different from admincode1 from linked geoname feature | 4.333 | |
1562 | chkPostalCodeGeoNameADM1Code | 0 | Success | = | = | geonamesadmcode missing | 2.404 | |
1563 | chkPostalCodeWPDistance_AU | AU | 4 | Failure | = | = | distance between postal code centroid and wikipedia article | 10.18 |
1564 | chkPostalCodeWPDistance_ES | ES | 5 | Failure | = | = | distance between postal code centroid and wikipedia article | 1.902 |
1565 | chkPostalCodeWPDistance_FR | FR | 3 | Failure | = | = | distance between postal code centroid and wikipedia article | 1.866 |
1566 | chkPostalCodeWPDistance_IN | IN | 65 | Failure | = | = | distance between postal code centroid and wikipedia article | 1.874 |
1567 | chkPostalCodeWPDistance_IT | IT | 3 | Failure | = | = | distance between postal code centroid and wikipedia article | 1.91 |
1568 | chkPostalCodeWPDistance_MX | MX | 9 | Failure | = | = | distance between postal code centroid and wikipedia article | 1.9 |
1569 | chkPostalCodeWPDistance_US | US | 3 | Failure | = | = | distance between postal code centroid and wikipedia article | 2.027 |
1570 | chkPostalCodeWPDistance_ZA | ZA | 6 | Failure | = | = | distance between postal code centroid and wikipedia article | 1.924 |
1571 | chkPostalCodeWPDistance | 35 | Failure | = | = | distance between postal code centroid and wikipedia article | 1.909 | |
1572 | chkPostalCodeCoordWithinShapeAS | AS | 0 | Success | = | = | AS coordinates of postal code centroids are within postal code shapes | 37.045 |
1573 | chkPostalCodeCoordWithinShapeAT | AT | 5 | Failure | = | = | AT coordinates of postal code centroids are within postal code shapes | 1.939 |
1574 | chkPostalCodeCoordWithinShapeAX | AX | 3 | Failure | = | = | AX coordinates of postal code centroids are within postal code shapes | 1.858 |
1575 | chkPostalCodeCoordWithinShapeCA | CA | 0 | Success | = | = | CA coordinates of postal code centroids are within postal code shapes | 1.868 |
1576 | chkPostalCodeCoordWithinShapeCH | CH | 3509 | Failure | = | = | CH coordinates of postal code centroids are within postal code shapes | 1.933 |
1577 | chkPostalCodeCoordWithinShapeDE | DE | 228 | Failure | = | = | DE coordinates of postal code centroids are within postal code shapes | 1.971 |
1578 | chkPostalCodeCoordWithinShapeDK | DK | 55 | Failure | = | = | DK coordinates of postal code centroids are within postal code shapes | 1.92 |
1579 | chkPostalCodeCoordWithinShapeEC | EC | 500 | Failure | = | = | EC coordinates of postal code centroids are within postal code shapes | 1.941 |
1580 | chkPostalCodeCoordWithinShapeFI | FI | 222 | Failure | = | = | FI coordinates of postal code centroids are within postal code shapes | 1.947 |
1581 | chkPostalCodeCoordWithinShapeFO | FO | 53 | Failure | = | = | FO coordinates of postal code centroids are within postal code shapes | 2.01 |
1582 | chkPostalCodeCoordWithinShapeGU | GU | 0 | Success | = | = | GU coordinates of postal code centroids are within postal code shapes | 1.891 |
1583 | chkPostalCodeCoordWithinShapeIS | IS | 49 | Failure | = | = | IS coordinates of postal code centroids are within postal code shapes | 1.91 |
1584 | chkPostalCodeCoordWithinShapeLI | LI | 0 | Success | = | = | LI coordinates of postal code centroids are within postal code shapes | 1.992 |
1585 | chkPostalCodeCoordWithinShapeLU | LU | 357 | Failure | = | = | LU coordinates of postal code centroids are within postal code shapes | 2.078 |
1586 | chkPostalCodeCoordWithinShapeMP | MP | 0 | Success | = | = | MP coordinates of postal code centroids are within postal code shapes | 1.923 |
1587 | chkPostalCodeCoordWithinShapeMX | MX | 48682 | Failure | = | = | MX coordinates of postal code centroids are within postal code shapes | 1.87 |
1588 | chkPostalCodeCoordWithinShapeNL | NL | 106 | Failure | = | = | NL coordinates of postal code centroids are within postal code shapes | 1.977 |
1589 | chkPostalCodeCoordWithinShapeNO | NO | 0 | Success | = | = | NO coordinates of postal code centroids are within postal code shapes | 2.155 |
1590 | chkPostalCodeCoordWithinShapePR | PR | 42 | Failure | = | = | PR coordinates of postal code centroids are within postal code shapes | 1.98 |
1591 | chkPostalCodeCoordWithinShapeSJ | SJ | 0 | Success | = | = | SJ coordinates of postal code centroids are within postal code shapes | 1.885 |
1592 | chkPostalCodeCoordWithinShapeUS | US | 1174 | Failure | = | = | US coordinates of postal code centroids are within postal code shapes | 1.949 |
1593 | chkPostalCodeCoordWithinShapeVI | VI | 0 | Success | = | = | VI coordinates of postal code centroids are within postal code shapes | 1.964 |
1594 | chkPostalCodeLngLatGeography | 0 | Success | = | = | lnglat coordinate column must equal geography column | 19.771 | |
1595 | chkPostalCodeValidAdminCode1_AD | AD | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1 for AD | 4.516 |
1596 | chkPostalCodeValidAdminCode1_AR | AR | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1 for AR | 1.911 |
1597 | chkPostalCodeValidAdminCode1_AT | AT | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1 for AT | 1.907 |
1598 | chkPostalCodeValidAdminCode1_AU | AU | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1 for AU | 1.856 |
1599 | chkPostalCodeValidAdminCode1_AX | AX | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1 for AX | 1.858 |
1600 | chkPostalCodeValidAdminCode1_AZ | AZ | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1 for AZ | 1.904 |
1601 | chkPostalCodeValidAdminCode1_BD | BD | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1 for BD | 1.932 |
1602 | chkPostalCodeValidAdminCode1_BE | BE | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1 for BE | 2.013 |
1603 | chkPostalCodeValidAdminCode1_BG | BG | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1 for BG | 1.954 |
1604 | chkPostalCodeValidAdminCode1_BM | BM | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1 for BM | 1.855 |
1605 | chkPostalCodeValidAdminCode1_BR | BR | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1 for BR | 1.907 |
1606 | chkPostalCodeValidAdminCode1_CA | CA | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1 for CA | 1.898 |
1607 | chkPostalCodeValidAdminCode1_CH | CH | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1 for CH | 1.85 |
1608 | chkPostalCodeValidAdminCode1_CL | CL | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1 for CL | 1.922 |
1609 | chkPostalCodeValidAdminCode1_CN | CN | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1 for CN | 1.912 |
1610 | chkPostalCodeValidAdminCode1_CO | CO | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1 for CO | 1.973 |
1611 | chkPostalCodeValidAdminCode1_CR | CR | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1 for CR | 1.907 |
1612 | chkPostalCodeValidAdminCode1_CY | CY | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1 for CY | 1.899 |
1613 | chkPostalCodeValidAdminCode1_CZ | CZ | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1 for CZ | 1.868 |
1614 | chkPostalCodeValidAdminCode1_DE | DE | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1 for DE | 1.943 |
1615 | chkPostalCodeValidAdminCode1_DK | DK | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1 for DK | 1.88 |
1616 | chkPostalCodeValidAdminCode1_DZ | DZ | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1 for DZ | 1.891 |
1617 | chkPostalCodeValidAdminCode1_EE | EE | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1 for EE | 1.903 |
1618 | chkPostalCodeValidAdminCode1_ES | ES | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1 for ES | 1.887 |
1619 | chkPostalCodeValidAdminCode1_FM | FM | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1 for FM | 1.867 |
1620 | chkPostalCodeValidAdminCode1_FR | FR | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1 for FR | 1.893 |
1621 | chkPostalCodeValidAdminCode1_GB | GB | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1 for GB | 1.952 |
1622 | chkPostalCodeValidAdminCode1_GF | GF | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1 for GF | 1.875 |
1623 | chkPostalCodeValidAdminCode1_GT | GT | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1 for GT | 1.91 |
1624 | chkPostalCodeValidAdminCode1_HR | HR | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1 for HR | 1.895 |
1625 | chkPostalCodeValidAdminCode1_HT | HT | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1 for HT | 1.946 |
1626 | chkPostalCodeValidAdminCode1_HU | HU | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1 for HU | 1.985 |
1627 | chkPostalCodeValidAdminCode1_IE | IE | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1 for IE | 1.902 |
1628 | chkPostalCodeValidAdminCode1_IN | IN | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1 for IN | 1.891 |
1629 | chkPostalCodeValidAdminCode1_IT | IT | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1 for IT | 1.899 |
1630 | chkPostalCodeValidAdminCode1_JP | JP | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1 for JP | 1.883 |
1631 | chkPostalCodeValidAdminCode1_KR | KR | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1 for KR | 1.971 |
1632 | chkPostalCodeValidAdminCode1_LI | LI | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1 for LI | 1.882 |
1633 | chkPostalCodeValidAdminCode1_LK | LK | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1 for LK | 1.935 |
1634 | chkPostalCodeValidAdminCode1_LT | LT | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1 for LT | 1.934 |
1635 | chkPostalCodeValidAdminCode1_LU | LU | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1 for LU | 1.908 |
1636 | chkPostalCodeValidAdminCode1_LV | LV | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1 for LV | 1.929 |
1637 | chkPostalCodeValidAdminCode1_MA | MA | 0 | Success | = | ![]() | valid admincode1 for MA | 1.931 |
1638 | chkPostalCodeValidAdminCode1_MP | MP | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1 for MP | 1.933 |
1639 | chkPostalCodeValidAdminCode1_MQ | MQ | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1 for MQ | 2.088 |
1640 | chkPostalCodeValidAdminCode1_MT | MT | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1 for MT | 1.877 |
1641 | chkPostalCodeValidAdminCode1_MW | MW | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1 for MW | 1.906 |
1642 | chkPostalCodeValidAdminCode1_MX | MX | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1 for MX | 1.887 |
1643 | chkPostalCodeValidAdminCode1_MY | MY | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1 for MY | 1.969 |
1644 | chkPostalCodeValidAdminCode1_NC | NC | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1 for NC | 1.952 |
1645 | chkPostalCodeValidAdminCode1_NL | NL | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1 for NL | 1.878 |
1646 | chkPostalCodeValidAdminCode1_NO | NO | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1 for NO | 1.899 |
1647 | chkPostalCodeValidAdminCode1_NZ | NZ | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1 for NZ | 2.002 |
1648 | chkPostalCodeValidAdminCode1_PE | PE | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1 for PE | 1.913 |
1649 | chkPostalCodeValidAdminCode1_PF | PF | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1 for PF | 1.883 |
1650 | chkPostalCodeValidAdminCode1_PK | PK | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1 for PK | 1.951 |
1651 | chkPostalCodeValidAdminCode1_PL | PL | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1 for PL | 1.935 |
1652 | chkPostalCodeValidAdminCode1_PM | PM | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1 for PM | 1.917 |
1653 | chkPostalCodeValidAdminCode1_PR | PR | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1 for PR | 1.888 |
1654 | chkPostalCodeValidAdminCode1_PT | PT | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1 for PT | 1.882 |
1655 | chkPostalCodeValidAdminCode1_RO | RO | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1 for RO | 2.196 |
1656 | chkPostalCodeValidAdminCode1_SE | SE | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1 for SE | 1.903 |
1657 | chkPostalCodeValidAdminCode1_SJ | SJ | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1 for SJ | 1.883 |
1658 | chkPostalCodeValidAdminCode1_SK | SK | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1 for SK | 1.899 |
1659 | chkPostalCodeValidAdminCode1_TH | TH | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1 for TH | 1.918 |
1660 | chkPostalCodeValidAdminCode1_TR | TR | 42 | Failure | = | = | valid admincode1 for TR | 1.897 |
1661 | chkPostalCodeValidAdminCode1_UA | UA | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1 for UA | 1.906 |
1662 | chkPostalCodeValidAdminCode1_UY | UY | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1 for UY | 1.929 |
1663 | chkPostalCodeValidAdminCode1_US | US | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1 for US | 1.864 |
1664 | chkPostalCodeValidAdminCode1_WF | WF | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode1 for WF | 1.921 |
1665 | chkPostalCodeValidAdminCode2_AT | AT | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode2 for AT | 3.508 |
1666 | chkPostalCodeValidAdminCode2_AX | AX | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode2 for AX | 1.849 |
1667 | chkPostalCodeValidAdminCode2_BD | BD | 39 | Failure | = | = | valid admincode2 for BD | 1.895 |
1668 | chkPostalCodeValidAdminCode2_BE | BE | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode2 for BE | 1.912 |
1669 | chkPostalCodeValidAdminCode2_BG | BG | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode2 for BG | 1.877 |
1670 | chkPostalCodeValidAdminCode2_BY | BY | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode2 for BY | 1.903 |
1671 | chkPostalCodeValidAdminCode2_CH | CH | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode2 for CH | 1.896 |
1672 | chkPostalCodeValidAdminCode2_CO | CO | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode2 for CO | 1.933 |
1673 | chkPostalCodeValidAdminCode2_CR | CR | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode2 for CR | 1.867 |
1674 | chkPostalCodeValidAdminCode2_DE | DE | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode2 for DE | 1.875 |
1675 | chkPostalCodeValidAdminCode2_DK | DK | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode2 for DK | 2.065 |
1676 | chkPostalCodeValidAdminCode2_EC | EC | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode2 for EC | 1.876 |
1677 | chkPostalCodeValidAdminCode2_EE | EE | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode2 for EE | 1.875 |
1678 | chkPostalCodeValidAdminCode2_ES | ES | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode2 for ES | 1.89 |
1679 | chkPostalCodeValidAdminCode2_FR | FR | 98 | Failure | = | = | valid admincode2 for FR | 1.881 |
1680 | chkPostalCodeValidAdminCode2_GF | GF | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode2 for GF | 1.936 |
1681 | chkPostalCodeValidAdminCode2_IT | IT | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode2 for IT | 1.89 |
1682 | chkPostalCodeValidAdminCode2_JP | JP | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode2 for JP | 1.891 |
1683 | chkPostalCodeValidAdminCode2_KR | KR | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode2 for KR | 1.869 |
1684 | chkPostalCodeValidAdminCode2_LT | LT | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode2 for LT | 1.939 |
1685 | chkPostalCodeValidAdminCode2_LU | LU | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode2 for LU | 1.929 |
1686 | chkPostalCodeValidAdminCode2_MA | MA | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode2 for MA | 2.035 |
1687 | chkPostalCodeValidAdminCode2_MQ | MQ | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode2 for MQ | 1.924 |
1688 | chkPostalCodeValidAdminCode2_MW | MW | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode2 for MW | 1.92 |
1689 | chkPostalCodeValidAdminCode2_MX | MX | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode2 for MX | 1.984 |
1690 | chkPostalCodeValidAdminCode2_NC | NC | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode2 for NC | 1.908 |
1691 | chkPostalCodeValidAdminCode2_NL | NL | 1569 | Failure | = | = | valid admincode2 for NL | 1.916 |
1692 | chkPostalCodeValidAdminCode2_NO | NO | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode2 for NO | 1.9 |
1693 | chkPostalCodeValidAdminCode2_PE | PE | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode2 for PE | 1.891 |
1694 | chkPostalCodeValidAdminCode2_PF | PF | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode2 for PF | 1.948 |
1695 | chkPostalCodeValidAdminCode2_PH | PH | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode2 for PH | 1.924 |
1696 | chkPostalCodeValidAdminCode2_PL | PL | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode2 for PL | 1.875 |
1697 | chkPostalCodeValidAdminCode2_PT | PT | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode2 for PT | 1.909 |
1698 | chkPostalCodeValidAdminCode2_SJ | SJ | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode2 for SJ | 1.942 |
1699 | chkPostalCodeValidAdminCode2_US | US | 269 | Failure | = | = | valid admincode2 for US | 1.905 |
1700 | chkPostalCodeValidAdminCode3_AT | AT | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode3 for AT | 1.971 |
1701 | chkPostalCodeValidAdminCode3_DE | DE | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode3 for DE | 1.928 |
1702 | chkPostalCodeValidAdminCode3_PL | PL | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode3 for PL | 1.878 |
1703 | chkPostalCodeValidAdminCode4_DE | DE | 0 | Success | = | = | valid admincode4 for DE | 1.963 |
1704 | chkPostalCodeAdminName1_AD | AD | 0 | Success | = | = | unique admin name1 for AD | 3.585 |
1705 | chkPostalCodeAdminName1_AT | AT | 0 | Success | = | = | unique admin name1 for AT | 1.916 |
1706 | chkPostalCodeAdminName1_AX | AX | 0 | Success | = | = | unique admin name1 for AX | 2.007 |
1707 | chkPostalCodeAdminName1_BD | BD | 0 | Success | = | = | unique admin name1 for BD | 1.928 |
1708 | chkPostalCodeAdminName1_BE | BE | 0 | Success | = | = | unique admin name1 for BE | 1.978 |
1709 | chkPostalCodeAdminName1_CA | CA | 0 | Success | = | = | unique admin name1 for CA | 1.876 |
1710 | chkPostalCodeAdminName1_CH | CH | 0 | Success | = | = | unique admin name1 for CH | 1.984 |
1711 | chkPostalCodeAdminName1_DE | DE | 0 | Success | = | = | unique admin name1 for DE | 1.965 |
1712 | chkPostalCodeAdminName1_DK | DK | 0 | Success | = | = | unique admin name1 for DK | 1.981 |
1713 | chkPostalCodeAdminName1_ES | ES | 0 | Success | = | = | unique admin name1 for ES | 1.989 |
1714 | chkPostalCodeAdminName1_FI | FI | 0 | Success | = | = | unique admin name1 for FI | 1.933 |
1715 | chkPostalCodeAdminName1_FR | FR | 0 | Success | = | = | unique admin name1 for FR | 1.912 |
1716 | chkPostalCodeAdminName1_HR | HR | 0 | Success | = | = | unique admin name1 for HR | 1.949 |
1717 | chkPostalCodeAdminName1_IN | IN | 0 | Success | = | = | unique admin name1 for IN | 1.914 |
1718 | chkPostalCodeAdminName1_IT | IT | 0 | Success | = | = | unique admin name1 for IT | 1.942 |
1719 | chkPostalCodeAdminName1_JP | JP | 0 | Success | = | = | unique admin name1 for JP | 1.967 |
1720 | chkPostalCodeAdminName1_LI | LI | 0 | Success | = | = | unique admin name1 for LI | 1.925 |
1721 | chkPostalCodeAdminName1_LU | LU | 0 | Success | = | = | unique admin name1 for LU | 1.915 |
1722 | chkPostalCodeAdminName1_MX | MX | 0 | Success | = | = | unique admin name1 for MX | 1.974 |
1723 | chkPostalCodeAdminName1_NL | NL | 0 | Success | = | = | unique admin name1 for NL | 1.958 |
1724 | chkPostalCodeAdminName1_NO | NO | 0 | Success | = | = | unique admin name1 for NO | 1.876 |
1725 | chkPostalCodeAdminName1_PL | PL | 0 | Success | = | = | unique admin name1 for PL | 1.912 |
1726 | chkPostalCodeAdminName1_PR | PR | 0 | Success | = | = | unique admin name1 for PR | 1.864 |
1727 | chkPostalCodeAdminName1_SE | SE | 0 | Success | = | = | unique admin name1 for SE | 1.938 |
1728 | chkPostalCodeAdminName1_TR | TR | 0 | Success | = | = | unique admin name1 for TR | 1.922 |
1729 | chkPostalCodeAdminName1_US | US | 0 | Success | = | = | unique admin name1 for US | 1.878 |
1730 | chkPostalCodeAdminName2_AT | AT | 0 | Success | = | = | unique admin name2 for AT | 2.714 |
1731 | chkPostalCodeAdminName2_AX | AX | 0 | Success | = | = | unique admin name2 for AX | 1.93 |
1732 | chkPostalCodeAdminName2_BD | BD | 0 | Success | = | = | unique admin name2 for BD | 1.887 |
1733 | chkPostalCodeAdminName2_BE | BE | 0 | Success | = | = | unique admin name2 for BE | 1.931 |
1734 | chkPostalCodeAdminName2_CH | CH | 0 | Success | = | = | unique admin name2 for CH | 1.887 |
1735 | chkPostalCodeAdminName2_DE | DE | 0 | Success | = | = | unique admin name2 for DE | 1.941 |
1736 | chkPostalCodeAdminName2_DK | DK | 0 | Success | = | = | unique admin name2 for DK | 1.907 |
1737 | chkPostalCodeAdminName2_ES | ES | 0 | Success | = | = | unique admin name2 for ES | 2.045 |
1738 | chkPostalCodeAdminName2_FI | FI | 0 | Success | = | = | unique admin name2 for FI | 2.029 |
1739 | chkPostalCodeAdminName2_FR | FR | 0 | Success | = | = | unique admin name2 for FR | 1.873 |
1740 | chkPostalCodeAdminName2_IT | IT | 0 | Success | = | = | unique admin name2 for IT | 1.89 |
1741 | chkPostalCodeAdminName2_JP | JP | 0 | Success | = | = | unique admin name2 for JP | 1.907 |
1742 | chkPostalCodeAdminName2_LU | LU | 0 | Success | = | = | unique admin name2 for LU | 1.915 |
1743 | chkPostalCodeAdminName2_MX | MX | 0 | Success | = | = | unique admin name2 for MX | 1.926 |
1744 | chkPostalCodeAdminName2_NL | NL | 0 | Success | = | = | unique admin name2 for NL | 1.884 |
1745 | chkPostalCodeAdminName2_NO | NO | 0 | Success | = | = | unique admin name2 for NO | 1.871 |
1746 | chkPostalCodeAdminName2_PL | PL | 0 | Success | = | = | unique admin name2 for PL | 1.88 |
1747 | chkPostalCodeAdminName2_US | US | 0 | Success | = | = | unique admin name2 for US | 1.954 |
1748 | chkPostalCodeAdminName3_AT | AT | 0 | Success | = | = | unique admin name3 for AT | 2.13 |
1749 | chkPostalCodeAdminName3_CH | CH | 0 | Success | = | = | unique admin name3 for CH | 1.904 |
1750 | chkPostalCodeAdminName3_CR | CR | 0 | Success | = | = | unique admin name3 for CR | 1.883 |
1751 | chkPostalCodeAdminName3_DE | DE | 0 | Success | = | = | unique admin name3 for DE | 1.903 |
1752 | chkPostalCodeAdminName3_ES | ES | 0 | Success | = | = | unique admin name3 for ES | 1.863 |
1753 | chkPostalCodeAdminName3_FI | FI | 0 | Success | = | = | unique admin name3 for FI | 1.861 |
1754 | chkPostalCodeAdminName3_FR | FR | 0 | Success | = | = | unique admin name3 for FR | 1.871 |
1755 | chkPostalCodeAdminName3_PL | PL | 0 | Success | = | = | unique admin name3 for PL | 1.911 |
1756 | chkPostalCodeAdminName4_DE | DE | 0 | Success | = | = | unique admin name4 for DE | 2.114 |
1757 | chkPostalCodeAdminName4_FR | FR | 0 | Success | = | = | unique admin name4 for FR | 1.905 |
1758 | chkPostalCodeAdmin1 | 37 | Failure | = | = | zip_code admin1geonameid must not be null | 2.397 | |
1759 | chkPostalCodeWithinAdm1 | 5470 | Failure | = | ![]() | postal codes within their admin codes1 bbox | 1.878 | |
1760 | chkPostalCodeWithinAdm2 | 17318 | Failure | = | ![]() | postal codes within their admin codes2 bbox | 1.876 | |
1761 | chkPostalCodeWithinAdm3 | 19584 | Failure | = | = | postal codes within their admin codes3 bbox | 1.902 | |
1762 | chkPostalCodeWithinShapeAdm1 | 13 | Failure | = | = | postal codes within their admin codes1 shape | 1.994 | |
1763 | chkPostalCodeAdmin1FeatureCode | 0 | Success | = | ![]() | admin1geonameid linked to ADM1 | 5.446 | |
1764 | chkPostalCodeAdmin2FeatureCode | 18477 | Failure | = | = | admin2geonameid linked to ADM2 | 6.745 | |
1765 | chkPostalCodeAdmin3FeatureCode | 3529 | Failure | = | ![]() | admin3geonameid linked to ADM3 | 4.631 | |
1766 | chkPostalCodeAdmin4FeatureCode | 64 | Failure | = | ![]() | admin4geonameid linked to ADM4 | 4.282 | |
1767 | chkPostalCodeAdmin1FeatureExists | 0 | Success | = | = | admin1geonameid feature exists | 4.851 | |
1768 | chkPostalCodeAdmin2FeatureExists | 187 | Failure | = | = | admin2geonameid feature exists | 5.045 | |
1769 | chkPostalCodeAdmin3FeatureExists | 4 | Failure | = | = | admin3geonameid feature exists | 3.399 | |
1770 | chkPostalCodeAdmin4FeatureExists | 0 | Success | = | = | admin4geonameid feature exists | 3.29 | |
1771 | chkPostalCodeAdmin4CodeEqGeoNameAdm4Code | 66 | Failure | = | ![]() | adm4code from zip_code same as adm4 code from geoname table | 4.344 | |
1772 | chkPostalCodeCities1000_CH | CH | 52 | Failure | = | = | cities1000 have postal code in alternatenames CH | 1.927 |
1773 | chkPostalCodeCities1000_FR | FR | 79 | Failure | = | = | cities1000 have postal code in alternatenames FR | 1.889 |
1774 | chkPostalCodeNotMatched_DE | DE | 8249 | Failure | = | = | postal codes not matched to gazetteer DE | 2.197 |
1775 | chkPostalCodeNotMatched_IT | IT | 2552 | Failure | = | = | postal codes not matched to gazetteer IT | 1.876 |
1776 | chkPostalCodePlacehullMatch_AT | AT | 837 | Failure | = | = | convex hull from addresses has geonameid | 3.483 |
1777 | chkPostalCodePlacehullMatch_AU | AU | 790 | Failure | = | = | convex hull from addresses has geonameid | 2.03 |
1778 | chkPostalCodePlacehullMatch_AX | AX | 0 | Success | = | = | convex hull from addresses has geonameid | 1.943 |
1779 | chkPostalCodePlacehullMatch_CC | CC | 0 | Success | = | = | convex hull from addresses has geonameid | 1.972 |
1780 | chkPostalCodePlacehullMatch_CH | CH | 31 | Failure | = | = | convex hull from addresses has geonameid | 2.012 |
1781 | chkPostalCodePlacehullMatch_CX | CX | 0 | Success | = | = | convex hull from addresses has geonameid | 1.909 |
1782 | chkPostalCodePlacehullMatch_DK | DK | 4 | Failure | = | = | convex hull from addresses has geonameid | 1.949 |
1783 | chkPostalCodePlacehullMatch_ES | ES | 8509 | Failure | = | ![]() | convex hull from addresses has geonameid | 2.086 |
1784 | chkPostalCodePlacehullMatch_FI | FI | 424 | Failure | = | ![]() | convex hull from addresses has geonameid | 1.909 |
1785 | chkPostalCodePlacehullMatch_FR | FR | 539 | Failure | = | = | convex hull from addresses has geonameid | 2.004 |
1786 | chkPostalCodePlacehullMatch_GF | GF | 0 | Success | = | = | convex hull from addresses has geonameid | 1.936 |
1787 | chkPostalCodePlacehullMatch_GP | GP | 0 | Success | = | = | convex hull from addresses has geonameid | 1.892 |
1788 | chkPostalCodePlacehullMatch_IS | IS | 31 | Failure | = | = | convex hull from addresses has geonameid | 1.96 |
1789 | chkPostalCodePlacehullMatch_LU | LU | 7 | Failure | = | = | convex hull from addresses has geonameid | 1.978 |
1790 | chkPostalCodePlacehullMatch_MQ | MQ | 0 | Success | = | = | convex hull from addresses has geonameid | 1.95 |
1791 | chkPostalCodePlacehullMatch_NF | NF | 0 | Success | = | = | convex hull from addresses has geonameid | 1.978 |
1792 | chkPostalCodePlacehullMatch_NL | NL | 3 | Failure | = | = | convex hull from addresses has geonameid | 1.999 |
1793 | chkPostalCodePlacehullMatch_NO | NO | 207 | Failure | = | ![]() | convex hull from addresses has geonameid | 2.295 |
1794 | chkPostalCodePlacehullMatch_PL | PL | 13322 | Failure | = | ![]() | convex hull from addresses has geonameid | 1.937 |
1795 | chkPostalCodePlacehullMatch_RE | RE | 0 | Success | = | = | convex hull from addresses has geonameid | 2.977 |
1796 | chkPostalCodePlacehullMatch_SJ | SJ | 0 | Success | = | = | convex hull from addresses has geonameid | 1.922 |
1797 | chkPostalCodePlacehullMatch_YT | YT | 0 | Success | = | = | convex hull from addresses has geonameid | 1.898 |
1798 | chkPostalCodeEqualDist_AT | AT | 0 | Success | = | = | same postalcodes must not be far away AT | 3.769 |
1799 | chkPostalCodeEqualDist_ES | ES | 34 | Failure | = | = | same postalcodes must not be far away ES | 1.953 |
1800 | chkPostalCodeEqualDist_IT | IT | 5 | Failure | = | = | same postalcodes must not be far away IT | 2.137 |
1801 | chkPostalCodeEqualDist_MX | MX | 2131 | Failure | = | = | same postalcodes must not be far away MX | 1.888 |
1802 | chkPostalCodeEqualDist_PT | PT | 0 | Success | = | = | same postalcodes must not be far away PT | 1.883 |
1803 | chkPostalCodeEqualDist_US | US | 0 | Success | = | = | same postalcodes must not be far away US | 1.912 |
1804 | chkPostalCodeAlternateName | 239 (24w) | Failure | = | = | postal codes as alternatenames must also be present in postal code table | 2.824 | |
1805 | chkPostalCodeAsAlternateName_LU | 313 | Failure | = | = | all postalcodes exist as alternatenames | 2.514 | |
1806 | chkPostalCodeAsAlternateName_DK | 560 | Failure | = | = | all postalcodes exist as alternatenames | 1.897 | |
1807 | chkPostalCodeAsAlternateName_NL | 28 | Failure | = | = | all postalcodes exist as alternatenames | 1.859 | |
1808 | chkTotalError | 255 | Failure | = | ![]() | Checks = 1808, successes=1553, failures=255, errors=0, 85% successful. | 6696.786 |